The Handshake


Ramblin' Wreck
The replies to this thread (and others lately) are troubling to me. I’m a young guy, but maybe I’m behind the times. I remember when being a “Tech Man” meant something. It meant carrying yourself with class and decorum, no matter the circumstances. It meant treating others with respect, not because they deserve it, but because it makes the world a better place. It meant that winning was important, but not the most important. That if the costs involved in winning meant sacrificing honesty or personal integrity, then you’d begrudgingly lose, pick your *** up, and find a way to do both. Maybe that was all a pipe dream and a lie, but what a beautiful lie it was.
CGC probably shouldn't have pulled away, but this is a bit of an overreaction. What was he supposed to do, give the dude a hug or something?


Ramblin' Wreck
I'm pretty sure it's something CGC isn't proud of today. It's a bad look and gives GT football the kind publicity that we don't really want. Anyone who doesn't think this is a bad look to all non GT fans is fooling themselves.
cthenry is probably upset because the popular girls said some mean things to her about this in school on Friday.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Excellent job repeating what they said. ELITE job
May I missed it in this, post #125.


Georgia Tech Fan
I didn't have a problem with it personally, but I did have a problem with his response.... If he really wasn't upset he would have turned around when Narduzzi grabbed his hand... He was obviously pissed at something. He should have just said no comment and just go on to the next question and not be a pu** about it.


Ramblin' Wreck
I didn't have a problem with it personally, but I did have a problem with his response.... If he really wasn't upset he would have turned around when Narduzzi grabbed his hand... He was obviously pissed at something. He should have just said no comment and just go on to the next question and not be a pu** about it.

you need to up your whine game. this is weak sauce.

Deleted member 2897

CGC could have spit in Narduzzis face and we all would have been better for it. The dude is a clown, and nobody on this board would be complaining if they didn't already have an ax to grind.

Indeed. Narduzzi is the guy who said we played dirty before. F him. Rat face over at Duke has had butt hurt rude walk bys at the end of games that people made fun of. They’re forgotten the next day. It’s a meh.