Wesley Wells


Helluva Engineer
Two things: Hands down if anyone deserves a scholly Wells does. Not remotely debatable. Hit all of his kicks as a freshman is only going to get stronger. It's criminal he wasn't all ACC.

Second thing: I know we have this new super duper recruiting staff, but when in the history of GT have we ever landed all of our recruiting targets and not had 1 or 2 scholly's available? And when have we not had somebody fail out or transfer?

I'd definitely give a proven commodity kicker a scholly over a late 2 or 3 star "athlete" we're just trying to flesh out a class with.
Never happens that nobody leaves, much less in the midst of a coaching change and scheme transition on both sides of the ball. We are going to sign several players in February. I wouldn't worry about hypotheticals that have zero chance of happening. Coach Collins knows how to manage a roster and I believe he will do right by our players, too.
With all the old coaches gone and all the new coaches we will see a big., small or no attrition. See it's the old/ new coaches. There! Try to criticize that !!


Southeastern Michigan
Again I ask, what difference does one's financial status make towards giving a player a scholarship?

Every freshman coming into Tech has the hope scholarship his freshman year. Otherwise he would not be at Tech. And many (my son included) loses the hope after the first year. So again, that should make no difference whether a kid "earns" his scholarship on the field.

Your implication of "many are demanding he receive a scholly" are those like me that believe he "earned" a scholarship. Not demanding.

Exactly... It is an athletic scholarship. Not some sort of means based political mamby pamby crap. Not qualified by anything. A kid earns it or he doesn't.

I'm going to have another beer and get over this nonsense.
So maybe the young man is honorable and not taking one because it is not needed.......who the hell knows........it is nobody's business except him, his parents and the coaching staff.


Helluva Engineer
He did well. But cgc has a roster challenge too. Frankly it may just be bad timing for WW to get one. Thats life. Everyone gets screwed due to timing for no other reason in life at some point.

But we cant complain about not upgrading talent then also want to hand out ships to walkons. Many starting kickers go 3 or 4 years without a ship in college as walkons. Thats why a strong walkon program is beneficial. It may give u a starting player without burning a ship for a few years


Southeastern Michigan
He did well. But cgc has a roster challenge too. Frankly it may just be bad timing for WW to get one. Thats life. Everyone gets screwed due to timing for no other reason in life at some point.

But we cant complain about not upgrading talent then also want to hand out ships to walkons. Many starting kickers go 3 or 4 years without a ship in college as walkons. Thats why a strong walkon program is beneficial. It may give u a starting player without burning a ship for a few years
Lots of nonsense in this thread......until the young man makes an issue out of it, no one else should be.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
So maybe the young man is honorable and not taking one because it is not needed.......who the hell knows........it is nobody's business except him, his parents and the coaching staff.

You and I clearly do not see this the same way. Honor has nothing to do with this. Did the kid earn a scholarship or not? If so, give him a scholarship, if not do not offer. Simple. Does not matter who knows. What the circumstances are.

That’s true. Unless things go sideways. Time will tell.

Are you guys really saying a scholarship offer depends on parents or need? I am totally confused.


Helluva Engineer
He did well. But cgc has a roster challenge too. Frankly it may just be bad timing for WW to get one. Thats life. Everyone gets screwed due to timing for no other reason in life at some point.

But we cant complain about not upgrading talent then also want to hand out ships to walkons. Many starting kickers go 3 or 4 years without a ship in college as walkons. Thats why a strong walkon program is beneficial. It may give u a starting player without burning a ship for a few years

We're not talking about handing out scholarships to walk-ons. We're talking about handing out one scholarship to one walk-on who has earned it. About "giving you a starting player without burning a ship for a few years", did you say "starting" player? I think that would be neither wise nor fair.


Southeastern Michigan
You and I clearly do not see this the same way. Honor has nothing to do with this. Did the kid earn a scholarship or not? If so, give him a scholarship, if not do not offer. Simple. Does not matter who knows. What the circumstances are.

Are you guys really saying a scholarship offer depends on parents or need? I am totally confused.

You have no idea what has transpired between him and the coach.......making these demands like this out or ignorance is asinine.


Helluva Engineer
Lots of nonsense in this thread......until the young man makes an issue out of it, no one else should be.
We met the family at several walk ups and a couple of times at flea ' s tailgate. They are hopeful of getting a scholarship but kid is making great grades. He and they are loving gt football and gt. Typical gt top drawer quality people. They like j Thomas as he made ww feel like he is not a fn kicker.
By way I told them about butkicker being the player who gtaa had call me to say thanks. They thought that was cool.


Helluva Engineer
We met the family at several walk ups and a couple of times at flea ' s tailgate. They are hopeful of getting a scholarship but kid is making great grades. He and they are loving gt football and gt. Typical gt top drawer quality people. They like j Thomas as he made ww feel like he is not a fn kicker.

