If all 4 seniors came back, I'm not so sure that would be good for GT's future. We have Devoe and Moore with 2 big guys that are developing and Sturdivant that were getting time already. We have Meka and Maxwell both looking to move foward and get time as they're healthy next year. Then we have Coleman, Kelly, and Moore coming in as freshmen next year, looking to get PT. That's 13 legitimate players. I don't know that Pastner can manage a roster that big with players and keep everyone happy. If this one year caused some of our younger, talented players to transfer, that would be bad, especially since we'd be losing 6 players after next year (4+Devoe and Moore). If Pastner could blend the three new guys in and keep everyone else happy, GT would be an incredible team. I'm just not sure it could be done.
I'm hoping that we get the right 2 to come back and one to get drafted. Not sure the fourth has enough to play at the next level. Maybe somewhere overseas.