Adam Gotsis arrested

Blumpkin Souffle

Bidly Biddington III
Please explain how your hypothetical scenario is at all likely.
March Madness>Replying to keyboard warriors on the internet

For starters, I said it is possible not that it is likely a rape kit was done at the time of the alleged incident. I provided a source that backed up my claim, whereas you have only provided wild speculation of the accuser's motive and anecdotal evidence from your friend. Yes false accusations happen(Duke lacrosse, UVA, etc), and I hope that's the case for Adam. The point of my post was that I doubt they would proceed with charges if they didn't at least have some evidence.

I hope you never get put in a situation where one of your daughters open up to you years after the event...doubt you would respond in the same way.


March Madness>Replying to keyboard warriors on the internet

For starters, I said it is possible not that it is likely a rape kit was done at the time of the alleged incident. I provided a source that backed up my claim, whereas you have only provided wild speculation of the accuser's motive and anecdotal evidence from your friend. Yes false accusations happen(Duke lacrosse, UVA, etc), and I hope that's the case for Adam. The point of my post was that I doubt they would proceed with charges if they didn't at least have some evidence.

I hope you never get put in a situation where one of your daughters open up to you years after the event...doubt you would respond in the same way.

Lol what is an internet warrior? Someone who plays Ghost Recon online?

The point of your original post I responded to was that the accuser may have undergone a sex assault exam from a SANE five years ago. Now you attempt to change that point to another.

It's possible there was a rape kit done at the time and only now is it tied to Adam because she is pressing charges. This site gives a little more info

You inserted a quote from the article which seemed to imply your hypothesis might be likely. To which I gave my opinion of that below. v

Incredibly unlikely.

Then you got a little triggered and replied with v

Oh right, I forgot you’ve watched a lot of Law & Order SVU and are an expert.

For the record I have not spoken at all to his accuser’s motivations or actions. What I spoke to was a fairly common occurrence of unfounded accusations in other instances.

The anecdotal info I shared comes from not a single friend with SVU experience but several. And it’s not my sole knowledge of same but their experience in these instances far outweighs my own which is why I chose to share that primarily.

You still haven’t shared how your hypothesis is likely. Possible covers a wide range from unbelievably unlikely to almost certain. Do you care to clarify how likely you believe your hypothesis to be since you took so much exception to my assertion it is highly unlikely?

Feel free to agree, disagree, disregard, or ignore

As for your “well wishes” for my daughters. They are not needed.

Enjoy March Madness bumpkin. (y)


Georgia Tech Fan
There’s practically no downside to accusing someone who can afford an expensive lawyer to vigorously paint the accuser as a liar?
Maybe if you already have absolutely nothing to lose. And if the case is a criminal prosecution, it’s for jail time and not for money.
Looking at this thread, I’ve seen one person say “wait a second, this looks bad” and most of the responses have been that these things typically get faked. Not much “let’s wait and see” or other cautious comments.
It’s rare to get arrested on a rape charge. After 5 years, probably rarer. That’s not a good sign.
Women, including women on this forum, get to see us saying “a lot of women make up fake rape charges”. They already have to deal with the idea that no one will believe them, and we’re proving them right in this thread.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Just want to thank you for your contributions to this thread. I read a thread on this topic on StingTalk and was disgusted (as usual) at the callousness of most of the responses. I expected better here on GTSwarm, but I was disappointed to see lots of the same "this is probably just extortion" takes as I saw on ST.

I'm a very close friend of a woman who took multiple years to report her case to police, for many of the reasons you stated. I hate seeing comments like these.

Well, when you have something like 30 players arrested in the last several years and a graduation rate that is second to last in P5, its normal human nature to assume its more of the same.

When you have a school that is massively more on the straight and narrow like us, its also human nature to make logical assumptions.

Then by that logic, why are you so quick to assume that a Tech alumna is making all this up for whatever unscrupulous reason? Are you inclined to believe the men on our football team are of greater integrity than the rest of the student body?

Deleted member 2897

Just want to thank you for your contributions to this thread. I read a thread on this topic on StingTalk and was disgusted (as usual) at the callousness of most of the responses. I expected better here on GTSwarm, but I was disappointed to see lots of the same "this is probably just extortion" takes as I saw on ST.

I'm a very close friend of a woman who took multiple years to report her case to police, for many of the reasons you stated. I hate seeing comments like these.

