So what did Joseph do?


GT Athlete
Hartselle, AL
Coaches covering for coaches.

That is the biggest crock of sanctimonious bull**** I've seen yet. Every player as well as numerous others associated with the program all made accusations that Joseph was abusing the players yet despite all of that evidence this dingbat sides with the coach and doesn't believe any of the players or staff. This clown wants us to blame GA Tech. Then decides we all need to side with justice. Nothing like reading the ramblings of a SJW. I guess it's just a coincidence that her former coach/lover is pushing that crap on Twitter.

Hmmmmmm....... Purdue coach tweeting for MJ.......

Brings back a popular, oft-repeated question from the Dark Ages, AKA "The Carson Era":

Q: How can you tell when a college coach is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.

When in doubt, believe the athletes.

Just like with Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties, take care of them and they will take care of you. Don't take care of them and oh boy will they ever take care of you.


Helluva Engineer
Hmmmmmm....... Purdue coach tweeting for MJ.......

Brings back a popular, oft-repeated question from the Dark Ages, AKA "The Carson Era":

Q: How can you tell when a college coach is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.

When in doubt, believe the athletes.

Just like with Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties, take care of them and they will take care of you. Don't take care of them and oh boy will they ever take care of you.

Quite often, if not always, the Truth is just as simple as this. To the point!


Jolly Good Fellow
This dumbass says she is not against the players or their stories but then basically calls them liars because of their "perspective." Give me a break, this IS a SJW and her "perspective" means jack ****!


Helluva Engineer
Let's be honest - is there anything worse than someone who is making $500k+/yr acting like a victim? Shame on Lin Dunn for denying the existence of a bunch of 18-22 year old student athletes, many of whom probably grew up in lower and middle class households.

Rich protecting the rich as usual. Nothing else to see here.


Ramblin' Wreck
This dumbass says she is not against the players or their stories but then basically calls them liars because of their "perspective." Give me a break, this IS a SJW and her "perspective" means jack ****!
I'm quoting the last instance of SJW I saw because I couldn't figure out from context what it meant even though it was used several different times. For you old guys like me, it means "Social Justice Warrior". Not Single Jewish Woman like I first assumed.


Jolly Good Fellow
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
This is crazy to me. Joesph’s team revolts against her. Two players filed complaints with GT and then LEFT the team because of her abuse (albeit alleged abuse). Then every single player on the team corroborated the abuse. Now past players are corroborating the abuse. I’ve handled retaliation law suits before. They are difficult. This one will be impossible unless her legal team can uncover a vast conspiracy that undermines the credibility of each one of her own players. Think about it. Nobody is corroborating her story and EVERY SINGLE athlete has said she did this. Now we have a past athlete saying she sexually harassed her. Her credibility is simply shot. Heck if she has been alleging title IX violations for a prolonged time, that undermines her own credibility cause GT has never done anything against her before.

Also, her claim title IX claim, if completely viable, would be worth much less than SA’s claims for those violation. The coach’s not so much.

GT has no choice but to get rid of her. I really don’t think this looks bad on GT.


Helluva Engineer
This is crazy to me. Joesph’s team revolts against her. Two players filed complaints with GT and then LEFT the team because of her abuse (albeit alleged abuse). Then every single player on the team corroborated the abuse. Now past players are corroborating the abuse. I’ve handled retaliation law suits before. They are difficult. This one will be impossible unless her legal team can uncover a vast conspiracy that undermines the credibility of each one of her own players. Think about it. Nobody is corroborating her story and EVERY SINGLE athlete has said she did this. Now we have a past athlete saying she sexually harassed her. Her credibility is simply shot. Heck if she has been alleging title IX violations for a prolonged time, that undermines her own credibility cause GT has never done anything against her before.

Also, her claim title IX claim, if completely viable, would be worth much less than SA’s claims for those violation. The coach’s not so much.

GT has no choice but to get rid of her. I really don’t think this looks bad on GT.

One would almost think, with the lack of anyone backing his/her claims, that she is the love child of ron bell. Or vice versa.


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Listening/watching Niesha Butler from a Thursday night local CBS interview, I'm starting to wonder what’s going to surface next? Inappropriate touching by CMJ started the downfall, Ms. Butler is claiming led to her being forced to leave Ga. Tech. The rebuttal by Counsel is that the star player was academically ineligible, which Niesha vehemently denies. She stated she was eligible the entire time by NCAA and Tech standards. She also has her degree from The Flats(currently working on her Graduate Degree). Also, the player believes the other teammates won’t tell all because they fear retaliation while CMJ is connected throughout what is their livelihood and sport.


Helluva Engineer
Listening/watching Niesha Butler from a Thursday night local CBS interview, I'm starting to wonder what’s going to surface next? Inappropriate touching by CMJ started the downfall, Ms. Butler is claiming led to her being forced to leave Ga. Tech. The rebuttal by Counsel is that the star player was academically ineligible, which Niesha vehemently denies. She stated she was eligible the entire time by NCAA and Tech standards. She also has her degree from The Flats(currently working on her Graduate Degree). Also, the player believes the other teammates won’t tell all because they fear retaliation while CMJ is connected throughout what is their livelihood and sport.

A defense lawyer publically responding “in public” is quite the sign of desperation.

The lawyer has nothing to lose, let cmj hang herself.


The longer this goes and the more press on it the worse we’re off I don’t care how you slice it. Look thru the lens of we’re on the side of right & they’re wrong if you will, but our program is being damaged. Put yourself in the place of a recruit. Institutionally we allegedly let abhorrent behavior persist for over a decade & you’re going to trust your child to a place that’s now claiming they cleaned house. I’d be asking if they removed all the cancer & how do you know it’s not coming back. Lastly you’re in a male dominated Institute and you’re taking on the sexual harassment/discrimination zealots from both sides. It’s like fighting your mother, you wife & your daughter on 3 different sides simultaneously. Try being right in that fight.

I’d buy this woman off & do it quickly. She’s got a number & unless she’s outrageously vindictive there should be an acceptable middle ground somewhere.


With this Butler sexual harrassment occurring in 2002 (other similar mid-nineties at Purdue) , it's hard to see 17 years slipping by without some repeat of this behavior,I won't be surprised if more allegations leak out. Maybe GT should be looking into a way to take away any retirement or unemployment benefits instead of rewarding her with the settlement thing?


Mello Yellow-Jacket
Wondering what those of you close to the program think of Niesha Butler being a recent guest coach on Agnus Beranato’s bench, in relation to how the credibility factor goes? Knowing Aggie, I doubt she would remain so friendly to an ex-player if she was making up stories like abuse, inappropriate touching, et al.(concerning her former lead Assistant Coach, who followed her tenure at G.T.).