Spring Game 2020


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Ummmmm, his job is to get the best players. The fans will follow if all works out. A championship, swag and even a win isn't for the fans, it's for the players. All fans are fools because we only get to brag that a team we support won a game. We don't get any benefits like free swag, championship rings or great free food from the training table. It's because of us that they get those things. Swallow that big ol' pride pill (not you individually but everyone) and realize that everything Collins is doing, he is doing it for the young men in the program and the young men he wants to come into the program.

The bolded sentence is the crux of the matter. As HC, you have to balance what is important for the young men you are coaching with what is important for the program and also recognize that you have to keep the fans satisfied. My point still remains. Somewhere along the line CGC will need to engage the fans with the same intentionality he is engaging the recruits and the brand/culture or else he runs the real risk of having the fan base quit showing up and donating, which hurts his ability to provide for the players. If he wins big here, that will take care of itself because fans will show up and donate to watch a winning product. If he expects this turnaround to take a while, which might very well be the case, then he should probably be investing in the good will of the fan base to stave off the pitchforks from the early naysayers. It costs him literally nothing to engage the fans and could gain him the extra year or two of grace.

Now, so far, I think he's doing a pretty great job of implementing his vision and changing the brand/culture to reflect it, which is paying dividends in recruiting. Also, while I think having players dancing and singing on the sidelines while in the process of being routed is a bad look and just plain silly, I recognize that if it creates the buy in from the SA's, then it's useful. I am just pointing out that every time the fans complain, the refrain is it's not intended for us. That's really not a good response. Telling fans that they are only useful for showing up and giving their money is a sure way to alienate a fanbase. Not saying that's what is going on, but that's the answer that keeps being given from posters on here when someone critiques CGC.
Augusta, GA
The bolded sentence is the crux of the matter. As HC, you have to balance what is important for the young men you are coaching with what is important for the program and also recognize that you have to keep the fans satisfied. My point still remains. Somewhere along the line CGC will need to engage the fans with the same intentionality he is engaging the recruits and the brand/culture or else he runs the real risk of having the fan base quit showing up and donating, which hurts his ability to provide for the players. If he wins big here, that will take care of itself because fans will show up and donate to watch a winning product. If he expects this turnaround to take a while, which might very well be the case, then he should probably be investing in the good will of the fan base to stave off the pitchforks from the early naysayers. It costs him literally nothing to engage the fans and could gain him the extra year or two of grace.

Now, so far, I think he's doing a pretty great job of implementing his vision and changing the brand/culture to reflect it, which is paying dividends in recruiting. Also, while I think having players dancing and singing on the sidelines while in the process of being routed is a bad look and just plain silly, I recognize that if it creates the buy in from the SA's, then it's useful. I am just pointing out that every time the fans complain, the refrain is it's not intended for us. That's really not a good response. Telling fans that they are only useful for showing up and giving their money is a sure way to alienate a fanbase. Not saying that's what is going on, but that's the answer that keeps being given from posters on here when someone critiques CGC.
AMEN !!!


Helluva Engineer
He's going to be here awhile whether some like it or not. But you said what I my second sentence was "(my sentence) The fans will follow if all works out." Your quote "If he wins big here, that will take care of itself because fans will show up and donate to watch a winning product."

We have to have faith and give him what he is asking for for improvement in recruiting and facilities. We are a high school compared to what other schools we are recruiting against. No longer can we sit back and wait for results before we give money and support with our butts in seats. We must buy in 100%, no if's and's or but's. Also, understand this: if CGC turns out to be a complete bust, then guess what--that's right, our facilities would have improved due to more involvement from fans. Which would take a load off the next guys plate.

The blue jerseys, not for us. @coachcollins all over the place, not for us. #404 take over, not for us. Spring game on Good Friday night/Masters cut day, not for us. The only thing that we get out of this, is pride that the school we love is winning football games, but in this day and age, we have to trust those in position that they are doing whats best for the team.

Ask yourself this: Do you think that Nick Saban gives a rats butt about what the average Alabama fan thinks? Then ask yourself this: Isn't that the level we want Ga Tech to be at? Finial question: How did they get to where they are today?

Getting better recruits like CGC is doing in is a dang good start.
Augusta, GA
He's going to be here awhile whether some like it or not. But you said what I my second sentence was "(my sentence) The fans will follow if all works out." Your quote "If he wins big here, that will take care of itself because fans will show up and donate to watch a winning product."

