Season in review.


Ramblin' Wreck
Some disjointed thoughts on the season:
  • Even though 3 wins was what was projected by a number of good sources, it’s still disappointing. We should have had at least 4, and possibly as many as 5 (but I’m not sure where the 5th win would come from this year).
  • Collins said that we were the second smallest lineup in P5, and that they’d worked on that through S&C. He did say how much he admired the grit of the kids playing, but that we needed to get bigger and stronger and that wouldn’t be easy. At the end of the season, I think we’re probably still on that end of the spectrum for P5 teams and smaller than a good number of G5 teams. In the Southeast, that I’m sure we’re looking at other ACC and SEC teams, but that’s also going to include teams like Vandy, Rutgers, Washington State, et al. I can see Wisconsin or LSU walking out a line that’s much bigger than ours, but we can be at least average in this category. That’s hurt us in past bowls and big games where we get pushed around. Handling this with S&C, nutrition, and recruiting is a big need over the next few years.
  • I don’t think we had a crazy number of injuries this year—we just have such a young team that the injuries we had were so much more crucial.
  • On defense, we were better than last year by most of the sources I look at. This is despite us losing a lot of the tackles and leadership from last year’s team. I saw us take a step up in a few areas, but in others I saw us repeating the same mistakes we’ve made for years. Mostly, it was a mix of watching us almost make a good play, like the missed interception yesterday, or make two good plays in a row and just fail on the third play with a missed tackle or a bad read.
  • Special teams didn’t get any more special this year. These coaches have had good special teams before. It’s really hard to fix something like that in-season. I think it will get fixed in the off-season.
  • I think the DL will play better next year if only because it’s a year older.
  • I didn’t see the OL progression and growth during the season that other posters did. I didn’t expect much during the season, anyway—the off-season is where you build up that kind of skill and strength, while during the season you scout your opponents and execute against them. I would still see a tackle block down instead of taking an outside man yesterday, or some other play where a defender was mistakenly left unblocked. The VTs, UGAs, UVAs, and UNCs were pushing us around all season, and they will until we get bigger and stronger.
  • Same as the above line, but for DL too.
  • We have some young potential at LB if we can ingrain the scheme and the decisions. We need the QB on defense to be a coach on the field.
  • I didn’t see us progress at DB during the year. We were better this year than last, but I thought we were as good in the first game as we were in the last. Even in the NCST game, I saw us give up quick receptions that you couldn’t blame on lack of penetration because no one is fast enough to get into the backfield that quickly. We’ve got potential there, but they should be playing better, and you can’t blame everything on the front 7.
  • I like our running backs.
  • We brought in a grad transfer to be our main tight end this season. I hope we don’t have to start over completely there next season. This is a position to develop in so many ways.
  • Our Wide Receivers have a lot of physical potential, but they need to win footballs. I’ve seen too many passes dropped or slapped away. That’s not all on the QB.
  • Wide receivers used to block, now it’s not the same. We don’t win unless they block.
  • Our QB play was gutsy this year. Graham can run, but it’s definitely his backup plan. No one is spying our QB and taking a player out of pass coverage. The completion percentage is way too low, too many passes are going to triple coverage instead of a better target. We’re not completing enough short passes.
  • I’m working on incomplete information, but I give our defensive coaching a B- this year. We were more aggressive, created more havoc, and improved in some fundamentals. but there are mistakes that have been going on for years that are still happening.
  • Special teams is a C-. I can understand not getting place kicking fixed, but kickoffs you have to find a way to get someone to put the ball deep with some air under it.
  • Offense I consider a C. Re: being able to predict which play is coming—you could predict the play coming from a lot of top tier teams in the NCAA and NFL, but that doesn’t mean you can stop it. They see a weakness and they exploit it until you adjust, then they attack what you just adjusted out of defending. On the other hand, the 1970s Seattle Seahawks had the most unpredictable play calling you could imagine, and they kept going 2-12 or 3-13. We just aren’t strong enough or automatic enough to do that. The three things that bring down the offensive grade down for me is that we never seemed to get our line calls “right” through the season, we kept making poor reads at QB, and our wide receivers didn’t grow into game changers. All of those contribute to the other.
  • I think Patenaude will be here next year. Collins is looking for an educator to teach his players a new offense. I know a bunch of you don’t like his play calling, but the bigger needs now are to teach the right reads and the right fundamentals. If Patenaude can do that, then he’ll stay at least until the players make the right decisions on the field and have the right techniques.
  • On the line, I think our players were overwhelmed with their new responsibilities and also the physical demands. Key has a big job this offseason.
  • I expect a big step up in play next season. I’m not sure we get bowl-eligible, because it’s a bloodbath schedule, but we’ll look the part next year.
It just depends on when things start to click with our QBs. I think CDP comments about teaching fundamentals are interesting. That changes my perspective slightly


