Arrests coming due to college bball kickbacks


my recollection is that FBI said files would be turned over to NCAA after the trials. i hope that has been done. I wonder if they would ever be publicly available by FOIA request?


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I predict that, thorough investigations that last months....will find no wrong-doing on the part of any program that goes to the NCAA Tournament and makes money for the NCAA. If you happen to be a program that doesn't make them money....well, out!

Mhmm. I'll believe they'll do something when I see it.


Helluva Engineer
And here we go

"One of the most significant pieces of information to emerge from the trials was a wire tap involving Kansas assistant Kurt Townsend.

On it, Townsend can be heard discussing the exact financial arrangement it would take to land then-No. 1 recruit Zion Williamson. However, that call wasn't entered into evidence in the trial.

"Any wiretap that was introduced into evidence [we can use]," Wilcox said. "It wasn't. That was leaked. We don't have access to that."

So any wiretap that wasn't admitted in court is useless. Don't see much happening since all these recordings were never admitted. Guess we'll get the death penalty soon as Kansas, Zona & even LSU all skate.:banghead:


Helluva Engineer
"One of the most significant pieces of information to emerge from the trials was a wire tap involving Kansas assistant Kurt Townsend.

On it, Townsend can be heard discussing the exact financial arrangement it would take to land then-No. 1 recruit Zion Williamson. However, that call wasn't entered into evidence in the trial.

"Any wiretap that was introduced into evidence [we can use]," Wilcox said. "It wasn't. That was leaked. We don't have access to that."

So any wiretap that wasn't admitted in court is useless. Don't see much happening since all these recordings were never admitted. Guess we'll get the death penalty soon as Kansas, Zona & even LSU all skate.:banghead:

People thought that the FBI was actually trying to clean up NCAA basketball. What happened is they gave the bad side enough press time that the NCAA can say that the FBI already handled it and that they don't have access to anything else. They FBI and the NCAA waived their hands around in the air and made the problem appear to disappear.

--Said somewhat sarcastically, but not very much sarcasm.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
So there are a couple of big pieces of news here.

First is someone with the NCAA saying there is going to be level 1 infractions handed down and that it includes 2 high profile programs - most likely two out of AZ, Kansas and L'ville imo.

Second, he clarifies what they can use and can't use -saying if the information was admitted into evidence they can use it, but it sounds like if it wasn't then even if the FBI collected evidence if it wasn't admitted into trial (and ironically most of the time the objections for it being admitted into trial were from the Government as their case rested on a jury seeing the colleges as victims) it cannot be used by the NCAA. Somewhere Will Wade is doing a happy dance since while some of the tapes of him were reported they were never entered into evidence so they cannot be used.

Third, that there is a new process that includes an infractions committee that includes people from outside the NCAA for up to 5 cases per year.

Up to five of the most serious cases annually now will be decided by an infractions committee that will now include persons outside of the NCAA. That policy goes into effect Aug. 1.
"They could be more restrictive or less restrictive," Wilcox said. "I wouldn't want to be the first institution to go through that process."

Finally, they are still working on other cases beyond the 6.

I don't think any of this has to do with GT's case since GT was not part of the FBI trial at all.

We'll see how it all turns out. Like everyone else i'm in the 'i'll believe it when I see it' camp.


"Any wiretap that was introduced into evidence [we can use]," Wilcox said. "It wasn't. That was leaked. We don't have access to that."
So any wiretap that wasn't admitted in court is useless.
Bummer, When the FBI said they would turn over files to NCAA after trials, they did not specify that it would only be things that had been entered into evidence. It's not that I don't trust the honesty of the NCAA or think they could use this as an excuse to weasel out of having to do anything, but i sure hope there's some legal eagle out there who will find out what was actually turned over and if the NCAA i s really constrained by this.


Helluva Engineer

Deleted member 2897

I see no reason why the NCAA can't just request copies of those wiretaps and other evidence. They frequently do investigations that are not criminal in nature. So there shouldn't be any argument about whether or not that wiretap was admissable in court or not - the NCAA doesn't conduct criminal trials, so it doesn't matter.

Second, if you're Charleston Southern, Hofstra, Davidson, UNC Greensboro, St. Mary's, Old Dominion, or Radford, you better wear leather underwear and keep your cheeks puckered tight. The NCAA is coming for you and will make an example of you!


Helluva Engineer
Southeast Tennessee
I see no reason why the NCAA can't just request copies of those wiretaps and other evidence. They frequently do investigations that are not criminal in nature. So there shouldn't be any argument about whether or not that wiretap was admissable in court or not - the NCAA doesn't conduct criminal trials, so it doesn't matter.

Second, if you're Charleston Southern, Hofstra, Davidson, UNC Greensboro, St. Mary's, Old Dominion, or Radford, you better wear leather underwear and keep your cheeks puckered tight. The NCAA is coming for you and will make an example of you!
The NCAA will gut Auburn and ban Bruce Pearl for another 5-10 years with another Show Cause Penalty