USF Postgame #USFvsGT


Helluva Engineer
Look at who USF beat last year during their amazing 7 game win streak:

FCS Elon by 20
7-6 GT by 11
4-8 Illinois by 6
3-9 ECU by 7
4-8 UMASS by 16
3-9 Tulsa by 1
1-11 UCONN by 8

Then their 6 game losing streak
8-5 Huoston lose by 21
7-6 Tulane lose by 26
11-2 Cincy lose by 12
8-5 Temple lose by 10
12-1 UCF by 28
9-4 Marshall by 18

They were crap last year and we lost to them. They are crap this year and we beat them. End of story. Quit crapping on a win because Collins could do twice what your boy couldn't once.
We gave them the game last year and we tried like hell to give it to ‘em this year. The difference this year is they tried harder to give it to us.


Helluva Engineer
I want to correct these overall season stats. My apologies for getting them wrong:

James Graham is 5-8 passing for 92 yards, 1 TD, 0 interceptions...10 rushes for 17 yards

Tobias Oliver is 5-12 passing for 76 yards, o TD's, 2 interceptions...29 rushes for 104 yards.

I still hold to my opinion on who should start. It should be Graham. Tobias needs to be on the field because he is an excellent runner and a gamer, but we have got to get Graham behind center due to his superior passing skills and because he has a higher ceiling. We've had the experiment and the results are in. Graham with a year under his belt as a starter is going to prove to be very valuable in the long term.
There’s a lot more to playing quarterback than passing and rushing stats.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t expect us to be accurate and blow teams out b/c we pass. I expect us to try more. Again how does our line learn to block for pass if we are running ? As we get into the ACC part of things you will see. Duke, VT, Miami all of them will put 8-9 in the box . We won’t run on them if we are t trying to throw more.

The line will learn in practice, because right now sheer number of repetitions is needed. You don't rebuild by continuously calling plays you know your OL can't block for. That's a great way to get a QB who doesn't trust the OL and develops bad habits. We've already seen that here recently.

Teams are going to stack the ball no matter what we do because running is the obvious strength of the team and teams will want to make us prove we can pass, not just willing to call pass plays.

And I’ll even give you this, if the coach is calling pass plays and our QBs aren’t executing them because they are bailing out to soon, like one did yesterday. Then maybe it is time to start the one who will actually throw it.

Actually throwing it isn't the biggest issue overall. The biggest issue is we can't block for it and don't have the WRs to get open for it. We could live with a new QB taking his lumps if that was all it was. We can't live with the OL just taking the lumps because when the OL makes mistakes, QBs take big hits and start trying to improvise. That is counter-intuitive to the rebuilding process. You rebuild on the OL in practice and call the plays in the game that they have the best chance of being able to block for. Right now that is running and short passing.


Helluva Engineer
People freaking out over the way the offense looks amuse me. Here are the last two games of last year, with a senior QB and a team specifically recruited to run the system with multiple years of experience in it.

UGA - 219 yards, 14 offensive points
Minnesota - 283 yards, 10 offensive points.

We returned a team with no experience at QB, no real experience at WR, no TE at all, an OL that was terrible pass blocking and lost it's best player. The struggles we are having on offense aren't because the OC is trash or doesn't know anything. It's because we decided to transition away from the triple option when we had a team only really suited to run that specific offense. All of this was forseeable. Maybe you liked the decision to go away from the TO, maybe not, but once it was made we were pretty much guaranteed to struggle on offense this year. It was a decision made for the long term at the cost of the immediate future (which was pretty much the entire theme of the coaching hire).

Last week people were saying Oliver was terrible and we should see someone else. This week it was LJ sucking and Oliver should be playing. In three weeks maybe it'll be Graham and there is a good chance people will be calling for another QB.

Lol, they all ready are, I.e. Yates


on Pastner Polo watch
Let James Graham get his shot next week. I am 100% here for Oliver taking the kicks and working out of the slot/backfield and wildcat packages.

Tariq the freak is that dude...Kaleb Oliver has also been ballin.

Charlie Thomas and BJS should be the starters with Quez and Knight backing up. Curry is good on special teams and should be played to his stengths.

