Where We Stand (PPDvPwr5 edition)

The NFL is running their QBs more than ever. Lamar, Josh Allen, Kyler Murray are three top tier guys that run a lot.
I think Sims needs to watch more film of those types of guys(especially Allen, who Sims favors physically) and how they avoid getting blown up. Have to live to fight another day.
I also think we had issues with the zone read with certain backs in that liked to clamp down on what should be the QBs ball, which would make me call the play less if I was OC.
I think we will see him run a good bit this season.
So Simms was interviewed and asked about him running. he said he wanted to run the ball a lot but CDP told him to stop running it. This is back to turn him into pocket passer....aka NFL... Simms is a duel threat OPTION QB


Helluva Engineer
So Simms was interviewed and asked about him running. he said he wanted to run the ball a lot but CDP told him to stop running it. This is back to turn him into pocket passer....aka NFL... Simms is a duel threat OPTION QB
At one point we had one backup QB. Look at some of the highlights of his runs, he gets lit up in quite a few, especially vs Pitt.
DP telling him to run it less last year, doesn’t mean he wants him to run less indefinitely.
There’s also something to be said for keeping your eyes downfield. Sometimes running isn’t the best option.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I agree that Johnson came in and got his offense humming pretty quickly. I wish he would have maintained that fire. But his offense after a decade went from the option to the QB keeper offense with no threat of the downfield pass by Marshall and Oliver. I loved Johnson’s offense from his Southern days and the early GT years, but its on him that he never evolved and couldn’t recruit QB’s consistently.

I appreciate the power of narrative, but let's be clear. Our offense was #11 in the country in scoring efficiency (PPDvPwr5) in CPJ's last year.

He designed and called his offense based on what his players could do.

But, I'm sorry that I let you incite me into old debates.

We will def use Sims in the run game. RPOs are a big part of CDP's O.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
So Simms was interviewed and asked about him running. he said he wanted to run the ball a lot but CDP told him to stop running it. This is back to turn him into pocket passer....aka NFL... Simms is a duel threat OPTION QB
I think this is more "you're a QB first, go through your progressions before you bail out and run." He was a true freshman (and will be again), so there's a ton for him to still learn. If his first instinct is to pull the ball down and run when his first or second read isn't there, then I might, as the OC, tell him the same thing. It's about context, and I'm not sure your comment reflects that.


Helluva Engineer
We definitely should be using Sims in the running game a lot. But we won’t. Here’s why- it’s called the NFL. Our staff will try to put a square peg in a round whole with Sims. They will try and make him a pocket passer/progression QB. From what I’ve seen so far that’s a tall task. He’s a natural athlete who needs to play off instinct. In college ball that leads to big plays and wins. But since every player sees the NFL in their future they see college football as a stepping stone and now the college coaches are playing along.
Prescott is a perennial all pro QB. They said the same thing about him. I think any QB who wins - no matter how he plays - will get a chance in th pros. If I were Sims I'd be lobbying to run more so I could compete with the new breed.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
This is an interesting time to make this argument as the NFL is now embracing more dynamic playmakers over the traditional pocket passers of the day. But I'll bite.

Sims averaged about 12 carries a game last year, with NC State (17) and UCF (16) being the highs. Duke was the best performance on the ground (12 for 108), but Louisville was the highest average per carry with only 7 carries (also Sims highest rated performance as a passer). Better defenses (Clemson, Notre Dame, Pitt) completely shut down the QB run game.

Are you saying you want Sims getting 20+ carries a game? That's almost 25% of the offensive snaps. And are you advocating taking those carries away from our stable of talented backs (Gibbs, Mason, Smith, Griffin)? The QB should be the point guard in the offense and distribute the ball to the play makers.
Interesting. I just watched a replay of the 2020 Pitt game. In the first quarter, behind 3-0 we drove 90 plus yards using over 4 minutes of the clock with the highlight being a long pass from Sims to Jalen Camp on what looked to be a double move of some sort down the middle. Beautifully thrown pass and catch to the two yard line. Somehow, Mason got stuffed and we ended up with 4th and goal from the two yard line. Sims took the ball wide on a run/pass option came back inside made two guys miss with the obligatory shake and bake and ran through an arm tackle for the touchdown. Impressive but what followed was not impressive. We got the ball again deep in our own territory and before you can say "Trevor Lawrence" it was three and out. This is a pattern that happened all too often. Flashes of promise and brilliance followed by longer stretches of three and outs and turnovers at critical moments. IIWII for the moment anyway.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
So Simms was interviewed and asked about him running. he said he wanted to run the ball a lot but CDP told him to stop running it. This is back to turn him into pocket passer....aka NFL... Simms is a duel threat OPTION QB
The restrictions were understandable with Simms getting lit up as he was from time to time but once you took away the running, that offense became the old "chuck and duck" behind that offensive line.


