ACC Standings


Helluva Engineer
Another power ranking (Tech rises from #13 to #8):

"Georgia Tech appeared to be falling to 2-4 after a hard-fought game against Miami, but thanks to some poor decision-making by Mario Cristobal, the Yellow Jackets scored with one second left and escaped Miami with one of the most improbable wins in college football history. It says a lot about Brent Key and his team that they were able to move past the loss to Bowling Green and pull a big upset on the road."


Ramblin' Wreck
Evergreen, CO
I want one or two ACC teams in the CFP, and I want us to win out. I’d like as many top 25 teams as the conference can get after those two things happen.
I’d like Miami to tenderize Clemson and UNC for us—whatever can help us win
Agreed - unless it's FSU. With the shenanigans they pulled this year (putting themselves ahead of the conference), I will continue to cheer for any team in any conference against them - excepting those people from Athens.

(Clemson and UNC also are on my list.)

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Years of watching SEC homerism has made me want every ACC team to do as well as possible. Unless we are playing them, or a loss by them to someone else specifically helps us, I want them to go undefeated and win the National Championship. I want at least two ACC teams in the playoffs and preferably playing each other for the championship. Watching the SEC self promote for years, pull for each other in out of conference games, and pull off self fulfilling rankings by talking their way into high preseason rankings, has made me stubbornly chauvinistic about the ACC.

I am stubborn about this. It’s the only way to elevate Tech safely, since we have seen in the past that even an undefeated regular season doesn’t guarantee we will be given any respect.


Jolly Good Fellow
Pittsburgh, PA
Agreed - unless it's FSU. With the shenanigans they pulled this year (putting themselves ahead of the conference), I will continue to cheer for any team in any conference against them - excepting those people from Athens.

(Clemson and UNC also are on my list.)
I personally have always had an affinity for Clemson (because it's at least somewhat respectable academically in comparison to USC) and UNC (because of my hate for Christian Laettner/Coach K/Duke), but I 100% agree with you about FSU. Before this season, I decided to actively root against them in every game they played. Their fans suck, it's a joke of a school, and they don't care about the health of our conference. Screw 'em.


Helluva Engineer
I personally have always had an affinity for Clemson (because it's at least somewhat respectable academically in comparison to USC) and UNC (because of my hate for Christian Laettner/Coach K/Duke), but I 100% agree with you about FSU. Before this season, I decided to actively root against them in every game they played. Their fans suck, it's a joke of a school, and they don't care about the health of our conference. Screw 'em.
The ACC’s own leadership doesn’t care about the health of the ACC. This conference was created for and has catered to a very few schools in the state of North Carolina. That’s it. It will die the minute the GOR is over (one way or the other). If GT suffers because of that then so be it for putting ourselves in that position. For GT fans losing their mind over a school who actually wants to do better than this joke of a conference is just comical since we are the same fanbase who gladly accepted our so called saint pulling us out of the SEC because of his feelings. Just because FSU understands business better than GT doesn’t make them bad. 8 just hope we have better businessmen running GT today than when we left the SEC or passed on the BIG.


Ramblin' Wreck
If FSU "understands business" so well why are they sabotaging the reputation of the conference they seem to be stuck in by being loud whiny brats instead of just quietly working behind the scenes? So far their business acumen hasn't found them any fancy lawyer tricks to actually get out, and their whiny brat persona hasn't resulted in anyone saying "oh just let them go" either. There's been no cutthroat master stroke... there's just been impotent whining. No surprise that that rubs people the wrong way.

If FSU thinks they can put a quality football team on the field then they stand to benefit over the next five to ten years if the conference has a better rep than the Big 12.


Jolly Good Fellow
Pittsburgh, PA
The ACC’s own leadership doesn’t care about the health of the ACC. This conference was created for and has catered to a very few schools in the state of North Carolina. That’s it. It will die the minute the GOR is over (one way or the other). If GT suffers because of that then so be it for putting ourselves in that position. For GT fans losing their mind over a school who actually wants to do better than this joke of a conference is just comical since we are the same fanbase who gladly accepted our so called saint pulling us out of the SEC because of his feelings. Just because FSU understands business better than GT doesn’t make them bad. 8 just hope we have better businessmen running GT today than when we left the SEC or passed on the BIG.
I totally disagree with your premise — I think FSU has totally shot itself in the foot. The SEC won't take (and doesn't want) them because Florida won't allow it, and I highly doubt FSU wants to be a second-tier team behind USC, OSU, Michigan, Penn State, etc. That leaves them with the ACC. And rather than realizing that being in the ACC affords them the best path to the playoff and allows them to be a "top dog" in the conference (though their play in recent seasons hasn't looked the part), they decided to publicly rip on the ACC, which will hurt revenue. So no, I don't really think FSU "understands business better". They're just arrogant, pompous idiots who are willing to drag everyone else down with them even if it is to their own detriment.