Then by that logic, why are you so quick to assume that a Tech alumna is making all this up for whatever unscrupulous reason? Are you inclined to believe the men on our football team are of greater integrity than the rest of the student body?

Speaking of callous, its pretty callous to put words into other people’s mouths.



This case is a bit unusual. 5 years after the fact is very hard to prove whether legitimate allegation or not. A lot of false allegations do occur, some big ones in sports have occurred and have proven false.

I don’t want to rush to judgment and either dismiss the accuser out of hand due to the above or convict the accused in the court of public opinion simply because he has been accused.

The fact that Gotsis was arrested is not good for him. Enough evidence was obtained to lead a cop to submit a warrant and for a judge to sign off on it.

That means there is probably either good PC for the charge or the case has been mishandled.

I wouldn’t want to be in Gotsis’ shoes. But it’s foolish to make a judgment pre-trial either way.


Helluva Engineer
I'm a very close friend of a woman who took multiple years to report her case to police, for many of the reasons you stated. I hate seeing comments like these.
Explain to me again why anyone would wait 5 years to press charges for rape and not come forward immediately? It genuinely confuses seems illogical beyond words.

If someone stole something from me I cannot imagine waiting 5 years to bring forward an accusation under any circumstances. What changes now that makes her feel it is OK now to come forward when it wasn't OK 5 years ago? I am genuinely baffled by this type of behavior.


Here is what we know!!! (Everything else is speculation)

1. Gotsis is accused of overcoming the will of a 25-year-old woman on March 9, 2013, in Atlanta (She is now 30 years old) Adam would have been 20 years old at the time (he is now 25)

2. “Adam first learned of these shocking accusations last month,” Gotsis’ attorney, Sara Becker of the law firm Arora & LaScala, LLC, said in a statement. “We immediately reached out to law enforcement and have proactively cooperated with all aspects of the investigation while maintaining communication with the team.”

3. A special unit within the Fulton County District Attorney’s office (The Crimes Against Women and Children unit) will decide whether to formally charge Broncos defensive end Adam Gotsis with rape or any other crime.

4. Gotsis’ attorney Sara Becker, of Atlanta, has previously said Gotsis is innocent.

5. Adam Gotsis net worth in 2013 as a Student Athlete ???? His current NFL contract is worth 3.9M which he has been paid $2.1M

You connect the dots (Time for speculation)............. or wait for word from the Fulton County District Attorney!





I hate to say it, but even if Adam is not formally charged criminally I am almost certain that this accuser/victim could bring on a civil case and seek restitution for the night in question.

Reading between the lines and speculating it appears that the two left the party together after drinking.... It appears they had sex... Now it appears that maybe the accuser/victim either told him NO or she was drunk and the next morning or sometime between 9 March 2013 until Feb 2018 she thought to herself that she did not give consent...

It would be interesting to see if there was any email/txt communication between the two after 9 March 2013, If there was not it would seem that Adam is an Honest Lad and maybe thought everything was fine from the 9 March 2013 "One night Stand" and is why is has been cooperating instead of just saying I have no clue who that women is... Or maybe the accuser/victim reached out to Adam one month ago and demanded hush money and Adam informed the police.... Who knows how Adam learned of the isse 1 month ago, but it appears that the two have very different memories of the night...

I honestly feel bad for the guy.... To me it smells like she may want some sort of compensation but if she was really attacked and brutally raped and she said NO.....
maybe the trauma of the event is the reason why it has taken so long... either way of the outcome of the criminal investigation she will seek restitution via Civil and I think Adam will have to pay as the "9 March 2013" night has left her traumatized. Tough lesson for Adam to learn, and I hope the GTAA uses this as an example to current and future SA of being held accountable for your actions even after you leave Tech.

On a side note does anyone think that the Austin boy will bring Assault charges on Step Durham if he gets drafted and signs a multi year deal?
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One more side note...

If the accused/victim has years worth of counseling for trauma caused and the bills from those sessions that will be the nail in the coffin as far as the civil case and restitution goes... It may also be enough for the criminal case... no rape kite may be required in this metoo climate.

If there has been zero therapy then that would bode well for Adam


Helluva Engineer
Explain to me again why anyone would wait 5 years to press charges for rape and not come forward immediately? It genuinely confuses seems illogical beyond words.

