Regional: Ga Tech, UNCW, UGa, Army


Jolly Good Fellow
I got back late from the game last night. Just deflating to say the least.

First, the tech crowd was good size and larger than the uncw crowd even with the uga fans pitching in for them but their crowd was louder and more enthusiastic than ours. It's like football at times (sit down I can't see, you cheer too loud). Typical wine n cheese crowd.

Players feed off fan energy. There was little except a few of us and we got stared at for that...unreal.
When uncw hit the slam by a .205 hitter with 3 hr's btw, their crowd went nuts and their players fed off it all night long.

I went to the game because of the player reaction after the announcement of being placed in a regional and I wanted to bring that same energy as a fan.

The game:
It wasn't second guessing. My friend and I were stunned to see Brett Thomas starting and just couldn't believe it. I understand Danny likes to use a bullpen arm in a regional but that was ridiculous. Use a bullpen arm in a game 3 or 4 of a regional but certainly not the opening game against a 2 seed... Brett hasn't started a game ALL YEAR long and you put him in a game that was critical to win. On the other hand, Uncw took it very seriously and put their ace in with RJ Sales who tied us up all night long.

I don't care if you go with the 3rd (Tate), 4th (Ballard), or potentially 5th starter (Patel) but you don't go with a bull pen arm in an opening game 2 v 3 seed matchup. Horrible coaching decision, period. I'm not saying anything about Brett as he's done a great job for the team this year but putting him as a starter in yesterday's game put the kid in a bad spot.
With that, Hall should've had a quick hook with that decision.
Brett had a very good 1st with 1,2,3 in order. In the 2nd, you could tell he was nervous but he got the first out of the inning. Gave up a walk with the next batter and was nowhere close to the zone and threw a ball 4 feet over lackey's head. Next batter he grooved a pitched and the batter laced the ball up the middle for a single. 1st and 2nd with one out. My friend and I kept saying he looks absolutely nervous. Still no visit from PC Taylor. Should've been pulled but because of the mistake in the decision to start him, they couldn't burn pitchers. Next batter he hits the 8 hole hitter. Should've been pulled there with the bases full and 1 out but no he leaves him to face a .205 hitter. Gets him down 1-2 but because of the possible nerves to be placed in that position, he spins a ball in the middle of the zone and the hitter destroys it to left field. I blame that completely on the coach for not putting his team in the best position.

What to say except the only person that seemed to get off the bus yesterday was Drew Burress.

I still think this team can make waves in this regional but if Hall continues to make ridiculous moves like yesterday and the bats stay cold, well bring on football.

I can't go today because I have a friends birthday party and, to be honest, yesterday took it out of me. If we win today against Army, I will head back to Athens because I love Tech and will always support the boys and will be just us loud as the other fans no matter if our fan base likes it or not.
GT HR chain will return ..

Need a break though today

A very frustrated fan who has wanted to see our boys in Omaha. A trip I've always wanted to take....

No opportunity since '06.
Good recap. The last thing I'll say about the pitching decision yesterday before we turn the page is this. I didn't agree with it, but was intrigued when it was announced. In my mind, Thomas was going to be the "opener" the way the Rays really did it a few years ago. He starts and only pitches the first inning and then turns it over to Cam Hill as the real starter. Maybe that helps Hill go a little longer in the game before he turns over the top of the lineup again for a 3rd or 4th time.

I wonder if the breeze that Thomas had in the first inning made Danny get too greedy. Thinking, well that went so well, I can't take him out now and then after he got the first out in the second, thought he'd be good for the whole inning. Then fell apart so fast, he couldn't get Hill ready before the bomb.

Oh well, doesn't matter now. Hopefully we can start better today.


Jolly Good Fellow
Good recap. The last thing I'll say about the pitching decision yesterday before we turn the page is this. I didn't agree with it, but was intrigued when it was announced. In my mind, Thomas was going to be the "opener" the way the Rays really did it a few years ago. He starts and only pitches the first inning and then turns it over to Cam Hill as the real starter. Maybe that helps Hill go a little longer in the game before he turns over the top of the lineup again for a 3rd or 4th time.

I wonder if the breeze that Thomas had in the first inning made Danny get too greedy. Thinking, well that went so well, I can't take him out now and then after he got the first out in the second, thought he'd be good for the whole inning. Then fell apart so fast, he couldn't get Hill ready before the bomb.

Oh well, doesn't matter now. Hopefully we can start better today.
Hall stated pre-game that Thomas was being used as an opener, not a starter. I have no problem with that, in fact I actually like the decision. But I do agree with you that CDH got greedy based on the success of the 1st. When you have a plan, stick with that plan. Another example of letting emotions get in the way.


Jolly Good Fellow
Looks like Army saved their ace for this game. I guess they were assuming they would lose to UGa and wanted to try to get at least one W. I bet they are regretting that decision.


Jolly Good Fellow
Wowzer, that is quite possibly the strangest ejection I've ever seen. One step too far, I guess, onto the field.


Jolly Good Fellow
I’ve been in and out on this game as I’ve got other things going on but must have missed this. What happened?
Giesler hit a homerun in the 1st inning (boy, do we need some more runs!!!) and as he entered the dugout Caden Gaudette put the construction hard hat on him, as per the normal homerun celebration. The ump came over and ejected one of our players, and the replay showed that Gaudette had in fact taken about half a step out of the dugout instead of waiting for Giesler to enter the dugout.


Helluva Engineer
Giesler hit a homerun in the 1st inning (boy, do we need some more runs!!!) and as he entered the dugout Caden Gaudette put the construction hard hat on him, as per the normal homerun celebration. The ump came over and ejected one of our players, and the replay showed that Gaudette had in fact taken about half a step out of the dugout instead of waiting for Giesler to enter the dugout.
Yeah, they ejected the wrong player first though and ejected Cam Landry. Then ejected Gaudette in the 6th, I believe...


Jolly Good Fellow
Casual baseball fan so I apologize for this but did the announcer just say Danny Hall put in a closer for the 9th that has 0 saves all season?
This is our usual Sunday starter. This is one of my biggest complaints with Hall, he panics (IMO) when things get tough. Dawson Brown has done a decent job all season, where is he?

ETA: But it worked this time. Tip of the cap!

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Helluva Engineer
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Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
This is our usual Sunday starter. This is one of my biggest complaints with Hall, he panics (IMO) when things get tough. Dawson Brown has done a decent job all season, where is he?

ETA: But it worked this time. Tip of the cap!

Great game, just got home and saw we won. Better time playing bocce and drinking beer. Life is better without GT baseball sometimes.


Jolly Good Fellow
Great game, just got home and saw we won. Better time playing bocce and drinking beer. Life is better without GT baseball sometimes.
Thing is I have all summer to do non-Tech baseball stuff. About 6 weeks from now I'll really be jonesing for some Beesball, the other stuff I can do anytime.

ETA: Back to the "other stuff" now. Have a good one, guys!