The restrictions were understandable with Simms getting lit up as he was from time to time but once you took away the running, that offense became the old "chuck and duck" behind that offensive line.
That’s what’s frustrating. With the players we got your garden variety ACC team should never be able to take away our running game except for the top 4-5 national title contenders every year. Teams like Pitt we should chew up & spit out like a piece of bad meat. Simms should have that extra time in the pocket they use to defend the run to be able to make better decisions. Instead, we neutralize our run threat with bad strategy and instead of learning from our mistakes early we just keep repeating the same failing cycle. Damn we’re an Engineering school. We’re not supposed to keep hitting the reset button over & over again expecting a different result like the morons up the road.


Helluva Engineer
I appreciate the power of narrative, but let's be clear. Our offense was #11 in the country in scoring efficiency (PPDvPwr5) in CPJ's last year.

He designed and called his offense based on what his players could do.

But, I'm sorry that I let you incite me into old debates.

We will def use Sims in the run game. RPOs are a big part of CDP's O.
And what did that so called efficiency get us? He was the head coach not offensive coordinator . Do I really need to go over how his tenure ended? I get it, he was great at abusing lower tier teams and teams not prepared. But the teams who actually had a pulse abused his offense the last several years of his tenure. I loved CPJ, but he didn’t evolve his system in either philosophy or due to rule changes. That’s on him. I truly believe if he wouldn’t have evolved his system he could have gotten hired by a factory and showed everyone how smart he was. But he got old and immoveable.


Helluva Engineer
That’s what’s frustrating. With the players we got your garden variety ACC team should never be able to take away our running game except for the top 4-5 national title contenders every year. Teams like Pitt we should chew up & spit out like a piece of bad meat. Simms should have that extra time in the pocket they use to defend the run to be able to make better decisions. Instead, we neutralize our run threat with bad strategy and instead of learning from our mistakes early we just keep repeating the same failing cycle. Damn we’re an Engineering school. We’re not supposed to keep hitting the reset button over & over again expecting a different result like the morons up the road.
I think it’s coming where we take that next step back into the 2nd tier of teams behind the factories, but we will only go where the offensive line takes us. We all hope it starts in year 3, but I’m not optimistic. Other teams have programs that are just many years ahead of ours right now in terms of quality depth along the lines. Collins is trying to address this but it’s a long process and not every player pans out. Take a guy like Wing Green. He’s from down my way. Physically, he has the size. And Collins took a flyer on the size alone. A lot of eyebrows were raised down here when Collins offered because he wasn’t seen as a P5 player. Look at his offers. GT took a chance on the size alone. Most of our coastal competitors don’t have to take chances like that because they already had size and depth. I’d be pleasantly surprised if Green turns into a player for us, but I’m not holding my breath. But it was a calculated risk based on where our program was at that time. It also got GT in the door at Lee County which attracts all the talent in the 4-5 county radius until you hit the Moultrie/Valdosta borders.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
And what did that so called efficiency get us? He was the head coach not offensive coordinator . Do I really need to go over how his tenure ended? I get it, he was great at abusing lower tier teams and teams not prepared. But the teams who actually had a pulse abused his offense the last several years of his tenure. I loved CPJ, but he didn’t evolve his system in either philosophy or due to rule changes. That’s on him. I truly believe if he wouldn’t have evolved his system he could have gotten hired by a factory and showed everyone how smart he was. But he got old and immoveable.
I remember my first beer.


Helluva Engineer
And what did that so called efficiency get us? He was the head coach not offensive coordinator . Do I really need to go over how his tenure ended? I get it, he was great at abusing lower tier teams and teams not prepared. But the teams who actually had a pulse abused his offense the last several years of his tenure. I loved CPJ, but he didn’t evolve his system in either philosophy or due to rule changes. That’s on him. I truly believe if he wouldn’t have evolved his system he could have gotten hired by a factory and showed everyone how smart he was. But he got old and immoveable.
Actually Johnson was the OC, and really the OL coach too. And he was good at it. But as you point out, he was paid as HC, and overall, he wasn't so good at HC.

He was the opposite of Chan, who was a good HC, but a not so good college OC. And he would never hire a good OC because he wanted to control the offense.

