Ted Roof's job


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
the new coach will not understand the situation at Tech the way Ted does.

Ted might understand the situation, but he's still responsible to put out a good defensive product.

Bill Curry understood the situation too. He hired Don Lindsey and Tech had the Black Watch defense, which as I recall, was highly ranked at the time.

Every winning coach I've talked to has said that they regard the Defense as really the Offense. It must be attacking all the time to create/improve field position. Stop the drives, tilt the field, and score for the win.


Helluva Engineer
Both and other schemes require better players than we have at this time. We can shoot gaps and play 3 deep and we'll give up 50 a game. I'm not saying I wouldn't rather have that type of scheme but you better have the players to do it and we don't. If you zone blitz you have to have D linemen who can drop in coverage and we're young and just trying to be sound. You have to have linebacker's and D B's who can play in space and we don't.

You have knowledge of scheme from a player's perspective. From the coaching side what you say is just words. Roof understands this side of the equation and has for many years. Can we get those type of players where we can crush people defensively on a consistent basis? Probably not if you look at history. Something would have to change besides the coach.

If Roof is fired he will go on to his next job and be successful. He has recruited some good young defenders here so we might get a couple of years of decent defenses with a new coordinator then the level of players we will get from recruiting will diminish because the new coach will not understand the situation at Tech the way Ted does. CPJ will not make it past that for sure and he knows it.
We would give up 50 a game? I know you are exaggeration but we give up point against good offenses probably close to 70 percent of their drives, I don't think it could get much worse than that. The scores aren't that high because they don't have a ton of possessions, but when they do its a 6 minutes drive and a TD pretty much every time it feels like.

I do also disagree that we can't run a zone blitz, because we haven't seen it tried, so maybe we can maybe we can't. Imo no matter what we need to change our scheme it's obviously not working, and I believe you must have better bigger stronger and faster guys to run what we have. Sure, if we get more aggresive and change schemes we might give up some bigger plays but I'm fine with that if it gets the offense on the field. It should also get us more turnovers.

You say if roof leaves he will go on and be successful somewhere else? What gives ou that impression? He hasn't done that anywhere imo.

A lot of what you are saying is just your opinion, not facts yet you are acting if they are facts. How would you know a new D coordinator wouldn't do good after roofs players were gone? That's just a crazy statement that you honestly have no clue about.
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Jolly Good Fellow
If our 3rd down D was a little better we wouldn't be having such a long discussion. Under Roof our D had years of 36%, 46%, and 36%. This year our opponents are already at 50%. We face one more really high powered offense (UNC) and another who has been inconsistent but can be high powered (VPISU). We will see how this thing shakes out.


Helluva Engineer
Guys. If you watch the tape. Our secondary is in quarters around 50 to 60 percent of the time.

We dont just play quarters we play it 8-15 off.

It doesnt have to come from me. Go google what quarters d is. What its used for typically and when. What its weaknesses are and what its strengths are.

Then determine if it sounds familiar or not. I am sure you can find the concepts online.

And without me saying much, figure out if u like the style or not.

For me i hate it. The only time i put my d in quarters is hail marry or 3rd and 30.

I have seen it not work here for 4 years. While i have seen other concepts here work a ton better. So same school.

Vs ga southern ted finally was dropping a S in a 3 deep look more. It looked alot better. But its a flash in the pan. He still asks his dl to do things that are eh.

I think one of the main issues this year on Def is that we miss DJ White and Chris Milton tremendously. Their replacements have been a huge drop-off in talent/ability/speed, thus the need to play such a constant soft scheme in our secondary.


Ramblin' Wreck
Ted might understand the situation, but he's still responsible to put out a good defensive product.

Bill Curry understood the situation too. He hired Don Lindsey and Tech had the Black Watch defense, which as I recall, was highly ranked at the time.

Every winning coach I've talked to has said that they regard the Defense as really the Offense. It must be attacking all the time to create/improve field position. Stop the drives, tilt the field, and score for the win.
I said that we have never had a DC or HC for that matter who has been a consistent winner since Dodd. That includes Curry and Lindsay who did well for a couple of years. No coach has consistent over a period of years. It's not the coach folks.


Helluva Engineer
This defense cannot create turnovers. We don't get interceptions nor create fumbles. Its like the defense is just sitting back waiting for the other team to make a mistake. So they just throw simple, low risk passes, with quick drops or screens. It is really frustrating to watch how passive we seem to be on defense. At least there was a change against GSO last week but not sure he will continue that style against the better teams. I am anxious to see what Duke does against us. I think they will try and hit short passes and maintain ball control against us. The QB doesn't run much but he is not easy to bring down either. He's a big strong kid that doesn't go down with an arm tackle. He has thrown a lot of INT's earlier this season when he tries to go downfield.


