The ACC will delay the start of competition for all fall sports until at least Sept. 1


Helluva Engineer
FWIW, the NFL is planning on testing players 3 times per week and isolating any player who tests positive. Will be interesting if colleges end up with a similar protocol. (I expect that will be a not insignificant chunk of change to do all that testing).

If colleges players, especially the ones with NFL futures, look at what the NFL is doing in terms of testing they would be smart to demand the same thing. There's a reason why those players are getting tested multiple protect their investment (contracts and playing future) and also negate liability in the face claims of negligence.

Something that hasn't been brought up with college SAs having to sign waivers or so called "pledges": Are administrators, coaches, and staff signing these same "pledges"? Think about it. If a player becomes infected with the virus because of contact with admins, coaches, and staff doesn't it void the waiver? There are so many things those waivers don't cover I can't imagine it sticking in a court of law should an SA get infected and develop serious medical issues from the virus.

There are so many unforeseen issues with trying to play with the virus still rampant...I can't imagine how more complex they've made it by introducing waivers and legal documents for college students to sign. What will be interesting is when you force an SA whose parents are lawyers to sign it. That will be an interesting conversation.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
FWIW, the NFL is planning on testing players 3 times per week and isolating any player who tests positive. Will be interesting if colleges end up with a similar protocol. (I expect that will be a not insignificant chunk of change to do all that testing).
An article in the NY Times today said the cost is now about $100 per test.

I wonder how many people would have to be tested 3 times per week for a typical P5 football team? There's 100+ players, trainers, coaches, managers, doctors. Maybe closer to 150 people times 3 times 100 is $45,000 per week times 13 weeks is $585,000 just for testing. Then there is the potential cost for isolateing anyone who tests positive. I agree. That is not insignificant.


Ramblin' Wreck
IT really just hit me if there is no season then everyone gets an extra year. I want there to be football, but it would not be a negative for building our team if there isn't just saying. Plus our guys can improve even more with that much extra practice time.
If the season were cancelled, I doubt the teams would be allowed to gather again and practice formally.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
If the season were cancelled, I doubt the teams would be allowed to gather again and practice formally.
I agree, if there is no season or it is cancelled or suspended then all activities will be cancelled/suspended. Because the reason that decision would be made is that it is not safe for individuals to be in those activities.

Every league both college and professional are trying to restart not because it is inherently safe at this point to do so - or even much safer than it was a couple of months ago, it is because they need the dollars.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
There is a canary you can listen for. The IBMA meeting in Raleigh the last week of September and the first weekend in October will announce this week if they are going forward with the World of Bluegrass Festival and IBMA business meetings. Last year 250,000 people showed up and it was the largest money event of the year for the city.


Ramblin' Wreck
GT just sent out an email to all students regarding plans for Fall 2020. They plan to have students on campus and offer hybrid in person/online classes, labs, etc.

Here is what they said about athletics

“The Georgia Tech Athletic Association is researching and working on a plan for a possible return to competitive operations in Fall 2020. Any return to competitive athletics will follow guidance from the NCAA, Atlantic Coast Conference, USG, and government health authorities.”

Nothing new it seems.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
FWIW, the US Open (tennis) is on schedule to be played in NYC Aug 31-Sep13. No fans will be allowed at the tournament according to organizers.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
MD announced today they would have students on campus in dorms, though they would have fewer than normal in order to provide some social distancing. Sounds like around 75% of normal capacity for the dorms.

Fully expect there to be kids on campus at most schools, though I think it is likely to be a lower than normal level.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Article on the waivers that are starting to pop up with lawyers talking about issues like enforceability, coercion, what SA's should do, etc. The lawyers also mention that any school that isn't testing players as they return is putting themselves in legal jeopardy if someone gets sick and dies. (FWIW, Houston was one of a number of schools that did not test their SA's before allowing them to return to campus and take part in activities).

Good article on the protocols and processes that the Univ of Ill is using as its football SA's return.


Helluva Engineer
There are a couple of studies now that suggest if at least 80% of people wear masks then the transmission rate drops by up to 99%. But you have to hit 80%
I wish it were that easy. I dread going to places like grocery stores since NC moved into Phase 2 and beyond. I broke down this morning and went as early as possible and I was one of the few wearing a mask. The sad thing part is how many people looked 60+ and were not wearing masks. I don't know how you can convince a 75% full campus to hit the 80% mark unless it is strictly enforced.

That said, I'm still hopeful for College Football, MLB, NFL to start with or without fans in the stands. I think the next 30 days are going to dictate what happens this fall but the southeast does not appear to be trending in a good direction.


Ramblin' Wreck
I think most students will want to wear masks. It seems to be anecdotal evidence, but all my friends that I know at school want to wear masks.

Georgia Tech also seems to be requiring it for classes based on the email we all got.

I think Tech students at least will respect CDC guidelines, seeing as most of us are trying to enter scientific fields


I guess now it's a matter of seeing the economical impact. I highly doubt that stadiums will be allowed to be filled to the max. Added to the loss of income, schools are adding the costs of tests, travel, costs to even conduct the games, and such. I guess teams that get shown on TV, will get money from the TV fees (if that's what it's called). However; most teams will not be seen on TV, as they generate little interest. My guess is ESPN isn't going to show 2 teams will little fan base. IE; you won't see Vandy vs. Arkansas or GT vs. Duke... Just not enough bang for them. We will get sick of Bama, Clemson, know the usual suspects. May I'm wrong, but I expect some schools to think hard on the economical impact. I mean would you play, just to play and lose money?


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
I guess now it's a matter of seeing the economical impact. I highly doubt that stadiums will be allowed to be filled to the max. Added to the loss of income, schools are adding the costs of tests, travel, costs to even conduct the games, and such. I guess teams that get shown on TV, will get money from the TV fees (if that's what it's called). However; most teams will not be seen on TV, as they generate little interest. My guess is ESPN isn't going to show 2 teams will little fan base. IE; you won't see Vandy vs. Arkansas or GT vs. Duke... Just not enough bang for them. We will get sick of Bama, Clemson, know the usual suspects. May I'm wrong, but I expect some schools to think hard on the economical impact. I mean would you play, just to play and lose money?
If the games are played, the current ESPN contract should work just fine and the schools would get their share of the revenue. At GT that would be bigger slice of our revenue than it would be for Clemson or uga. We sell fewer tickets, so we have less ticket revenue that would be lost in fan-less games. But, if you start adding up the costs of travel and equipment and supplies during the season you have to wonder if the cost might overrun the revenue if ticket sales drop to zero.