They would have never gotten along, but Gailey as HC and Johnson as OC could have been a powerful combination. The offense would have been a recruiting impediment though--on both sides of the ball.


I am going to be blunt. For years, I have seen bad defense, after bad defense. A lot of it was due to the coaches/players/team, not reading what the other team was doing. I have seen, at points, confusion of where to even line up. Ultimately, this is the fault of the DC. With that said, last year, I saw less of that confusion and less players simply looking bewildered. My hope is this trend continues and we get better. My background, when I played, we were an attacking defense. I always though the read and react defense, was the dumbest thing ever.... Because you are no longer the hammer, at that point, you're the object being hit. We need more speed at the ends, that is for sure. Need some way to put a QB on his butt. Can't complete passes, when your tail is on the ground... as my old coach, used to say.
Actually Johnson was the OC, and really the OL coach too. And he was good at it. But as you point out, he was paid as HC, and overall, he wasn't so good at HC.

He was the opposite of Chan, who was a good HC, but a not so good college OC. And he would never hire a good OC because he wanted to control the offense.

They would have never gotten along, but Gailey as HC and Johnson as OC could have been a powerful combination. The offense would have been a recruiting impediment though--on both sides of the ball.
This is a curious statement, the guy with two NCs, bringing Navy back, us to 3 ACCG and two Orange bowls was not a good HC? If you base this on issues with defense, then you must apply the same to Gailey as we had very little offense during his tenure.


Helluva Engineer
I’m not speaking for him, but it absolutely applies to Gailey. 6-3 with Calvin. A good head coach takes care of all phases of the team he doesn’t pick and choose what they want to be good at and let the rest whither. Ross and O’Leary were high end coaches and had GT at a high level in all phases. That’s why both were hired away. The rest, not so much.

stinger 1957

Helluva Engineer
Jacketup said: They would have never gotten along, but Gailey as HC and Johnson as OC could have been a powerful combination. The offense would have been a recruiting impediment though--on both sides of the ball.
I agree about the offense being a recruiting impediment both sides of the ball and it is why the constant comparison of Johnson years and offense/defense to any thing else seems to be a complete waste of time, but it's obvious I'm in the minority because it's on and on and on and on, will it ever stop, such a waste.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
That’s what’s frustrating. With the players we got your garden variety ACC team should never be able to take away our running game except for the top 4-5 national title contenders every year. Teams like Pitt we should chew up & spit out like a piece of bad meat. Simms should have that extra time in the pocket they use to defend the run to be able to make better decisions. Instead, we neutralize our run threat with bad strategy and instead of learning from our mistakes early we just keep repeating the same failing cycle. Damn we’re an Engineering school. We’re not supposed to keep hitting the reset button over & over again expecting a different result like the morons up the road.
Now that is not nice...insulting morons by comparing them to Athens Correctional.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I think it’s coming where we take that next step back into the 2nd tier of teams behind the factories, but we will only go where the offensive line takes us. We all hope it starts in year 3, but I’m not optimistic. Other teams have programs that are just many years ahead of ours right now in terms of quality depth along the lines. Collins is trying to address this but it’s a long process and not every player pans out. Take a guy like Wing Green. He’s from down my way. Physically, he has the size. And Collins took a flyer on the size alone. A lot of eyebrows were raised down here when Collins offered because he wasn’t seen as a P5 player. Look at his offers. GT took a chance on the size alone. Most of our coastal competitors don’t have to take chances like that because they already had size and depth. I’d be pleasantly surprised if Green turns into a player for us, but I’m not holding my breath. But it was a calculated risk based on where our program was at that time. It also got GT in the door at Lee County which attracts all the talent in the 4-5 county radius until you hit the Moultrie/Valdosta borders.
Yep. SOWEGA (which is Albany talk for "Southwest Georgia") is correct in every word. Optimism will grow when Sims has time and Gibbs/Mason have holes to run through. Not one second before.

Lotta Booze

Ramblin' Wreck
So Simms was interviewed and asked about him running. he said he wanted to run the ball a lot but CDP told him to stop running it. This is back to turn him into pocket passer....aka NFL... Simms is a duel threat OPTION QB
If only they called running plays for Sims...
like here
or here
or here
I'm pretty sure the coaches are aware that he's a DUAL (not duel) THREAT OPTION QB
They'll run him when it's advantageous and when we need to throw we'll throw. But just because he's a "duel threat OPTION QB" doesn't mean that he shouldn't run through his progressions and be able to throw some bombs down the field, that's how football is these days