So how do people feel about Brent Key and Geoff Collins-


Helluva Engineer
You always start arguments for no reason
Trying to run people off??

Animal has almost 4000 posts that average 6 words.

He finds a great link on locations colleges sign players and then back to making the gtswarm define when we fire the new coach. Got to admire him - not in the top 4 %
80 % cant understand logic
Of the 20 % 80 % will not change their mind.
Only 4% will and Animal .

I wont either but at least I like content.


Southeastern Michigan
If you consider that an attack, you really are a snowflake.

There was some validity in what the guy said. You can choose to acknowledge that part, and then add what you think might be missing.

Or you can choose to keep being a d*ck.
Not a snowflake at all.....and you still cannot refute my post....just call more names......shows how shallow you are.


Southeastern Michigan
But what was your point? That we could be FSU under Collins? You have no more evidence for that claim than the other poster had in saying we could be like Dabo's Clemson. You are choosing to be pessimistic where others are choosing to be optimistic is all. Not an attack, just an observation.
That recruiting is the "everything" FSU had the #1 class for 2 years running. Those classes are now in their Jr-Sr year. By the "Recruiting" logic the should have been contending for an NC instead of sitting at home for the holidays.


Jolly Good Fellow
My opinion is word is out GT is about to do something special. It will just take a couple of the big names to jump on board and others will follow.


Helluva Engineer
Now, if a recruit is committed but doesn't sign in the early period when he has the chance, I dont have a problem offering his scholly to someone else. CPJ did it that way, too.

Who did CPJ pull a scholarship offer from for not signing early? He was the coach for one early signing period. The only player that I remember who didn't sign that December ended up signing with ND. I never heard that his GT offer was pulled.


Helluva Engineer
Who did CPJ pull a scholarship offer from for not signing early? He was the coach for one early signing period. The only player that I remember who didn't sign that December ended up signing with ND. I never heard that his GT offer was pulled.

I am virtually certain that once Malloy committed, C'Bo's offer was no longer commitable. Remember, offers are contingent on there still being a spot available at your position. CPJ said that if you don't sign when you have the chance, he doesn't consider you committed. The offer may not have been officially "pulled" but I am sure that if he tried to sign with us late, he would have been told his spot was taken.
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Helluva Engineer
That recruiting is the "everything" FSU had the #1 class for 2 years running. Those classes are now in their Jr-Sr year. By the "Recruiting" logic the should have been contending for an NC instead of sitting at home for the holidays.

Be wary of using an exception to try and disprove a rule.


Southeastern Michigan
Be wary of using an exception to try and disprove a rule.
It is not an exception.....there are plenty of other examples......just the most glaring. No doubt recruiting is important....but coaching is still is keeping them eligible...and nothing has been proven on the field yet. BTW...this is by no means a knock on Collins.


Helluva Engineer
I am virtually certain that once Malloy committed, C'Bo's offer was no longer commitable. Remember, offers are contingent on there still being a spot available at your position. CPJ said that if you don't sign when you have the chance, he doesn't consider you committed. The offer may not have been officially "pulled" but I am sure that if he tried to sign with us late, he would have been told his spot was taken.

Malloy committed on 2/7/2018 the same day that C'Bo committed to ND and the same day that they both signed LOIs. Your statement was that CPJ "pulled" offers when recruits don't sign early. What CPJ was very clear about is that if a committed recruit isn't "committed" then GT would look also. C'Bo not only didn't sign early, he was clearly courting ND and so wasn't "committed" to GT. Might be a matter of semantics, but I don't see it exactly the same way you do.


Helluva Engineer
That recruiting is the "everything" FSU had the #1 class for 2 years running. Those classes are now in their Jr-Sr year. By the "Recruiting" logic the should have been contending for an NC instead of sitting at home for the holidays.

Recruiting is important. Making a grade from a recruiting website however isn't the same thing. Just because you get 20 recruits that are highly ranked by the websites does not ensure that: They will pan out in college football. They will develop stronger, faster, and better. They will fit the culture of your program. They will stay in school. They will stay out of trouble. etc.


Helluva Engineer
That recruiting is the "everything" FSU had the #1 class for 2 years running. Those classes are now in their Jr-Sr year. By the "Recruiting" logic the should have been contending for an NC instead of sitting at home for the holidays.

Here is content on recruiting posted a second time.

Everyone one but Animal knows Ala has 1 recruits for decades save last year uga.

Duh - hiring an idiot head fsun coach who can't make in game calls is a disaster. Yes if cgc is also and idiot coach it will be a disaster and tstan will be fired.

Everyone knows this.
FSU is a factory and has opened the check book and fired the hc selected oc and dc. He will be gone - unless they are very competitive w Clemson.

Animal- we get your point- recruiting is not the be all end all .

Imo, cgc will give his oc and dc about 2 years to get it going. If not he may ask for an upgrade in $ for new ones from power 5. If recruiting is up and we have $ stopped draining from bb , tstan will give it a go. For 2 years.
Yes a stupid 7 year contract by tstan would be a bad move. But a contract with easy buy out in last 2 years w big incentives would be fine. Do you know it's a bad deal? I assume tstan is not stupid. He could be, but when cgc if asks for more $ for oc and DC , he can renegotiate then.