Staff member
It just depends on when things start to click with our QBs. I think CDP comments about teaching fundamentals are interesting. That changes my perspective slightly

If he doesn’t succeed as a teacher, then I would say it is time to start looking

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Ramblin' Wreck
There was a weight cap/restriction though. It was an AJC article on it. CPJ didn’t like he thought our OL was slow and didn’t have good flexibility
The weight cap was based off performance and wasn't arbitrarily done. If you could tote the weight and play like needed nothing was said.


Ramblin' Wreck
False. Very false. You start with formation sets of the formations you personally run. What techniques do the dline play, how to they fit their gaps, how do the LB's fit and play overhead, and how do they want to play the DB's in coverage. You can't do this is you aren't seeing the same sets as yourself. Spread sets and flexbone sets ran in the triple are totally different. Majority of the sets in the ACC are spread and multiple pro. Outside of Duke this year that put some flexbone sets in on short yardage. Apparently we need to teach both the players and fans how to watch film...

You can absolutely look at the formations and the sets that defenses run against you in previous weeks as well as what they run against you in previous years (assuming no opposing staff turnover). Finally you can also use what common opponents you can find. All of this is what I said last time. You don't have to have other teams to see how they may play you. PJ did this a lot - he was always referring to seeing the same fronts in the game that they saw the previous game. Because the offense was unique our opponents would try things that others tried. You can absolutely use film from previous weeks to prepare.

Just because the needs of PJ don't match the needs of the new staff doesn't mean they didn't use film. Finally, there should have been little or no difference for the defensive players from a film standpoint.


Helluva Engineer
This is what I mean, folks. Projected to win 3.7 without accounting for the coaching change. Considering the injuries on the line, this season met expectations.
You can’t really ignore the awful things that happened this season and go by raw win total. I’m not sure anyone predicted that we would lose an FCS game, get shutout at home for the first time in over 60 years, have our largest loss to UGA in the history of our program, and not even really compete against Duke, Temple, or UNC. The lows were too low to ignore.


Helluva Engineer
This is a measured take. We’re a worse football team, but better program than we were during Johnson’s last 2 years (I’ll save face with the CPJ homers and say we were a better program with him the prior 9 seasons). But the vision is to play like a Florida team - stout defense and explosive offense. I know football - and I can see it happening. If you look at the scores and stat sheets you won’t see it. These things are not gradual or linear. We are going to play bad (but better football) next year, and all of a sudden we’ll start to dominate the ACC coastal and come within a prayer against uga or Clemson. That’s how these transformations work: u suffer, u experiment, and then 1-2 critical pieces come together and it takes off. It happened under O’Leary with Hamilton and company.

If we do not get some BIG GOOD talent at DT this hope for a"stout" defense is a DREAM. Good LBs and DBs can only do so much with no pass rush nor LOS control .


