Three sample sets: mine (1971-76), a former intern's (graduated 2010), and the conversations I had during a campus recruiting trip in 2015.
Conclusions: Tech is hard, always has been, but in different ways than before. If anything, it's more stressful now than the 70s because the students are better prepared now and the nature of things is more entrepreneurial than back then. Tech has changed; it had to. In the 70s, Ma Tech produced good engineers and managers for corporate America. Now, Buzz is a research powerhouse who has to produce graduates better prepared to make a go of it on their own.
During a campus visit as a high school senior, I talked to a ChE grad student who said, "School is so demanding now, I don't see how you guys do it. I'm amazed." Forty years later, I said the same things to the kids I interviewed. 'I got out', was a badge of honor then, and it still is. If kids don't get that, they may not belong at Tech. And if the bottomfeeders of the academic netherworld use 'I got out' to negative recruit, it says more about them than it does about us.