Now back to your great data base on recruits by location!!
Gt had recruits from texas 2002-2009 & then none till parker braun ( legacy) and d branch ( regularly say family at walk up and they said they sought gt). I talked to Todd Spencer in 09 and he said not coming to texas. It is clear that after 09 gt purposely limited recruiting in texas .

Looking at S the evil's map - they are making a good living in Dallas fort worth and new Orleans.



Helluva Engineer
Malloy committed on 2/7/2018 the same day that C'Bo committed to ND and the same day that they both signed LOIs. Your statement was that CPJ "pulled" offers when recruits don't sign early. What CPJ was very clear about is that if a committed recruit isn't "committed" then GT would look also. C'Bo not only didn't sign early, he was clearly courting ND and so wasn't "committed" to GT. Might be a matter of semantics, but I don't see it exactly the same way you do.

I don't think we disagree too much here. My point has been that coaches generally have a good idea where a kid is leaning and plan accordingly. I think relatively few of these hypothetical ethical conundrums really come up.


Helluva Engineer
We also get to find out how good of a recruiter Key actually is. If you'll notice, Alabama has three of the top five recruiters in the country...I mean sheesh, not wonder they're so good (tic).

Don't get me wrong...I'm excited about the shift towards young recruiting hungry coaches...but could it be that these guys are so great because they're recruiting for Alabama?

Could be because of bama, but in the 10 years prior to saban bama averaged a little over 6 wins per season.

So maybe it is more than just the uni folks wear - like recruiting / coaching / facilities?

Regardless, having Key instead of Sewak is an upgrade of enormous proportions.


Jolly Good Fellow
Could be because of bama, but in the 10 years prior to saban bama averaged a little over 6 wins per season.

So maybe it is more than just the uni folks wear - like recruiting / coaching / facilities?

Regardless, having Key instead of Sewak is an upgrade of enormous proportions.
Remember Brent Key was a major contributor at UCF which was not “Alabama” and TStan had a close up view of his performance. And yes it is an upgrade of enormous proportions.


Jolly Good Fellow
Corpus Christi, TX
How do people feel? Here's a for-instance.

I'm wandering around HEB (Texas equivalent of Publix) this morning, and some gal I don't know spies my GT cap and asks, "What do you think about our new coach?", and it was plain she was stoked about the hire. Turns out her family are sidewalk fans from Georgia and now her kid's at GT. My point is, she didn't say, "What's the good word?", or any of the standard stuff. Halfway across the country from tech, she sees a guy in a GT cap, and she wants to talk about CGC and no more triple option.

Anecdotal data? You bet. But she's wasn't the only Tech fan in that supermarket who's ready for a new HC.


Helluva Engineer
Are they the best recruiters or is it being at Alabama made them the best recruiters?

That’s a fair question to ask. I would say that you still have to be a pretty good recruiter even at a place like Alabama because you’re competing with Clemson, Ohio State, Michigan, Oklahoma, Georgia, and then everyone that is close to the top tier like TAMU and other schools that are putting tons of money into their programs. I think it’s a lot like when Alabam has to go play a game. They know they are getting everyone’s best shot. So not only are they having to play Clemson/Oklahoma at the height of their powers but also every other team gives them their best. In recruiting they have to fight the big boys for every recruit and that’s not a gimme and then every other school on the tier just below is going to give them their best in recruiting any of those guys they think they have a way to get.

Clearly it’s a VERY different challenge recruiting at Alabama than it is at GT. I think the thing you DON’T have at Alabama is the challenges that the school itself poses for recruiting that GT does.


Helluva Engineer
Not a snowflake at all.....and you still cannot refute my post....just call more names......shows how shallow you are.

Haven’t been trying to refute your “point”. That was between you and the other poster. Just pointing out how you come across like an @ss.


Helluva Engineer
I want GT return to being pre Gailey GT. .
We are are actually better than that now. We went to three Orange Bowls in my lifetime. Two were post Gailey. Except for one good year under Ross, a couple under O’Leary, and 3-4 under Johnson, we have not had that many great years since Dodd.


Helluva Engineer

The Marquis of Queensbury rules will be observed on all occasions. Now shake hands and come out fighting
John Wayne was very careful to stick to the script in The Quiet Man. Victor McLaglen had gone 6 rounds with Jack Johnson when he was young and knew how to swat with the best of them. Not a guy you'd like to get angry with you, even when you were 20 years younger (he was 65, the Duke was 45).

We'll just have to see how things work out with the new staff and recruiting. I'm hoping that as out recruiting infrastructure matures that we'll be able to identify the best players for Tech, given their preferences, their smarts, their talents given what we need, and go on from there. If we get multiple 4 stars a year (and maybe a 5 star or two), great. If we don't and we've done a good job with identifying who can actually play ball, stay eligible, and help us win, great. I could care less about how many stars our recruits have or where we rank.