Why don't you talk to several women for their views? Because there are several reasons. I don't have an opinion on Gotsis at all -- the courts will sort it out -- but I have talked to rape victims. In terms of how women react there is a difference in the out-and-out sexual assault and sexual assault by an acquaintance, and "date rape" is far more common than acknowledged . There is hesitance, believe it or not some guilt may be associated ("did I encourage it?"), uncertainty as to reaction from friends, distrust of cops who all too often even in 2018 may have a first reaction of "She asked for it", a reluctance to have her previous sexual history explored -- in terms of sex America is still very much a chauvinistic society, "boys will be boys but girls better be chaste" -- and maybe the one, overriding fear-driven reason: the absolute terror of being on a witness stand, or giving a deposition, and having a bull terrier of a defense lawyer shred their reputations while demanding public exploration of every sexual encounter beginning with their teen years, because his sole responsibility is not to the truth -- that is for the prosecution -- but to his client. Imagine returning to your job or family after enduring that. It is not a pretty picture of our justice system, but there it is, and it takes an exceptional judge to control the courtroom and the interrogation. And frankly, we ain't got many exceptional judges. I will give you a pass on the equivalency of a petty thief and a rapist, because you probably want that part back.