Uniforms vs Louisville


Helluva Engineer
Without correcting any of your potential misconceptions about the history, the short answer is that you don’t create a brand by perpetuating chaos.
That’s a different discussion. You were talking about an identity we supposedly had and gave up. I asked when that happened. It was certainly before 1984, no?

As for BUILDING an identity I disagree that at this point the uniform has anything to do with it. It has to start on the field. Be a consistent winner. That’s how you build.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
That’s a different discussion. You were talking about an identity we supposedly had and gave up. I asked when that happened. It was certainly before 1984, no?

As for BUILDING an identity I disagree that at this point the uniform has anything to do with it. It has to start on the field. Be a consistent winner. That’s how you build.
We will have to agree to disagree.

But to explain why I can’t agree with you….

We have had an identity at various times and then squandered it. That identity encompasses 4 national championships. The color scheme was a consistent rotation involving 2 helmets, 3 jerseys and 2 pants. That was it.

Yes, people came along and screwed that up at various times, like Curry, who introduced the Colorado, Army, Purdue color scheme for the ridiculous reason that he thought it was cool. And there were others. But our best seasons and our national recognitions have coincided with more sane and predictable color combinations.


Helluva Engineer
We will have to agree to disagree.

But to explain why I can’t agree with you….

We have had an identity at various times and then squandered it. That identity encompasses 4 national championships. The color scheme was a consistent rotation involving 2 helmets, 3 jerseys and 2 pants. That was it.

Yes, people came along and screwed that up at various times, like Curry, who introduced the Colorado, Army, Purdue color scheme for the ridiculous reason that he thought it was cool. And there were others. But our best seasons and our national recognitions have coincided with more sane and predictable color combinations.
All of what you describe is long in the past. I agree that we HAD an identity. It was based on performance. From that we built a brand, not the other way around. You have to have something upon which to build.

Don’t get me wrong. If I thought it would make even a tiny bit of difference I’d care or worry about consistency of our uniforms. I just don’t think it makes a difference. But I wouldn’t mind if we did something consistent and I dig the color combos you talked about.
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Jolly Good Fellow
Paul Johnson is the one who started the hate for our white and gold. Ridiculous
What are you talking about? He's the one who brought back wearing white at home. Most of CPJ era was GWG. He only wore navy as a coach but the team only wore it a few times. The all navy mess came with Stansbury.