UNC 2024 Post Game


Helluva Engineer
What matters is we are 5-2.

So much to clean up. Don't understand why Pyron isn't allowed to pass. Making teams respect that would make his short yardage package so much more effective. Hope King is ok. At least we won't be getting a big head after ththigame.

Nice job by the OL and our running game. Ultimately that's what won the game.


Helluva Engineer
If the four star QB recruit who’s in his third year here now after throwing it fine as a growth isn’t throwing the ball it’s because of EXTREME coach conservativeness, not anything else. We’ve seen that conservatism even with King this year. But we have to break the pattern

It’s not even like most of the throws they call for King are technically difficult


Helluva Engineer
I’m glad we won, but the 4th Quarter metldown still happened and can’t be swept under the rug. The continued questionable(politely saying it) game management is only mounting in concernment and the offense continues to look stale and predictable.

Our defense is not awful. The offense and special teams put them in some bad positions. The run defense is quite good, while the pass defense is still probably below average. They got lucky on some drops, but the defense also forced turnovers and made (mostly) timely stops. They even managed to hold it together to force a FG at the end.

Birr is simply not reliable. Our Special Teams unit has not been boring this year. We’ve gotten blocks and onside kicks, but also given up touchdowns and missed a lot of kicks. They are a roller coaster ride. I’d rather just have a boring special teams that’s consistently OK than whatever this is.

That brings me to my ultimate point. This team is so inconsistent. It feels like it takes a quarter for the offense to wake up every week. The only thing consistent about this team is its inconsistency. That’s worrisome. We are 5-2. That’s our best start this late into the season since 2014. It’s very possible the inconsistencies are growing pains, but there have been enough head scratches this year, that I can not say I have full confidence in what we are doing.

Lastly, we need King healthy, but if he’s not, we need Key and Buster to trust Pyron. We have put ourselves in position to have a pretty nice season, but our margin of error is razor thin, especially against 3 of our final 5 opponents.

Randy Carson

Helluva Engineer
Apex, NC
One other point: I was not happy seeing our defensive guys flopping on almost every play in the fourth quarter. Sometimes they even seemed to be confused about who the designated flopper was. And then they get up and walk off the field? You ever have a muscle cramp in the middle of the night? You can barely walk on it the next morning.

We're not playing soccer.