What’s the worst weather at a Tech game you can remember?

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Navy game in the 70's. Sleet and snow and 34 degrees and dropping. We were in the East Upper and everyone in the stadium was under cover at halftime. In the second half my brother and I were alone in the Upper East stands to the end. I believe Cunningham was around 240 yards rushing that day I will never forget. Freezing cold, wet, and windy but great GT football.


Jolly Good Fellow
Against NC State circa 1992-93.
This!!! It was the first Tech game I ever remember going to. Dad, brother, and I had our hands wrapped in trash bags trying to keep warm, and an NC State fan saying "Go Wolfpack' and howling the entire game made a lasting impression on me.


Helluva Engineer
1974, Sanford Stadium, Athens, GA. Tech led 20-0 at the half. Rain and sleet mix. I think Tech finished the game 34-0.
Worst weather I have ever sat in for a game. Temp in the 30's, wind blowing, hard rain. It had rained for hours before the game. Only people left at the end were Tech fans. The UGA band left the stadium before halftime. It was so cold and wet my wife spent the second half in the rest room. What a GREAT win!!!!


Ramblin' Wreck
For BDS I’d go 2018 Miami, pretty sure windchill was in the low 20s or high teens on that one. Just bitter cold and few were dressed for such a cold snap in early November.
We wore 4-5 layers of clothes to that one. I snuck in a flask full of Macallan scotch and we ended up drinking it to stay "warm". It was absolutely freezing at that game.


GT Athlete
Hartselle, AL
Worst weather games as a player...
seems like every time we played Duke or Tulane at Grant Field it came a monsoon..... 1970 we got both.... and yes, the '71 Peach Bowl vs Ole Miss had us ankle deep in mud at ATLFULCO

One no one here saw was our '68 Frog game vs FSU in Moultrie in a hurricane (Ugag beat UF 50-0 that day in the worst part of the storm). The '68 Navy game, played in Atlanta the same day we were in Moultrie, was a driving rainstorm in a Navy rout - Carson's D couldn't stop the Mids' FB Dan Pike.

1969 ND game was indeed when Jeff the Jet intercepted Theisman as they were trying to run up the score right before half time.... it was a 9PM start for ABC in mid November..... probably the coldest game I played in until the next year up in South Bend..... 20F and 25-30 mph winds in 1970.

As a spectator in recent times, the 2017 game at UVA, windy, cold & driving rainstorm... SWMBO lasted only as long as the 1st half & stayed close to a concession stand til it was over. Never been that cold & wet, not even in my Navy days. :cool:


Helluva Engineer
If we’re talking any Tech game, I’d say 2017 Clemson. Heavy driving rain in Death Valley from the moment the band got off the bus to the moment we got back on it soaked from head to toe. What a miserable trip back to Atlanta!

If it has to be in Bobby Dodd, then 2013 UNC. Torrential downpours all game. Winning made it more bearable.
I remember the 2013 UNC game. Was there with 5 or 6 friends (including a couple of UNC fans). We were on the 1st row of the upper deck. The saving grace is that we brought a long roll of 10-ft wide visqueen with us and we able to extend it over the entire group and behind the seats. I remember my arms hurting from us all holding the plastic out and up like the front of a lean too.


Helluva Engineer
If it has to be in Bobby Dodd, then 2013 UNC. Torrential downpours all game. Winning made it more bearable.
Lots of people shouting out this game and for good reason.

My favorite memory from this game was there was a drive early in the 2nd half where penalties backed UNC up to their own goal line in front of SWARM in the north endzone. If I recall, right as UNC broke the huddle to start the drive, an absolute monsoon broke out. Hardly anybody was in the stadium at this point but I never experience a louder SWARM during my time as a student than that moment.


Helluva Engineer
I can't remember which year, but it was a Tech spring scrimmage game. It was cold, it was raining, and I had on a rain coat and a cotton shirt. I got soaked through and then the wind came up. Finally, I said to myself, "What in <the nether region> are you doing? Get out of here. Now."

I would have left a Ugag game if the weather had been like that.


Ramblin' Wreck
1974, Sanford Stadium, Athens, GA. Tech led 20-0 at the half. Rain and sleet mix. I think Tech finished the game 34-0.
That was my Senior Year and I was at the game and stayed the entire game since my first three years, GT lost to GA. GT actually won 34-14 but at the end of the game it was only a few thousand GT fans. UGA fans basically left at the half.


Helluva Engineer
That was my Senior Year and I was at the game and stayed the entire game since my first three years, GT lost to GA. GT actually won 34-14 but at the end of the game it was only a few thousand GT fans. UGA fans basically left at the half.
That was the year Coach Luck died in a car accident as the GT contingency was driving from Commerce to Athens, IIRC.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
If it has to be in Bobby Dodd, then 2013 UNC. Torrential downpours all game. Winning made it more bearable.
That is the first that came to my mind. The stairways look like little waterfalls. It was coming down big time. It wouldn't surprise me if there's 3 or 4 in of rain.

Regarding the 2009 season Orange Bowl, that was the coldest Orange Bowl in the Orange Bowl history. The cold and the wind were brutal.

Got this image from the November 20, 2008 Miami game. I do remember it was cold, very, very very cold.
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Jolly Good Fellow
Dunlap TN
Deep Snap,,, I was a rat in the stands for that 1970 Tulane game….

ATLANTA, Oct. 24 (UPI) — Rick Lewis broke open a score less game early in the fourth period today when he scored twice on defensive plays in 27‐second span to lead Georgia Tech to a 20‐6 victory over Tulane in the rain.

A nasty, miserable, wet game, but a sweet victory! Thanks, D.S.!!

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
'68 or '69 - I don't recall - home night game vs. Notre Dame. Cold as hell. It was 14 degrees at kick-off IIRC. "Warming agents" flowed freely.
You got me thinking about another miserable game. I’ll have to look it up but it would have been late 60s against Navy at BDS. Cold rain and Navy kicked our butts all up and down the field. I remember feeling really embarrassed as a fan and wet and miserable. At that stage of my life I was not used to seeing Tech lose big to light weight programs. I think Navy even returned a punt for a touchdown. They seemed comfortable in the rain and all we did was sleep and slide.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
Those were my two picks with the Mississippi game being the worst. I had been to every Peach Bowl and almost all of them were miserable weather. FSU vs LSU, UNC vs Arizona State, and a few others. I quit going after the last Tech loss.
UNC vs. Arizona State circa 1968 or so. A high school friend asked if I wanted to go so I said OK. It was brutally cold and actually snowed a little but was a great game with both offenses going up and down the field. Don McCauley ran wild for the Tar Heels but it wasn't enough as the Sun Devils pulled away in the second half. I actually enjoyed it.


Helluva Engineer
The ACCCG against Wake was not the WORST weather but it was a quite miserable overall game experience IMO and always the game I think about when I think about sitting in the rain angry at a game.