Ramblin' Wreck
We would give up 50 a game? I know you are exaggeration but we give up point against good offenses probably close to 70 percent of their drives, I don't think it could get much worse than that. The scores aren't that high because they don't have a ton of possessions, but when they do its a 6 minutes drive and a TD pretty much every time it feels like.

I do also disagree that we can't run a zone blitz, because we haven't seen it tried, so maybe we can maybe we can't. Imo no matter what we need to change our scheme it's obviously not working, and I believe you must have better bigger stronger and faster guys to run what we have. Sure, if we get more aggresive and change schemes we might give up some bigger plays but I'm fine with that if it gets the offense on the field. It should also get us more turnovers.

You say if roof leaves he will go on and be successful somewhere else? What gives ou that impression? He hasn't done that anywhere imo.

A lot of what you are saying is just your opinion, not facts yet you are acting if they are facts. How would you know a new D coordinator wouldn't do good after roofs players were gone? That's just a crazy statement that you honestly have no clue about.
Check history sir. Ted provides a unique perspective that is valuable when recruiting at Tech. No other DC that we've ever had has been consistently good over more than a year or two.

As for his career he's been a DC in the SEC, Big Ten and ACC as well as a HC at Duke. You don't do those things without being good at what you do.

A six minute drive is not optimal but it gives the offense time to make a mistake and makes them earn what they get as opposed to say a six second drive. Yes, I do mean 50 points

I understand your frustration. We're all frustrated but it's no different now than it was when Radakovich said we would always be a mediocre program. Things will either change from the top or we'll continue to have this discussion every three or four years.



Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
...I would expect better rankings in YPC. There are plenty of ways to gauge a defense. Overall points isn't the thing you look at. If our offense is doing what they need to, of course, the other team shouldn't score as often...

At the end of the game, that's the only defensive stat that truly affects the W-L column.

Now, I get where you are coming from, but your anti-CTR crusade from day one of his hire doesn't seem to allow for reasoned discourse on your part. You blame the coach for every mistake, yet don't give him credit for the successes. If a blitz works it's from individual effort, but if an individuals effort comes up short, it's bad coaching. You can't have it both ways.


Helluva Engineer
I think one of the main issues this year on Def is that we miss DJ White and Chris Milton tremendously. Their replacements have been a huge drop-off in talent/ability/speed, thus the need to play such a constant soft scheme in our secondary.

Our d sucked as bad with milton and white. Go look at the numbers. One consistent despite player turnover


Helluva Engineer
Check history sir. Ted provides a unique perspective that is valuable when recruiting at Tech. No other DC that we've ever had has been consistently good over more than a year or two.

As for his career he's been a DC in the SEC, Big Ten and ACC as well as a HC at Duke. You don't do those things without being good at what you do.

A six minute drive is not optimal but it gives the offense time to make a mistake and makes them earn what they get as opposed to say a six second drive. Yes, I do mean 50 points

I understand your frustration. We're all frustrated but it's no different now than it was when Radakovich said we would always be a mediocre program. Things will either change from the top or we'll continue to have this discussion every three or four years.

Idc where he's coached, his stats as a D coordinator shows me everything I need to see. How many times has he had a top D at any of those schools that he himself built? If he can't do it there what makes you think he can at GT? And did you really use duke as an example lol? They were awful. As far as history goes, you might want to start with checking that CONSISTANTLY GOOD D roof has had at GT because I haven't seen that at all. Unless you mean consistantly bad? We were able to get turnovers in 2014 besides that were were awful, last year and this year we have been awful against spread offenses, awful at allowing teams to hold on to the ball for 6 minutes which does matter because it's hard to get your offense on the field and in a rhythm, we have been awful on third downs. So where has the D been consistently good? We are consistently outside of the 50's in D and we give less possessions than most other teams, how is that good? And yes GT historically has had better D's. So to say someone can't come in and do good after roofs players are gone is a statement that has no facts to back it up with. it is possible to get guys in that can LEARN to understand GT football, it's not rocket science. You say we run the right scheme? You do understand the scheme we run is geared to have big D lines that are very strong and fast strong LB's, like Bama type players, I'm sorry but we don't have that. Go look at smaller Deffense like we have and look at what they run, use VT as an example, they attack and it shows for the good, we don't and it shows for the bad. Would you rather run a D like VT or a D like GT? And by the way they get the same type of players we get, so they obviously are doing something better than we are. So I'm going with SCHEME and COACHING as the issue.

None of this really matter though it just my opinion vs yours, and neither of ours really matter.
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Helluva Engineer
Our d sucked as bad with milton and white. Go look at the numbers. One consistent despite player turnover

I know each season brings new issues for us, but our 3rd down percentage is actually worse this year, i think a lot of that is due to non-trust in our corners.


Helluva Engineer
I know each season brings new issues for us, but our 3rd down percentage is actually worse this year, i think a lot of that is due to non-trust in our corners.

It was horrific in 2014. I think like 112 ranked.

