Anthem Protests


Helluva Engineer
I demand everyone stand right now for the national anthem.

At least he seemed sincere when he tried to sing it. I don't remember ever seeing this but thanks for sharing. Carl's effort was much better than the disgraceful effort of Rosanne Barr who was making a mockery of the National Anthem. People were furious about that farce, if I remember correctly.

IMO, the best rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner was Whitney Houston's.

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Ramblin' Wreck
They didn't die for that song. That cheapens their sacrifice.
You need to find a cause that's worth something. Don't jump on a sinking ship. Disrespecting our National Anthem and our great flag and the great men and women of all colors and religions who fought and died for them is not a worthy cause. There are plenty of worthy causes but this isn't one of them.


Helluva Engineer
I don't really care. I made a statement based on a theory I had. You got all defensive about a guy who could care less about you. I never said it was fact. I'm sorry my posts have bothered you so much that you feel the need to be defensive instead of just stating "that's your opinion".

Listen. People, including myself, go on message boards to have discussions. You made a statement based on a theory. I made a statement on why I didn't think it was a good theory. This is called a discussion. Pro-tip: If you can't handle people challenging or discussing your "theories" critically don't post them on a public message board. And if I sound bothered and defensive it might have something to do with you throwing shade at me in every response. Why attack the content of the post when you can attack the poster right? If your plan is to insult me and then go "lol sorry u so defensive bro" go back to reddit with all the other kids.

Maybe you should take your own advice next time and just say "let's agree to disagree" instead of referring to someone's conception as a mistake. It's not a good look.


Can we atleast agree to change the anthem to 'America the Beautiful' so I don't have to stand for this anti-abolitionist nonsense ...

I think you are misinterpreting those lines. It's a common misconception/ mischaracterization. Francis Scott Key was not referring to the institution of slavery in America, brought here by the Brits btw who outlawed the freeing of slaves when some colonies attempted to move in that direction.

The "slave" Keys was referring to in that line were American sailors, captured at sea by the Brits, and then pressed into service against their will on British ships.
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Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
I think you are misinterpreting those lines. It's a common misconception/ mischaracterization. Francis Scott Key was not referring to the institution of slavery in America, brought here by the Brits btw who outlawed the freeing of slaves when some colonies attempted to move in that direction.

The "slave" Keys was referring to in that line were American sailors, captured at sea by the Brits, and then pressed into service against their will on British ships.

I hear what you're saying and I don't doubt you. It just doesn't read that way to me.


Ramblin' Wreck

You can call me what you want but again I cannot respect anyone who sits on their *** during our national anthem. I won't watch it. I'll do my best to not support the companies that support these athletes, and the victim mentality that it creates is detrimental to all americans black and white.


Ramblin' Wreck
Who is complaining about efforts to change/improve the county? This is what I'm talking about as not actually listening to the other side. Heck, Trump, for all his buffoonery, campaigned with the slogan, "Make America Great Again." I love you man, but you must seriously be the only one in America who thinks Trump supporters think it's anti-American to want change/improve the country. I'm sorry, but that's just dumb.

So, rather than attacking people with whom you disagree by impugning their motives with nonsense like that, why don't you explain the legit protest. What makes America such a terrible country that it is legitimate for people to disrespect our flag and the nation for which it stands? Further the dialogue.
If nothing else, this protest has ABSOLUTELY done that. As long as black people are being shot by cops, who then face no retribution of any type, I'm ok with these protests. That flag and that song mean nothing if the Bill of Rights the country is based on dosen't apply to everyone...


Milwaukee, WI
If nothing else, this protest has ABSOLUTELY done that. As long as black people are being shot by cops, who then face no retribution of any type, I'm ok with these protests. That flag and that song mean nothing if the Bill of Rights the country is based on dosen't apply to everyone...

What about the white people that are shot by cops? I'm genuinely interested in your response.

Btw this has been a decent thread with no real flame wars, lets try to keep it open. I'm interested in how this shakes out at the game Saturday at BDS and also the NFL this Sunday so this is a thread I'd like to keep open.

Deleted member 2897

If nothing else, this protest has ABSOLUTELY done that. As long as black people are being shot by cops, who then face no retribution of any type, I'm ok with these protests. That flag and that song mean nothing if the Bill of Rights the country is based on dosen't apply to everyone...

I am not denying your post here, so please don't take this that way. I'm just replying in. But a couple interesting statistics. Black suspects are more likely to be shot by black cops than by white cops. Or said another way, a higher percentage of the shooting victims of black cops are other black people than are those of white cops. 43% of free black men in South Carolina owned slaves, 40% of those in Louisiana did. What is my point? You didn't specifically state black people being shot by white cops, and I am not directly replying to you, nor am I accusing you, so please don't take this response as directed at you. I just felt like it was worth pointing out, and this seemed like as good a spot as any to reply in - that the historical injustices inflicted upon African Americans is not a racial thing from white people alone. They have taken this multi-generational abuse from all sides. Although obviously by the numbers, there are significantly more what people than black. But the percentages make for interesting points to study. Hell, even Indian Americans owned slaves.


If nothing else, this protest has ABSOLUTELY done that. As long as black people are being shot by cops, who then face no retribution of any type, I'm ok with these protests. That flag and that song mean nothing if the Bill of Rights the country is based on dosen't apply to everyone...

According to the Washington Post there have been 730 officer involved fatality shootings in 2017. I believe 9 of those 730 involved unarmed black males, one was an unarmed black female. I don't currently have the details of those 9 incidents.

Please cite or link any info or data you have to shed any light to affirm which, if any of these incidents, were or were not justifiable uses of deadly force.

Or are you implying all officer involved shootings of minorities are due to racism? Does this also apply to black officers shooting black subjects?
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Ramblin' Wreck
What about the white people that are shot by cops? I'm genuinely interested in your response.

Btw this has been a decent thread with no real flame wars, lets try to keep it open. I'm interested in how this shakes out at the game Saturday at BDS and also the NFL this Sunday so this is a thread I'd like to keep open.
To me, honestly, the difference is lack of consequence. I don't hate cops. At all. One of my best friends is LEO. But we as citizens place a certain amount of trust above what we would give the average citizen because of the training and vetting these men have gone through. If they can't restrain from shooting suspects that pose no threat, ie Philando Castle, they should at the very least be subject to the same penalties as if any of us had just walked up to that kid and shot him in front of his wife and kid. If they can't show a level of discernment that reflects their training, they should suffer the same fate that we would. And I believe the grievance most (including myself) have with the officer involved shootings of PoC isn't about the total number. I wholeheartedly concede that more white people get shot by cops every year than blacks. It's both the historically disproportionate number of people shot AND the lack of any accountability from law enforcement when such shootings occur.