We have to have faith and give him what he is asking for for improvement in recruiting and facilities. We are a high school compared to what other schools we are recruiting against. No longer can we sit back and wait for results before we give money and support with our butts in seats. We must buy in 100%, no if's and's or but's. Also, understand this: if CGC turns out to be a complete bust, then guess what--that's right, our facilities would have improved due to more involvement from fans. Which would take a load off the next guys plate.

The blue jerseys, not for us. @coachcollins all over the place, not for us. #404 take over, not for us. Spring game on Good Friday night/Masters cut day, not for us. The only thing that we get out of this, is pride that the school we love is winning football games, but in this day and age, we have to trust those in position that they are doing whats best for the team.

Ask yourself this: Do you think that Nick Saban gives a rats butt about what the average Alabama fan thinks? Then ask yourself this: Isn't that the level we want Ga Tech to be at? Finial question: How did they get to where they are today?

Getting better recruits like CGC is doing in is a dang good start.
Nick Saban doesn't have to care what the fans think, because they were winning before he came and are still winning now. If, for whatever reason, attendance at Bama games took a nosedive, you know damn well he would care what is causing that to happen. And he would do his best to win the fans back. Collins needs to put at least some focus on winning over the fans now. Is that more important than the players and recruiting, etc? Obviously not more important, but it sure ought to have some importance, and we the fans are not really seeing that now.


Helluva Engineer
because they were winning before he came
Are you serious????
2000 3-8
2001 7-5
2002 10-3
2003 4-9
2004 6-6
2005 10-2 (vacated season)
2006 6-7 (vacated season)
2007 7-6 (Sabans first year)

6 win average

He came in and told them what they had to do to get better and the fan base bought in and opened their wallets and look at them now. Same thing with O'Leary at UCF, he built that program and said we need XYZ and the fan base bought in. CGC was at both of those places during the build up to their current places. I think the fella knows what he's doing. Will he be the one to get us over the hump is another story yet to be written. But I give to the GTAA $150 a year in addition to buying 3 season tickets in sec 121 and sending all my Amazon orders through Amazon Smile so the GTAA get a percentage from my order. I can't afford to give thousands but hundreds will help because other programs have proven that; IPTAY etc. I wish everyone on here would. Obviously, with us being so close to completing AI 2020, many do.

We both want the same thing, but our understanding of what we have to do to get there is different, because, well, age.

I love all Tech fans who want the best for Tech. that much we can all agree with on here.


Ramblin' Wreck
Nick Saban doesn't have to care what the fans think, because they were winning before he came and are still winning now. If, for whatever reason, attendance at Bama games took a nosedive, you know damn well he would care what is causing that to happen. And he would do his best to win the fans back. Collins needs to put at least some focus on winning over the fans now. Is that more important than the players and recruiting, etc? Obviously not more important, but it sure ought to have some importance, and we the fans are not really seeing that now.
@TooTall hit submit before I could
Augusta, GA
Are you serious????
2000 3-8
2001 7-5
2002 10-3
2003 4-9
2004 6-6
2005 10-2 (vacated season)
2006 6-7 (vacated season)
2007 7-6 (Sabans first year)

6 win average

He came in and told them what they had to do to get better and the fan base bought in and opened their wallets and look at them now. Same thing with O'Leary at UCF, he built that program and said we need XYZ and the fan base bought in. CGC was at both of those places during the build up to their current places. I think the fella knows what he's doing. Will he be the one to get us over the hump is another story yet to be written. But I give to the GTAA $150 a year in addition to buying 3 season tickets in sec 121 and sending all my Amazon orders through Amazon Smile so the GTAA get a percentage from my order. I can't afford to give thousands but hundreds will help because other programs have proven that; IPTAY etc. I wish everyone on here would. Obviously, with us being so close to completing AI 2020, many do.

We both want the same thing, but our understanding of what we have to do to get there is different, because, well, age.

I love all Tech fans who want the best for Tech. that much we can all agree with on here.
OK, I stand corrected. But in spite of those bad years, Bama fans still filled the stands. Tech fans don't, and haven't since O'Leary


Jolly Good Fellow
The bolded sentence is the crux of the matter. As HC, you have to balance what is important for the young men you are coaching with what is important for the program and also recognize that you have to keep the fans satisfied. My point still remains. Somewhere along the line CGC will need to engage the fans with the same intentionality he is engaging the recruits and the brand/culture or else he runs the real risk of having the fan base quit showing up and donating, which hurts his ability to provide for the players. If he wins big here, that will take care of itself because fans will show up and donate to watch a winning product. If he expects this turnaround to take a while, which might very well be the case, then he should probably be investing in the good will of the fan base to stave off the pitchforks from the early naysayers. It costs him literally nothing to engage the fans
It costs time, which is pretty darn valuable. Should he spend 10% more time on the fans and will that come from time recruiting or X/Os or "culture"?
and could gain him the extra year or two of grace.

