That is the BIGGER issue, although for those who have seen their loved ones pass, that is a SUPER big issue. But, medical specialists are just recently learning about the cardiovascular, cognitive, and pulmonary long term effects that many will have to deal with. This is going to be a much larger % of the group that experiences the virus. Because of the cardiovascular nature of this virus in many, I have had several HIGH integrity doctors tell me that they believe the actual death count is UNDER reported, because some younger/middle aged folks who die of a heart attack or stroke may never know it was related to Covid - at least in the first 3-4 months of this in the U.S. I sure hope that people who pass under strange circumstances (with supposedly good health) are at least tested after death for any signs of antibodies or the virus itself, if that is possible. For many, and it is like Russian Roulette, this virus will be incendiary to their short term and/or long term health.