#Harvin4Heisman (trademark pending)


Southeastern Michigan
This is something I will never understand. Any time someone points out something that the players like, such as music, gimmicky stuff, or uniforms the response from folks who don’t like it is something such as “well if that fires up the players then we have bigger problems.” Why do you care so much WHAT fires up the players? And why is it so important to you that we should squash anything that they do like? Kids are different than they were 10, 20, 30 years ago. Different things make them happy. Whatever fires them up is fine with me. If a PA announcement fires them up then great. Make the PA announcement and that doesn’t even indicate a small problem about them.

What I care about is the team winning and if things that are silly to me make those kids happy then yeah, I’ll jump up and down and scream at Money Down even if I think it is ridiculous (which I do). And I’ll put up with music I don’t particularly like because it makes them happy and when they are happy they play better. And I care more about them playing better than I do about my feelings about the music or the money down thing.

I feel like the uniforms are a bit different than those because the uniforms do represent our school and so I prefer that if we give the players choices of what uniform makes them happy that those choices are our primary colors.

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I am so tired of the kids are different these days excuse.
The players should be oblivious to the PA system and what is being said.
The entire game day is a representation and a reflection of the Institute. From the ticket takers and ushers to the broadcasters and PA announcers. Furthermore, game day is about attracting and keeping paying customers.....NOT making the players happy.


Southeastern Michigan
We were very fortunate to get that fumble on the goal line. We aren't built for comebacks with what we have now. Was Camp hurt. I don't recall hearing his name called. The fumble on the TE was as much on the QB. They did make a good hit on a vulnerable receiver. They made too many mistakes and we didn’t .
Yes we we're fortunate....but what really pissed me off was our broadcasters (the ones that are on the game day app...I was at my son's CYO game) that said the ruling regarding the fumble, if reversed would be the essentially game over....they were as bad as half the people in chat. If they had scored they would have been up by three with several minutes left......more than enough for the O to at least pick up a FG.


The upside of a struggling johnson offense is you are still draining the clock and reducing the drive count. Means as long as your defense is forcing field goals you got a good shot of not failing hard and wining close games.

This one like all passing oriented offenses has the potential for 30 second three and outs which can lead to blowouts quick (see clemson first quarter) where mistakes get amplified even more and you give potentially explosive offenses the ball back quick.

I mean how many times did we in teh last 11 years also benefit from this. where we woudl death march and score, the opponent would go three and out in 45 seconds and their defense is back on the field to get DM'd again.

Now this can be done with a zone run scheme too its not unique to johnson's offense. but the uptempo spread always runs the risk of turning a manageble game into a runaway blowout if your offense isn't clicking.
Death Marches were definitely a thing for the first 2/3 of the previous 11 seasons but something was definitely different the last 1/3.


Southeastern Michigan
I get it guys the money down thing sux but come on please. We know players aren’t listening to the announcements but you also know, and players tell us all the time, they feed on energy, surely y’all understand where most of the energy is created. They call it home field advantage and third man for a reason.
Yes....they feed on the general energy of the crowd / noise......which is why game day, PA etc should be focused on the retain and attract more paying customers......NOT make players "happy".
I have also seen comments regard making students "happy". This is a fine line since it is a small percentage of ticket income....but also future customers hopefully.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Did anyone really expect this not to happen? After watching the Spread Offense used by teams the past few years, a few games were awful and boring. It begins and ends with the QB. I’ve watched teams like UF and LSU struggle with great talent except for QB.

I agree wholeheartedly. It will become apparent as the season wears on.


Helluva Engineer
I wonder how much more effective, if any, our running game would be this year had Parker Braun stayed with us? He looked pretty good against LSU’s defensive tackle...
He’s a freaking stud, would DEF have made a huge difference for us in pass and run blocking


Helluva Engineer
Maybe because USF played last year’s defense last year?

You think there’s a 25 point difference (USF scored 35 offensive points last year versus 10 points this year) because of our brand new defense? No way. If our defense is so much improved this year over last year, it sure didn’t show against Clemson. We gave up 49 points and 480 yards of offense last year versus 52 points and 639 yards of offense this year. I’ll admit that our new defense is passing the eye test where Roof’s didn’t but I don’t think the improvement made anywhere near a 25 point difference.

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