Helluva Engineer
And that's the thing I'll never understand how we do. Drive around the boonies in Georgia and you will see uga flags, and have to wonder how many of these families actually went to Georgia or are they a sidewalk fan? You don't really see that with tech

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You can buy those flags for $1 at dollar tree


Helluva Engineer
It's been my position for years that special teams (not including specialists) play is a good barometer of a teams overall talent. This is because not many teams are running unique schemes and most players on these units are most often your "depth" guys. It is something that only seems to improve when the program improves or you have difference makers at the specialist or returners who can make up for others. Often times, though, trying to make up for others can lead to even worse plays.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
It's been my position for years that special teams (not including specialists) play is a good barometer of a teams overall talent. This is because not many teams are running unique schemes and most players on these units are most often your "depth" guys. It is something that only seems to improve when the program improves or you have difference makers at the specialist or returners who can make up for others. Often times, though, trying to make up for others can lead to even worse plays.

Bear Bryant wrote that kicking and special teams is 35% of the game. In his opinion, kickoffs, punts and ep’s is the game because except for ep, they are the longest plays in the game.


Jolly Good Fellow
Completely agree with you with what GT is doing from an admissions standpoint. Alabama built an engineering school with kids from Georgia that GT would not accept, now UGA is doing the same thing.
THIS!!!!!! I have a neighbor who has really never been into football much but his son is a hs senior with a 4.0 and really wanted to go to Tech. He wasn't accepted and is instead going to attend ugag. For the first time I noticed he has one of those stone bulldogs in his yard and a sticker on his car. We are turning away people in our state that could be the next generation of our fanbase in exchange for people who are likely to return to their home countries and never care about Tech again.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
THIS!!!!!! I have a neighbor who has really never been into football much but his son is a hs senior with a 4.0 and really wanted to go to Tech. He wasn't accepted and is instead going to attend ugag. For the first time I noticed he has one of those stone bulldogs in his yard and a sticker on his car. We are turning away people in our state that could be the next generation of our fanbase in exchange for people who are likely to return to their home countries and never care about Tech again.

This is the result of Research and a decision reached 40 years ago.


Going along the lines of "Season in Review". Do you have a scoring system on which you would place various aspects of the team? I do.

Coaching C
Offense C-
Defense B-
Special Teams B

O-Line F
RBs B-
D-Line C
DBs B-

That's about my overall scores. Overall, I guess we were a blended C.


Helluva Engineer
Going along the lines of "Season in Review". Do you have a scoring system on which you would place various aspects of the team? I do.

Coaching C
Offense C-
Defense B-
Special Teams B

O-Line F
RBs B-
D-Line C
DBs B-

That's about my overall scores. Overall, I guess we were a blended C.

Ratings for the full year
TE- D-
WE- D-
Slot- B+
RB- B+
QB- D-
O-position coaching- C (trend for performance was upwards, but started horrible)
OC- C-

DT- C-
S- B-
Nickle- B-
Defense- C+
D-position coaching- C+ (saw fundamentals improve early, but seemed to revert to old habits as the year went on)
DC- B- (lots of good halftime adjustments, but less varied blitz packages as season progressed)


Jolly Good Fellow
Collins: I have feel pretty confident going forward that Collins will be able to bring in regularly recruit classes in the top 30 range yearly and he obviously is selling the players and program to the right message. I've not seen anything outrageous in coaching game decisions that he's made this year and most young head coaches grow in that area with experience.
Thacker: I like Thacker work at DC it's obvious he was very limited in player talent and size on the front and LB spots all year. We were undersized and injured alot during the year and still at times I seen the defense make plays have stretches even while over-matched compete I believe he's pretty good on schemes just need more talent out there.
P'nut: Needs to go honestly I didn't see anything that I would considered a Schemed success from our offense any success we had this year was seemingly thru just luck of the draw and just sticking to it... the Miami game having the running game go off or the NC State game these didn't seem to be as designed as much so ohh it's working just stick with it. It's true any coordinator would have their hands full with this transition but decent coordinators I believe would've been able to scheme at least some successful game-plans to produce some on offense and just didn't see that with P'nut.