If someone stole something from me I cannot imagine waiting 5 years to bring forward an accusation under any circumstances. What changes now that makes her feel it is OK now to come forward when it wasn't OK 5 years ago? I am genuinely baffled by this type of behavior.
Why don't you talk to several women for their views? Because there are several reasons. I don't have an opinion on Gotsis at all -- the courts will sort it out -- but I have talked to rape victims. In terms of how women react there is a difference in the out-and-out sexual assault and sexual assault by an acquaintance, and "date rape" is far more common than acknowledged . There is hesitance, believe it or not some guilt may be associated ("did I encourage it?"), uncertainty as to reaction from friends, distrust of cops who all too often even in 2018 may have a first reaction of "She asked for it", a reluctance to have her previous sexual history explored -- in terms of sex America is still very much a chauvinistic society, "boys will be boys but girls better be chaste" -- and maybe the one, overriding fear-driven reason: the absolute terror of being on a witness stand, or giving a deposition, and having a bull terrier of a defense lawyer shred their reputations while demanding public exploration of every sexual encounter beginning with their teen years, because his sole responsibility is not to the truth -- that is for the prosecution -- but to his client. Imagine returning to your job or family after enduring that. It is not a pretty picture of our justice system, but there it is, and it takes an exceptional judge to control the courtroom and the interrogation. And frankly, we ain't got many exceptional judges. I will give you a pass on the equivalency of a petty thief and a rapist, because you probably want that part back.


One more side note...

If the accused/victim has years worth of counseling for trauma caused and the bills from those sessions that will be the nail in the coffin as far as the civil case and restitution goes... It may also be enough for the criminal case... no rape kite may be required in this metoo climate.

If there has been zero therapy then that would bode well for Adam

IMO none of that would be of much evidentiary value unless those records are dated and authenticated as 4-5 year old documents and also name him as the assailant specifically.


Helluva Engineer
Why don't you talk to several women for their views?
Actually, I did that before I posted, but thanks for the suggestion. My wife was also victim of a sexual assault so I certainly have a point of view on this. One that might even surpass yours. While the issues you raise are discussable. Yet, none of the women I asked could fathom why it would be easier to deal with those same issues 5 years later.

My question was a genuine one...not a judgement. I have no idea (and neither do you) who is right or not in this situation. But nothing in your answer helps me...or my wife...understand why dealing with those issues 5 years later makes sense. There may well be solid reasons. But I am wondering about that.


Helluva Engineer
I hate to say it, but even if Adam is not formally charged criminally I am almost certain that this accuser/victim could bring on a civil case and seek restitution for the night in question.

Reading between the lines and speculating it appears that the two left the party together after drinking.... It appears they had sex... Now it appears that maybe the accuser/victim either told him NO or she was drunk and the next morning or sometime between 9 March 2013 until Feb 2018 she thought to herself that she did not give consent...

This is one thing I’ve always been unclear a situation where two people are drinking together and then hook up, if one feels after the fact that they didn’t give consent because they were too drunk how can they possibly bring charges against the other who very well may have also been too drunk to consent but doesn’t feel bad about it? I’m not saying I know that’s what happened here (because there’s literally only two people in the world who do know), but it’s definitely something that happens all too often on college campuses that I’ve never really seen addressed in a non-judgemental way.

Deleted member 2897

This is one thing I’ve always been unclear a situation where two people are drinking together and then hook up, if one feels after the fact that they didn’t give consent because they were too drunk how can they possibly bring charges against the other who very well may have also been too drunk to consent but doesn’t feel bad about it? I’m not saying I know that’s what happened here (because there’s literally only two people in the world who do know), but it’s definitely something that happens all too often on college campuses that I’ve never really seen addressed in a non-judgemental way.

I know kids will be kids...but there are literally dozens of reasons to not get drunk and hook up. Sex assault allegations, pregnancy risk, STDs, etc. etc. If you never have sex with anybody other than your husband or wife, life is a lot less complicated.


Helluva Engineer
I know kids will be kids...but there are literally dozens of reasons to not get drunk and hook up. Sex assault allegations, pregnancy risk, STDs, etc. etc. If you never have sex with anybody other than your husband or wife, life is a lot less complicated.

That isnt entirely true either. In the current climate. Rape allegations in divorce proceedings are common.