Spring Practice


Helluva Engineer
Where in that interview did he say that the O-Line "not being any good"? He said that they weren't very good today in the scrimmage. To me those two things are very different. In 2015, he said that the 2014 O-Line wasn't as good as made out in the media and that the 2015 O-Line wasn't as bad as made out in the media. I don't remember him every saying that the 2014 or 2015 O-Line wasn't any good. He consistently says that the media makes everything bigger than it is: strengths, weaknesses, differences between teams, differences between players, etc. What I understood from him in 2015 was that the 2014 line wasn't an NFL level squad and that the 2015 line wasn't a high school level squad. That was basically the media narrative about them.

He did say that the squad TO is playing on isn't very good, but he is probably playing the the third team squad right now. I wouldn't expect them to be as good at the offense as the first team squad.

Starting at the 1:20 mark he says the o-line wasn't very good as a general rule...then when asked about anyone pushing the starters he said "no...the 2nd team is horrendous on the offensive line."

So the starters weren't very good and the 2nd team was horrendous...what does that mean for the 3rd team?

Yeah, it's early, but it's a little concerning when our returning starting five linemen aren't playing well and their backups are "horrendous," don't you think?


Helluva Engineer
Starting at the 1:20 mark he says the o-line wasn't very good as a general rule...then when asked about anyone pushing the starters he said "no...the 2nd team is horrendous on the offensive line."

So the starters weren't very good and the 2nd team was horrendous...what does that mean for the 3rd team?

Yeah, it's early, but it's a little concerning when our returning starting five linemen aren't playing well and their backups are "horrendous," don't you think?

CPJ is always very very critical of the o-line and he should be the o-line makes the offense work.


Helluva Engineer
New d is different than past d.
As parker b said in a previous video," the defense is flying around and using the 5 technique . that should be good for as we expect to see that a lot this season.

We are working on seeing who can make plays WITHOUT OUT CLEVER PLAY CALLING.

I assume the ol will catch up to the new defense in about a week


Helluva Engineer
I won’t worry about the OL yet, I will if we are hearing this same thing by the start of the summer practices. Generally, it is easier for the D to show out before the OL, especially when we hear the D is being asked to do 1 maybe 2 things at most and just go. The OL is a little more complicated than that, so they need to get up to speed.


Helluva Engineer
Starting at the 1:20 mark he says the o-line wasn't very good as a general rule...then when asked about anyone pushing the starters he said "no...the 2nd team is horrendous on the offensive line."

So the starters weren't very good and the 2nd team was horrendous...what does that mean for the 3rd team?

Yeah, it's early, but it's a little concerning when our returning starting five linemen aren't playing well and their backups are "horrendous," don't you think?
It's very simple, he doesn't what them to start slacking off in practice, or even better, after spring.


Helluva Engineer
I think he's trying to say that you need a QB who can run & throw.
I like that we are making it clear to the qb 1,2,3 that BOTH are important.
When we needed to pass in virginia, duke, and uga, it was painful. I really like TQM as he is a warrior, so i hope he improves as if we actually run TO with him it could be electric. Last year way to few TO.

If lucas is a better passer but can't beat out Tqm, i would have him work with 2 back up wr for late game passing required situations. It would be out of the gun and would have no ab = like CPJ Hawaii offense. If he has a gun and can be a threat , DEFENSES would have to prepare for both.

Spring is fun


Helluva Engineer
Starting at the 1:20 mark he says the o-line wasn't very good as a general rule...then when asked about anyone pushing the starters he said "no...the 2nd team is horrendous on the offensive line."

So the starters weren't very good and the 2nd team was horrendous...what does that mean for the 3rd team?

Yeah, it's early, but it's a little concerning when our returning starting five linemen aren't playing well and their backups are "horrendous," don't you think?

Question: "Offensive line wise any..?"
CPJ: "Uh they weren't very good today ... as a general rule I don't think."
Qeustions: "Anybody pushing the sarters?"
CPJ: "No. Second team is horrendous on the offensive line."

He did say that the second team is horrendous. However, he did not say that the starters aren't very good as a general rule. He said that they weren't good on that particular day as a general rule. I see an extremely large difference in those two statements.


Helluva Engineer
Rome, GA
Good O or bad D? The continuous dilemma when playing against yourself.

From a defensive perspective, I sure hope we don’t continue to see db’s not turning their heads when the ball’s arriving.

On the flipside, it sure is nice seeing a) a receiver separate, b) good pass pro and c) a ball delivered perfectly on time and in stride.
Regardless of the D good throw from TQM, not sure what D was playing when I see Brant and 3 Swilling on the Sideline.


Helluva Engineer
Starting at the 1:20 mark he says the o-line wasn't very good as a general rule...then when asked about anyone pushing the starters he said "no...the 2nd team is horrendous on the offensive line."

So the starters weren't very good and the 2nd team was horrendous...what does that mean for the 3rd team?

Yeah, it's early, but it's a little concerning when our returning starting five linemen aren't playing well and their backups are "horrendous," don't you think?

Given our usual depth situation, I would imagine that the "3rd team" is one that either exists solely on paper or is composed principally of walk ons and freshmen. In other words, it is not viable. This has gone on for as long as I can remember but offensive line play is one that is bedeviling head coaches across the spectrum of college football. It is easy to find players that are big enough for the position. It is relatively easy to find players who are quick and athletic enough to move their feet and flexible enough to bend but it is damn near impossible to find players who are both.


Helluva Engineer
Henderson was one of my favorite we signed last year. I think he ends up being a brake out player, CPJ said last year he wanted him on the field, and if I’m not mistaken someone said he’s one of the fastest guys on the team. He had 4 tackles for loss in the last scrimmage. Our LB group with him, Swilling, Mitchell, and Alexander could actually be a strength this year.
Given our usual depth situation, I would imagine that the "3rd team" is one that either exists solely on paper or is composed principally of walk ons and freshmen. In other words, it is not viable. This has gone on for as long as I can remember but offensive line play is one that is bedeviling head coaches across the spectrum of college football. It is easy to find players that are big enough for the position. It is relatively easy to find players who are quick and athletic enough to move their feet and flexible enough to bend but it is damn near impossible to find players who are both.

I think the issue is that O line play is not being taught or rather developed in high school. Back in my day, the 70's, the O line got more attention than any other position. We were taught how to block, move our feet etc. Today with spread offenses the line man are pretty much taught only zone blocking. Oh wishbone, Veer where art though


Helluva Engineer
If we have so much trouble getting enough line me TRAINED to run our system its a weakness.
1.Coach to ast coach scheme has errors in scheme.
2.Ast coach to players has errors in instruction.
3. Players dont grasp the call
4. Players not athletic enough

From what i see its