Staff member
A write up on “what we learned” about every ACC team last week:

It was complimentary about us, but hedged that they still aren’t sure if we’re more like the team that beat Miami or the team that lost to Bowling Green.

About our upcoming opponent—UNC—it’s complimentary of their defense. They shut down a really good QB in Syracuse’s Garrett Shrader. Bye is next, then BC, then UNC. Against BC, we need to contain their QB. Against UNC, they’ll try to take away King, so we need something else.

BC was lucky to beat Army, but they won. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good. BC’s QB can run.

Syracuse is in trouble. They have a brutal stretch ahead.

UVA can run the ball. It’ll be a really important game for us.

VT doesn’t quit. They battled back against FSU. They had a 99 yard kickoff return. They have some talent. FSU still crushed them.

FSU is on top of the conference, and not playing as good as their players. They’re loaded.

Wake needs a QB.

NCST—they came back against a good Marshall defense.

Louisville is good. Still, I wish we had another shot at them.

Clemson—they can beat Wake. They have talent. Their offense is discombobulated. They have a running back that keeps them in games.

Duke is as good as their QB. Riley Leonard is good when healthy, but Notre Dame turned Riley’s ankle at the end of their last game. It’s questionable whether he’ll be back next week against NCST.
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Helluva Engineer
I totally disagree with your premise — I think FSU has totally shot itself in the foot. The SEC won't take (and doesn't want) them because Florida won't allow it, and I highly doubt FSU wants to be a second-tier team behind USC, OSU, Michigan, Penn State, etc. That leaves them with the ACC. And rather than realizing that being in the ACC affords them the best path to the playoff and allows them to be a "top dog" in the conference (though their play in recent seasons hasn't looked the part), they decided to publicly rip on the ACC, which will hurt revenue. So no, I don't really think FSU "understands business better". They're just arrogant, pompous idiots who are willing to drag everyone else down with them even if it is to their own detriment.
With everything being about money these days, I'm not sure the SEC will still allow UF or SC to block an instate rival from joining the conference, especially since playing "What have you done for me lately?" SC and UF haven't done anything to boost the conference. Also FSU would happily go to the BIG, that's why they've been trying to gain AAU status.

100% agree that FSU are arrogant pompous idiots throwing a temper tantrum


Helluva Engineer
With everything being about money these days, I'm not sure the SEC will still allow UF or SC to block an instate rival from joining the conference, especially since playing "What have you done for me lately?" SC and UF haven't done anything to boost the conference. Also FSU would happily go to the BIG, that's why they've been trying to gain AAU status.

100% agree that FSU are arrogant pompous idiots throwing a temper tantrum
I can’t fathom how adding two teams will add money to the conference. Texas was a no brainer, but FSU and Clemson. They have a presence in both states.


Helluva Engineer
I can’t fathom how adding two teams will add money to the conference. Texas was a no brainer, but FSU and Clemson. They have a presence in both states.
It’s about game ratings, Clemson or FSU against most of the SEC will generate really good rating, they can use that to increase ad revenue, I imagine that CU and Fsu would join the SEc for a reduced rate (Maybe the same as they get now from the ACC) until the next contract negotiation


Ramblin' Wreck
A&M couldn’t block Texas so it definitely seems open for the SEC to double down in other large states too…

I don’t think Clemson has the brand that FSU has, though, to make it worth the SEC’s while.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
A&M couldn’t block Texas so it definitely seems open for the SEC to double down in other large states too…

I don’t think Clemson has the brand that FSU has, though, to make it worth the SEC’s while.
Well, we are all arguing different parts of the puzzle.

Here’s my opinion. If you are talking brand then Clemson is pretty big on the national stage. Just behind Alabama and Ohio State. But, even though they are consistently better than U of South Carolina, the state itself is not a recruiting hotbed like Florida. So they don’t bring much to the conference other than brand and eyeballs. South Carolina might successfully block them but that’s not clear.

FSU, on the other hand, is the whole package. They sit in a recruiting hotbed, have a national following and brand, and have deep enough financial pockets so that they don’t have to have a full slice of the pie immediately upon joining. Plus, ever since they beat Auburn for the National Championship, SEC talking heads have consistently referred to them as an “SEC type team.” Florida may not be able to stop this juggernaut if FSU wants in and the conference is ready to expand.

What both FSU and Clemson bring is regular bowl appearances which the SEC seems to covet.


Ramblin' Wreck
I dunno, I don’t know that Clemson’s run was big enough/long enough/flashy enough to have lasting brand value in three or four years if they fall back just to “very good” status.


Helluva Engineer
I dunno, I don’t know that Clemson’s run was big enough/long enough/flashy enough to have lasting brand value in three or four years if they fall back just to “very good” status.
They will get ride of Dabo soon if things don‘t change, Clemson’s next coach is going to be critical in determining if they become a national blue-chip brand, fall back to the mean or pull a Tennessee, fsu etc and wander in the wilderness for awhile.