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  1. dressedcheeseside

    Best way to contact da coach?

    You might try the grocery store where he's always stocking up on "juice"!
  2. dressedcheeseside

    AJC Article - Parker Braun explains his rationale for transferring

    You can take it anyway you want there’s nobody stopping you.
  3. dressedcheeseside

    Collins embraces outgoing seniors...

    You do realize why that play worked, right?
  4. dressedcheeseside

    AJC Article - Parker Braun explains his rationale for transferring

    Classy guy... loves GT... doesn’t want to give the school he loves a black eye. Who knows... He did say multiple reasons...
  5. dressedcheeseside

    Nick Starkel

    Yeah, a hobbit at qb, yeah right. ;)
  6. dressedcheeseside

    Anybody know what these are?

    I agree. Heart issues. But typical SA injuries to the lower body that cause the majority of missed time... Are these devices going to be useful in preventing those? Shoulder injuries in linemen??? Please tell me they'll help prevent those.
  7. dressedcheeseside

    AJC Article - Parker Braun explains his rationale for transferring

    Any system can be corrupted. Unfortunately we’re not in the driver seat to do that. Besides, I don’t think their new engineering degrees have helped their football program very much.
  8. dressedcheeseside

    Anybody know what these are?

    So what kind of injuries can they head off by looking at data? I imagine extreme heart rates would red flag a break, but other than that I’m not sure what.
  9. dressedcheeseside

    AJC Article - Parker Braun explains his rationale for transferring

    It’s a needs issue. It’s the needs of the state that matter, not the needs of the institution. Is there a need for this degree for the people of Georgia, if there is, is it met by other universities? It’s that way for any degree program consideration. The tail doesn’t wag the dog fellas.
  10. crut

    Anybody know what these are?

    Anyone know what these are?
  11. dressedcheeseside

    GT’s consensus All-American, 1970 ...

    Looks a little greener than regular mustard to me.
  12. dressedcheeseside

    Clemson vs Georgia Tech ...

    The play starts at 1:39 and was an option pitch read by the qb. The lead block by the fullback was devastating and likely a penalty by today's standards.
  13. dressedcheeseside

    Former Temple QB on new Tech OC Dave Patenaude

    How do we take advantage of our qb's wheels?
  14. dressedcheeseside

    Running Backs

    Nesbitt 2.0 I’m hoping!
  15. dressedcheeseside

    White Helmet Change?

    Best. Uni. Ever.
  16. dressedcheeseside

    Coach Thacker Lays Down a Jam (Offseason Workout Video)

    One thing that impresses me about Collins is that he said in an interview there is a fine line between having fun and being silly. So he knows there’s a line that can be crossed and you still have to get the work done. This helps belay my fears a little about having an FSU type fiasco.
  17. dressedcheeseside

    Running Backs

    I disagree. We have a stable of good young qb prospects. It is the one position battle that has me "juiced" for spring. I'd be surprised if Yates wins it. The OL has me much more worried than qb. But then a crappy OL can make any qb look horrid. ('15)