Remember when you were a college student and it didn't matter. My college mantra: "My two favorite beers... free and cold!"
oh I enjoyed my share of Natty Light back in the day when I barely had two nickels to rub together.
But Stroh's (anybody remember that?) ... no thanks. one of the worst I ever had.
I once asked Erk what kind of cigars he smoked. He said "OPs."
Me: "OPs?"
Erk: "Other people's."
Though years ago, I did acquire a taste for Old Milwaukee if it was really, really cold. Same way with PBR. Would do a Blue Velvet special (PBR and a Heineken) with a couple of Army lawyers I knew back in the day.
Back to our original premise. I did hear a Tech assistant recently call PJ's offense "plug and play." I disagree with that. As evidence, I give you 2015. Granted, there wasn't much to plug in there. But you still have to have something to plug in there and when you don't, you get what we had in 2015.