Now, so far, I think he's doing a pretty great job of implementing his vision and changing the brand/culture to reflect it, which is paying dividends in recruiting. Also, while I think having players dancing and singing on the sidelines while in the process of being routed is a bad look and just plain silly, I recognize that if it creates the buy in from the SA's, then it's useful. I am just pointing out that every time the fans complain, the refrain is it's not intended for us. That's really not a good response. Telling fans that they are only useful for showing up and giving their money is a sure way to alienate a fanbase. Not saying that's what is going on, but that's the answer that keeps being given from posters on here when someone critiques CGC.
Let me be crystal clear. People are saying that as a polite way of saying the complaint is petty. Some people whine everytime their cheese gets moved whatsoever. Deal with change or just watch old 1952 replays every Saturday.


Ramblin' Wreck
Milton, Georgia
Let me be crystal clear. People are saying that as a polite way of saying the complaint is petty. Some people whine everytime their cheese gets moved whatsoever. Deal with change or just watch old 1952 replays every Saturday.

gtcrew. You really are CGC posting on this board. Glad you are spending time with us.
Augusta, GA
It costs time, which is pretty darn valuable. Should he spend 10% more time on the fans and will that come from time recruiting or X/Os or "culture"?
Let me be crystal clear. People are saying that as a polite way of saying the complaint is petty. Some people whine everytime their cheese gets moved whatsoever. Deal with change or just watch old 1952 replays every Saturday.
Change is fine. Even an old fart like me admits that. What is not fine, however, is ignoring the fan base.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
It costs time, which is pretty darn valuable. Should he spend 10% more time on the fans and will that come from time recruiting or X/Os or "culture"?
Let me be crystal clear. People are saying that as a polite way of saying the complaint is petty. Some people whine everytime their cheese gets moved whatsoever. Deal with change or just watch old 1952 replays every Saturday.

I'm not the one you need to be worried about. I re-upped my tickets and added to my giving this year. But three different families that sit near me have cancelled this year because they aren't interested in what CGC is selling, and one of those families is younger than me. (I'm in my 40's) It's a two way street. He needs to change the culture AND keep the fans on board, because if the fans quit showing, he won't be here for long.

Again, I am a believer he can do it, but it would go a long way if he treated the fanbase with the same passion he treats everything else.


Milwaukee, WI
I'm not the one you need to be worried about. I re-upped my tickets and added to my giving this year. But three different families that sit near me have cancelled this year because they aren't interested in what CGC is selling, and one of those families is younger than me. (I'm in my 40's) It's a two way street. He needs to change the culture AND keep the fans on board, because if the fans quit showing, he won't be here for long.

Again, I am a believer he can do it, but it would go a long way if he treated the fanbase with the same passion he treats everything else.

He’s probably okay with losing those kinds of fans as he’s gaining a different demographic of fans and I don’t blame him. Listen to what you just said and apply it to yourself hypothetically. Are you really a fan of GT if you cut and run because you don’t like what the current coach is selling. Good riddance to everyone of those horrible fans. Our fan base is undergoing a major overhaul and it’s a great thing. We’re gonna lose some bad fans but who tf cares.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
He’s probably okay with losing those kinds of fans as he’s gaining a different demographic of fans and I don’t blame him. Listen to what you just said and apply it to yourself hypothetically. Are you really a fan of GT if you cut and run because you don’t like what the current coach is selling. Good riddance to everyone of those horrible fans. Our fan base is undergoing a major overhaul and it’s a great thing. We’re gonna lose some bad fans but who tf cares.
I reordered my season tickets but I don't think CGC is that dumb not to care about losing season ticket holders. He talks about Bobby Dodd Stadium being full , I was at every game last year Yes even the uga game . Attendance was bad at all the games I doubt that at any game we had over 38,000 tech fans at the game. Hard to sell an empty Stadium to recruits , I say he does care. And 1/2 the,people around me are not getting tickets this year. And the funny part its the older one like me who are getting them. The new ones than last year was their first year said they would not. You may not care but than I have my doubts that you are a real fan.