Btw, we still have half a season left. Just sayin.


At the end of the game, that's the only defensive stat that truly affects the W-L column.

Now, I get where you are coming from, but your anti-CTR crusade from day one of his hire doesn't seem to allow for reasoned discourse on your part. You blame the coach for every mistake, yet don't give him credit for the successes. If a blitz works it's from individual effort, but if an individuals effort comes up short, it's bad coaching. You can't have it both ways.
To a point. However; if your defense allows 30 a game, that puts enormous pressure on the offense to score on every possession and score TD's not FG's. I think Roof plays too soft and that softness is seen on the field, at times. When the coach asks the players to play soft, they play soft. So, yes... the coaching does affect the players and their mindset. That does not mean they go full on blitz and attack on every play. But, there has to be some mixture there. I was glad to see Roof finally come out in a bump and run coverage. In fact, that caused an in-completion on GSU's first series. I feel that if we would of done that in the game prior, we would be better than where we are. Sadly, I feel that when we play Duke, he'll go back to giving the WR's free breaks and giving up a 8 yard cushion.

I have been anti CTR. Mainly because I just don't feel like his style is what GT needs. He plays too old of a system. Now, if the team was loaded with 4 and 5 star recruits, than yes... It would probably work. Jut because we'd have the size and speed for the read and react to work. Given, that we do not have those skill sets, at that level. You have to mix in smoke and mirrors. I saw some pre snap movement against GSU. Again, it we waiting until now to unleash this. Will Roof continue to do this? Remains to be seen.

But, to your point... It takes players to make plays. But, it takes coaching to allow them to be in the right place, at the right time.


Jolly Good Fellow
we need Kirby Smart he is doing a fine job at georgia......really folks just get behind the players and coaches we have 5 games left...and if you think CPJ doesn't approve of the def. game plans you don't know squat about how a football team is run...and just because you played doesn't make you a guru....


Helluva Engineer
we need Kirby Smart he is doing a fine job at georgia......really folks just get behind the players and coaches we have 5 games left...and if you think CPJ doesn't approve of the def. game plans you don't know squat about how a football team is run...and just because you played doesn't make you a guru....
Have you ever played? I agree that just because you have played doesn't mean you know anything, but for the most part if you haven't played you don't have a clue about near as much of someone who has played at a high level. I'm a firm believer that most people that are big fans that haven't played honestly don't have a clue about what they are talking about, because playing most definitely gives you a better perspective of how the game actually works. I know this from experience, I have had many conversations with people that are die hard fans that have never played but they say things they know nothing about although they think they do.


Jolly Good Fellow
Agreed. It was bad. I would say the only offense that scares me going forward is UNC. VPISU slightly but they are very hot and cold. I was looking up the statistics this morning and we are facing on average 14.5 3rd downs a game. The previous seasons under roof we were facing 13, 12, and 13. A slight improvement in the third down and I believe everyone will be happy with the defense. Now taking into account what previous posters have said we caught Southern off guard by playing man the first couple of series. On there second play of the game it looked like they were trying to just get a 5 yd completion on a quick hook route. I liked Roof changing up the coverages. We still telegraph our blitzes too often. Also, when we do blitz they run right into the OL or RB.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
if you haven't played you don't have a clue about near as much of someone who has played at a high level.

I'm not sure this is a uniformly accurate statement. Neither Paul Johnson nor George O'Leary played college ball and both are pretty good coaches.

Gene Stallings at Alabama said good coaches are good coaches because they apprenticed under the right folks. I think there's a lot of truth to that.


Helluva Engineer
I'm not sure this is a uniformly accurate statement. Neither Paul Johnson nor George O'Leary played college ball and both are pretty good coaches.

Gene Stallings at Alabama said good coaches are good coaches because they apprenticed under the right folks. I think there's a lot of truth to that.
But there is a difference, they studied the game, that's why I said most, a lot of die hard fans don't study the game. I don't know about the others but cpj also played in highschool which if you play through little league up into highschool I take that as playing at a higher level or at least having the ability to know the game. The only reason I can say this is from experience, but like I said i apply this to most, not all.


Helluva Engineer
Agreed. It was bad. I would say the only offense that scares me going forward is UNC. VPISU slightly but they are very hot and cold. I was looking up the statistics this morning and we are facing on average 14.5 3rd downs a game. The previous seasons under roof we were facing 13, 12, and 13. A slight improvement in the third down and I believe everyone will be happy with the defense. Now taking into account what previous posters have said we caught Southern off guard by playing man the first couple of series. On there second play of the game it looked like they were trying to just get a 5 yd completion on a quick hook route. I liked Roof changing up the coverages. We still telegraph our blitzes too often. Also, when we do blitz they run right into the OL or RB.
problem is we are giving up more third downs with less possessions if I'm not mistaken. And even if it gets back to previous years I still won't be satisfied, because our D has still been bad.