Well, there you are - "hopeful" of getting a scholarship. I hope so, too.


You and I clearly do not see this the same way. Honor has nothing to do with this. Did the kid earn a scholarship or not? If so, give him a scholarship, if not do not offer. Simple. Does not matter who knows. What the circumstances are.

Are you guys really saying a scholarship offer depends on parents or need? I am totally confused.

What I’ve said is that he has earned one imo.

Also saying it’s the business of the player, his family, and our staff to settle one way or another. If it goes sideways and our kicking game returns to 2017 Tenn levels there will be hell to pay.


Ramblin' Wreck
Again I ask, what difference does one's financial status make towards giving a player a scholarship?

Every freshman coming into Tech has the hope scholarship his freshman year. Otherwise he would not be at Tech. And many (my son included) loses the hope after the first year. So again, that should make no difference whether a kid "earns" his scholarship on the field.

Just to clarify, only those Freshman from Georgia have Hope scholarships.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
You have no idea what has transpired between him and the coach.......making these demands like this out or ignorance is asinine.

What has transpired between whomever is not at all in question here. What demands am I making?

Animal02, do you think the kid earned a scholarship or not. If not, that's fine. If so, what is the argument?


Helluva Engineer
We're not talking about handing out scholarships to walk-ons. We're talking about handing out one scholarship to one walk-on who has earned it. About "giving you a starting player without burning a ship for a few years", did you say "starting" player? I think that would be neither wise nor fair.

Lifes not fair dude. Kirby did the same with his kicker until he felt comfortable with the roster a year later.

Saban often never gives his starting kickers a ship.

Gol here often waited til they were a jr or sr before giving his walkon kickers that started a ship.

Its common. May be not fair. But common. And cgc coached under two of those

Ww gets one under cpj

But he also may not this year due to bad timing. Oh well. Who cares. I dont. Hopefully if not this year then next.


Helluva Engineer
Lifes not fair dude. Kirby did the same with his kicker until he felt comfortable with the roster a year later.

Saban often never gives his starting kickers a ship.

Gol here often waited til they were a jr or sr before giving his walkon kickers that started a ship.

Its common. May be not fair. But common. And cgc coached under two of those

Ww gets one under cpj

But he also may not this year due to bad timing. Oh well. Who cares. I dont. Hopefully if not this year then next.

Kirby, Saban, "who cares"? Kid deserves a scholarship and should get one, if at all possible. I understand the timing may not be optimal, but if at all possible success should be rewarded. And 48 kicks out of 48 tries is successful. He's earned it.

First time I've ever heard the construction, "often never".


Helluva Engineer
Kirby, Saban, "who cares"? Kid deserves a scholarship and should get one, if at all possible. I understand the timing may not be optimal, but if at all possible success should be rewarded. And 48 kicks out of 48 tries is successful. He's earned it.

First time I've ever heard the construction, "often never".

Its a great piece of the lack of literacy of a tech alumn

Not arguing he hasnt earned it. Just trying to say i get it if he doesn’t and it doesn’t bother me given the totality of what we are trying to do offensively as quick as possible


Helluva Engineer
Its a great piece of the lack of literacy of a tech alumn

Not arguing he hasnt earned it. Just trying to say i get it if he doesn’t and it doesn’t bother me given the totality of what we are trying to do offensively as quick as possible

Well, when we line up for a field goal down by two with 3 seconds on the clock, we might be concerned about what we can do "offensively".


Ramblin' Wreck
You and I clearly do not see this the same way. Honor has nothing to do with this. Did the kid earn a scholarship or not? If so, give him a scholarship, if not do not offer. Simple. Does not matter who knows. What the circumstances are.

Are you guys really saying a scholarship offer depends on parents or need? I am totally confused.
No doubt you are confused; you have completely missed the point.

The point is not the kid’s financial stability. The point, which was made clear, is that the poster chose to publicly name a 19 year old kid and publicly question whether that kid should be on scholarship. That poster, and now you, are utilizing an anonymous message board to publicly question whether a kid should be on scholarship.

Whether your son or any other student maintains a scholarship is inconsequential to this matter. No one is naming your son or publicly questioning whether your son should have a scholarship.

Choosing to publicly question whether a kid should have a scholarship while hiding in the realm of anonymity is contemptible. Doing so with careless disregard for someone’s financial stability is doubly contemptible.

You can ask yourself how you would react if someone publicly questioned whether your son should have a scholarship while remaining anonymous; or you can attempt to make an argument for why posters should publicly question scholarships while naming players. Please, I would love to hear you try to make that argument.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
TheTechGuy either you have missed my point or I have missed yours.

I believe your point is that a student/athlete scholarship status should not be discussed on this board. If so, I respect your opinion.

Then you should ask the moderators to close this thread.