Temple Post Game


I think it is obvious he can recruit. Look at the 2007 class. Ahmarean Brown, Jamious Griffin are two names from the brief time he had before signing day.

I have no doubt in his or his staff’s recruiting abilities. The jury is still out concerning their x’s and o’s

A lot of people were certain he and staff were great at XsOs preseason while some of us wanted to see proof. Same is true with recruiting for me now.

They talked the talk. Signing day we will see what the walk looks like.


Staff member
How does your transitive property argument, which is one of the worst lines of reasoning used to compare college teams, hold up against Temple's loss to Villanova, which Tech certainly would have beaten?

Now that we're into this weird line of reasoning, of Temple and Georgia Tech last year, Temple had the worst loss of the year. Not surprising considering that they were coached by the same man that coached the worst lost in Tech's history.
I agree on the silliness of the transitive. That's how I interpreted your comment about the worst loss comparison of The Citadel, and therefore used a single game USF as a counter-point, thinking that was a better "control" in the coaching comparison conversation. Also silly. If I wasn't clear on that or misunderstood your point, my bad.

My perception of where we diverge then is that I don't value "worst loss" more than a full year of opponent-adjusted data as a means for comparing coaches or teams. Whether it was due to luck or otherwise, the data says that in 2018, Temple was expected to beat GT on average, for games played at Temple. Obviously that doesn't mean Temple would have won. The data says GT would have been favored at home, so it was a coin flip type of game.

In other words, a full year of data didn't tell me anything conclusively. So the choice of some (not all) to use this year's game @ Temple as a definitive proxy of Geoff Collins vs. Paul Johnson, specifically the choice of W vs. L, was odd to me. Still is honestly. And that's ignoring relative transition of GT vs. Temple, for which I think we had the greater, and how this year's game ultimately played out.


Staff member
I agree with most of your point here. Especially that the game could have been much closer except for turnovers. But that’s why turnovers are critical.

What troubles me a bit about the Temple game is I expected better play and execution after a bye week. Still think we can beat UNC. Not expecting to but we should be competitive.

If we are competitive but lose the griping will quiet down a good bit. If we get blown out the CGC defense team is gonna get frazzled playing bend but don’t break defense.
I totally agree turnovers are critical. The question is who you assign blame. To me, the fumbles are on TO as I've explained in greater depth already. On Graham's INT, too difficult to tell so I'll blame the play call and lack of reps/preparedness. Only reason maybe Graham is it was floated over the middle on a short field.

In the context of where coaching was an issue, I don't include Saturday's turnovers, which accounts for more than half the final score spread. Cuing turnover theory and @GTNavyNuke, I consider TO's fumbles random, and a fumble 6 especially random, which could have just as easily happened to Temple. If the latter had happened and not ours, we might have won, but it doesn't make GT a much better team or better-coached necessarily. Reminiscing about Pitt's 6 turnovers against us.
So. If things weren’t as bad as they looked on the scoreboard last week. And we weren’t going through the most monumental transition in the history of college football but rather still had CPJ and scheme. You still think we lose to Temple?
No clue. Probably a coin flip, as per my post above. Though if you told me Temple was transitioning coaches and we weren't, then I'd say we get the edge back.


Helluva Engineer
Are we allowed to ask what he’s basing this on? This is absurd ex post facto nonsense. 12 months ago no one mentioned him. Now he’s the real reason behind the one outlier class in the history of the program? Good lord.

Um. Roddy is basing it on personal experience because he was in that class. Lol.

Collins didnt get talked about before because Director of Player Personnel was a behind the scenes position at that time.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Well, Roddy and other players have pointed to him as being a great recruiter.

Don't get me wrong, I think CGC iis going to be a great recruiter. I, and others, were just pointing out that he was not the "mastermind" behind the 2007 class that a good portion of the fanbase have claimed as of late. For all we know he may be tons better and make GT a destination school for recruits.


