What’s Key’s biggest asset as a HC to this point?


Helluva Engineer
Maybe somewhat.

I think the implication that he’s a weak coach because he got a lucky opportunity with 30 seconds left to get his defense to strip the ball, then have his offense go most of the length of the field to score a touchdown to win, and he took advantage of it, is kind of a weird take.
Never said he was a weak coach. I do think he has had a good series of fortunate events happen that have gotten him to where is is today. More fortunate events then most coaches get. Ill leave it at that. I also do not consider being lucky to be a bad thing. I'm not sure why people here do.


Helluva Engineer
Truth! WE did get lucky to have the opportunity to win the game! That is not in dispute. At least 128 of 130 FBS coaches would have taken the knee to end that game!
OK, we were lucky that Mario made stupid call. Feel better? Now the strip, recovery, and last second long drive for TD were all coaching, preparation, and execution. Can you admit that and give our players due credit or will you continue to disparage them by labeling their accomplishments luck?


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
Never said he was a weak coach. I do think he has had a good series of fortunate events happen that have gotten him to where is is today. More fortunate events then most coaches get. Ill leave it at that. I also do not consider being lucky to be a bad thing. I'm not sure why people here do.
Maybe that impression is not what you intended, but that's the one you left with a bunch of us.

Luck is an illusive term. I was fortunate to be born a white male at time when advantages came to white males with average intelligence over almost everyone else. Was I lucky? Yes. But the next decades were hard work taking advantage of that opportunity.

Give Key credit for doing what he could with the situation. 26 seconds is not much time when you start on the other end of the field.


Georgia Tech Fan
At what point does consistent or frequent luck mean that there are intangibles you aren’t factoring in behind the scenes?

If sportsbooks kept losing money, they’d adjust their expectations, not call the winners lucky.


Helluva Engineer
Never said he was a weak coach. I do think he has had a good series of fortunate events happen that have gotten him to where is is today. More fortunate events then most coaches get. Ill leave it at that. I also do not consider being lucky to be a bad thing. I'm not sure why people here do.
I'll take luck. Look at the luck that marked Bill Belichick's early career:

A freak injury that led to Tom Brady getting a shot after Drew Bledsoe led the Patriots to a Super Bowl:

An NFL rule that was named after this play:

If a GT coach can get that kind of luck and make a career out of it, I'm all for it!


Helluva Engineer
OK, we were lucky that Mario made stupid call. Feel better? Now the strip, recovery, and last second long drive for TD were all coaching, preparation, and execution. Can you admit that and give our players due credit or will you continue to disparage them by labeling their accomplishments luck?
You miss the point on us being lucky to win the Miami game. They have the ball, 1st down, under 2 minutes and we have no TOs. Lucky that the opposing coach made one of the worst decisions any coach can make. That luck gave us the opportunity. We capatilized.

Both can and in this case are true.

If you want to argue with Wrek, get off the Miami game and press for where else Key was lucky.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe somewhat.

I think the implication that he’s a weak coach because he got a lucky opportunity with 30 seconds left to get his defense to strip the ball, then have his offense go most of the length of the field to score a touchdown to win, and he took advantage of it, is kind of a weird take.

Being lucky does not imply that you're a weak coach. That's a leap of logic you guys made and got bowed up about because, like I said, you're too sensitive.


Helluva Engineer
OK, we were lucky that Mario made stupid call. Feel better? Now the strip, recovery, and last second long drive for TD were all coaching, preparation, and execution. Can you admit that and give our players due credit or will you continue to disparage them by labeling their accomplishments luck?
Who is doing this? You're arguing with ghosts.

Making up people to be mad at. :rolleyes:


Helluva Engineer
You miss the point on us being lucky to win the Miami game. They have the ball, 1st down, under 2 minutes and we have no TOs. Lucky that the opposing coach made one of the worst decisions any coach can make. That luck gave us the opportunity. We capatilized.

Both can and in this case are true.

If you want to argue with Wrek, get off the Miami game and press for where else Key was lucky.
Wouldn’t that be just plain old bad coaching, bad game management, bad decisions than luck? Cristobal made that decision to run it one more time and hell he’s done it before, it didn’t just randomly happen. Maybe Key was aware of Cristobal‘s history as a dumbass and told our guys to be ready for it. Coaches make awful decisions all the time with clock management, going for it, not going for it, etc that cost their teams games.


Helluva Engineer
At UGA in 14, qb thomas had been sacked going right. Cpj called a roll right fake pass qb run off left tackle. Thomas was magnificent , gained big yards , ran out of bounds, field goal team ran on to field, and Butt Kicker hit very long fg.

Uga got badly out coached and executed by gt.

They had us but they didnt call contain on Thomas.

At Miami
Key, , oc, King, Leary and offense sure impressed me.
Key has potential to be very good. He had right players and coaches in right place
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Helluva Engineer
At UGA in 14, qb thomas had been sacked going right. Cpj called a roll right fake pass qb run off left tackle. Thomas was magnificent , gained big yards , ran out of bounds, field goal team ran on to field, and Butt Kicker hit very long fg.

Uga got badly out coached and executed by gt.

They had us but they didnt call contain on Thomas.

At Miami
Key, , oc, King, Leary and offense sure impressed me.
Key has potential to be very good. He had right players and coaches in right place
Nah, dude, that Miami win was all luck, don’t ya know? :p

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
Except that no one did that.
The thread was about naming attributes of character that make Key a good coach. WreckGT came up with one. Being lucky.

After several argued with him about that I gave him a chance to name anything else about Key, other than luck, that might indicate his value as a coach. He mentioned a couple of things but ended up doubling down on the “luck thing” by saying he was lucky that King has turned into a decent QB.

I’m doing this from memory but you might want to check the thread and the actual words that were used but the gist of it was that the very question we were discussing, naming Key’s attributes as a coach, meant that we were all being kind of silly. WreckGT indicated that the virtue of his emphasis on Key being lucky was that, unlike the rest of us, he didn’t believe “Key walked on water.”

So, yeah, the thread got derailed because rather than discuss tangible character traits we were forced to talk about whether any such character traits were simply a matter of luck or maybe even canceled out by luck.


Helluva Engineer
Well! In any game where luck is a factor, I always want that luck on my side!


That’s all there is to it.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Point blank his biggest asset he ain't MoBS.
I am not either but I would hope my coworkers, family, spouse and dog would have more to say about me other than " at least he ain't MoBS". I think my work is acceptable, my manners are okay and personal hygiene is at least at minimally acceptable standards (I think.) ;)


Ramblin' Wreck
One of the most important things I learned at Tech was in decision tree analysis. You can make a good decision and have a poor outcome. (Call it chance, luck, chaos, whatever.) You can make bad decisions and have good outcomes. The key is making good decisions give you higher probabilities of good outcomes over time. And when you have bad outcomes, the cost is minimized.

You might buy a lottery ticket and win the jackpot, doesn't mean buying lottery tickets is a smart financial decision. MoBS made terrible decisions, consistently. Still, he got some breaks to win games like UNC at MBS. Saban has had lots of 'lucky' breaks in games that saved championship seasons. But he was only in the position to benefit because his team was prepared to take advantage.

Good coaches consistently make good decisions, have good game plans, do the right things. Even so, sometimes, the ball bounces wrong and the refs are struck blind (bad luck). Key, I believe, consistently makes the right calls. So, when opportunity knocks, his team is positioned to take advantage of those 'lucky' breaks. When we have bad breaks, hopefully, we're positioned to minimize the damage.