Scrimmage #2

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Fwiw, I've gotten a different impression than many on what CPJ has said about his play calling. It's not a function of just D but, similar to what @bass ackwards said, also what we can do well enough. I think CPJ sees value in being able to throw more, but he won't call them in games if we can't make them in practice.

That being said, some of our practice is for the D so you can't predict game offense by scrimmage offense.


Helluva Engineer
This is a joke
"If I said that BRAD S would catch lots and lots of yards, could I get agreement on more passing?"

Generalities _coach says run first, we just want to win, are true, but dont negate my opinion.
As to no basis, I beg, to differ. I gave severAL ( cap just for fun) reasons that could be challenged.
Further, in a past post I had reviewed stats for the last 4 years. The rushing is the same. Passing varied between ab and wr with one year being a little higher. 2014 was good in both passing butdown for receiving. The number of td passes to ab was at its loeest last year. In general ab pass yds is way down from three years ago. Most of whathapp ened then was yds after catch. I think the qb is ready to make quick passes to ab against pressing defenses . This will result in much big yardage and several house call.