Jolly Good Fellow
Don't get me wrong, I think CGC iis going to be a great recruiter. I, and others, were just pointing out that he was not the "mastermind" behind the 2007 class that a good portion of the fanbase have claimed as of late. For all we know he may be tons better and make GT a destination school for recruits.
No argument here. Just going by what has been said by former players and what looks like a good job right now.


I totally agree turnovers are critical. The question is who you assign blame. To me, the fumbles are on TO as I've explained in greater depth already. On Graham's INT, too difficult to tell so I'll blame the play call and lack of reps/preparedness. Only reason maybe Graham is it was floated over the middle on a short field.

In the context of where coaching was an issue, I don't include Saturday's turnovers, which accounts for more than half the final score spread. Cuing turnover theory and @GTNavyNuke, I consider TO's fumbles random, and a fumble 6 especially random, which could have just as easily happened to Temple. If the latter had happened and not ours, we might have won, but it doesn't make GT a much better team or better-coached necessarily. Reminiscing about Pitt's 6 turnovers against us.

No clue. Probably a coin flip, as per my post above. Though if you told me Temple was transitioning coaches and we weren't, then I'd say we get the edge back.

Gotta blame both players for those turnovers. TO has to protect the ball better when running with it and JG forced that throw. Both are things coaches can and I’m sure do work with both players on. But the responsibility lies with the players.


Helluva Engineer
Don't get me wrong, I think CGC iis going to be a great recruiter. I, and others, were just pointing out that he was not the "mastermind" behind the 2007 class that a good portion of the fanbase have claimed as of late. For all we know he may be tons better and make GT a destination school for recruits.

Maybe mastermind is laying it on a little thick, but "instrumental" seems appropriate.


Helluva Engineer
Um. Roddy is basing it on personal experience because he was in that class. Lol.

Collins didnt get talked about before because Director of Player Personnel was a behind the scenes position at that time.
His status as off field personnel would not affect whether he was identified a the reason, or even a reason, for that class. This is a bedtime story people are telling themselves because we’re losing horrible games and he’s got a seven year contract.


Helluva Engineer
Members of that class have said so. Why go out of your way to disprove them? Makes no sense.
Which members, and where? I’m pressing because I hadn’t seen any of this until five minutes ago, and now it’s everywhere. It sure as hell looks like this is being dangled as some sort of proof of recruiting savvy. But we can look at who he’s recruited on these here interwebs, and it ain’t all that different than the guy before him who couldn’t recruit and didn’t have GM.


Helluva Engineer
His status as off field personnel would not affect whether he was identified a the reason, or even a reason, for that class. This is a bedtime story people are telling themselves because we’re losing horrible games and he’s got a seven year contract.

Director of player personnel is synonymous with recruiting coordinator...which means coordinating recruiting efforts. He wasnt the sole reason but was a major contributor. Why are you so invested in proving former players lied? Shoot, Steven Threet even said it on twitter and he ended up leaving.


Staff member
Which members, and where? I’m pressing because I hadn’t seen any of this until five minutes ago, and now it’s everywhere. It sure as hell looks like this is being dangled as some sort of proof of recruiting savvy. But we can look at who he’s recruited on these here interwebs, and it ain’t all that different than the guy before him who couldn’t recruit and didn’t have GM.
I'm not sure how much is out there in writing, but this is one article published last December that I think some are referencing


Helluva Engineer
Director of player personnel is synonymous with recruiting coordinator...which means coordinating recruiting efforts. He wasnt the sole reason but was a major contributor. Why are you so invested in proving former players lied? Shoot, Steven Threet even said it on twitter and he ended up leaving.
I’m not saying anyone has lied. I’m saying that it’s odd that something that was never mentioned is being brought up in his defense. And candidly, he lost to the Citadel, so perhaps unless or until he actually does something that isn’t humiliating to my alma mater, I’ll be of the belief that the burden of proof is on him.


Helluva Engineer