QB: Graham was obviously the best choice this year as he has talent but not sure he can put it all together his consistency was atrocious and you want to see someone have less and less downfalls as year goes on that simple didn't happen. Yates who knows I like the kids talent and accuracy out of high school but didn't see much of him this year will get his redshirt tag still. Gleason I mean we would have to be a true freshman playing while like his size is accurate on short passing haven't seen much of him throwing deep and he does run hard not sure if he will be ready as True Freshman. The QB spot is still pretty wide open so who knows who's the starting QB next year or even if we get a transfer.
OL: We got 2-3 guys that maybe starters next season. Kenny Cooper if he comes back due to injury Waiver and Quinney/Minihan are the other 2 guys I feel with another off-season could be serviceable starters. We really need to hit on a Transfer. The O-line will continue to be a weakness last year but you can only hope that the playing time and transfer portal/injury bug will be kind to us we should see some growth in this area going thru next season into year 3.
RB: Mason/Griffin/Howard will be back... Mason with regular carries and slightly improve o-line plays is one of the better backs in ACC and easily could rush for 1000+ yards over next 2 season. Griffin is very gifted player not quite the hammer that Mason is but if he has a hole and a little more experience he can rip big runs. If we hold onto Gibbs he should contribute as well as Freshman and we would be pretty happy with RB spot.
WRs: A. Brown is a legit burner and slot nightmare he will only get better with experience. Sanders/Carter are nice bigger compliant WRs who while being inconsistent they move well and have had moments of solid play. They are all very young still and with a good QB and more opportunities could be one of the better WR groups in ACC not wearing Clemson colors when all said in done. Camp if comes back probably is #4 in talent but his experience is valuable as well plus Ezzard getting PT.
TE: We better hope to pick up a solid transfer but as expected we are still extremely young and underdeveloped at this point. I do like Deveney size and PT he got this year and we have Ward coming in probably plays some too.

DL: Very undersized all year and suffered several injuries J.Lee, Owens, Martin, C.Bennett and the passing of B.Adams. This unit for all it's short-coming had some good play at times and a couple of names that I think have promise in developing are Ja'Quon Griffin and Domineck who both played at D-line/Pass Rusher spots and produced. We got several young players who played and have size if you imagine some of these guys 10-15 pounds in the off-season particularly the DT spots I'm hopeful for 1-2 pick-ups and getting J.Lee and a few others like like Martin and Lockhart who could both be 290+ lbs with a good offseason and Clayton.
LB: Curry is just lackluster plain and simple but there inexperienced talent in that group in wonder how much of a role BJS would've fit into that MLB spot thru season if not injured. He's a guy that if gets to that 230-235 range will compete and much more gifted then Curry on the field. Knight is fast as any 230 pounder LB and is a FR he should continue to develop in earn a starting spot and C.Thomas maybe the most gifted out of them and his speed at 220 is very promising. I also feel there's a strong possibility Derrick Allen the ND transfer could end up at LB not safety there was talk of this being a possibility and he looks like someone who can play at 220-225 in coming years.
Secondary: Everyone's coming back to a already gifted group which has the most depth and talent out of the whole team and several highly rated prospects currently committed it's simply the one point no one should be worried about going into next year.
Special Teams: Kickers need to be gone...sorry they are broke toys at this point whatever talent they had was lost in there mental breakdowns. We got a couple of PWOs which are both rated highly so I would suspect we will get every chance for them to win a spot.... hell give me a guy who can kick the ball into the endzone hit extra points and hit on 75% of his FGs as a Freshman and I'll ask where to sign please!!!

Next year is on the fence to me a couple of Varibles will determine if we possible win 6-7 games or we only win like 3 again.
- OC ???
- Health at O-line and D-line if we can remain relatively health at these spot both should see continued improvement
- Who steps up at QB we could have a good run game we just need whoever the QB is to be consistent. Graham as all the ability in world but he can't go some games only completing 30% of his passes.


Helluva Engineer
Malak you just nailed it. Good summary. A top OL transfer and TE transfer would be very beneficial to next year. Would replace Southers and Davis. Give our new OL signers a chance to mature.


Staff member
I wouldn't mind one of these transferring quarterbacks who've declare the last day or two coming over to play for Georgia Tech.

A grad transfer is a band aid—it’s going to cover a deficiency for a year that you could be using to build up a multi year starter.
That’s not absolute, but there’s a cost to using a transfer with a limited playing window

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