The great thing about being a Ramblin Wreck is the universality of our brotherhood. Anyone who can hack it is a member. Management (lately business) majors who struggle with Shocks for Jocks to CS majors who struggle with weekly bathing, even the meanest of these shall be my brother. The simple and irrefutable reason is that we choose to disdain the wide and easy path (which leadeth surely to Athens) and all who get the Shaft must stick together. Shall I then cleave to the incredibly annoying hipster Industrial Design guy who won't shut up about how unique his music is, but cast out the football player because he doesn't get results?
No. Because this is Georgia Tech, and we are a school. The only condition to be a Tech man is that you must pass. To consider elsewise would be to tear ourselves apart with our own hands.
Now, if we had a special "ok, get off the football team, but we keep our word" fund to convert bad picks to nonathletic scholarships, well, I guess that would be ok.