Radio Show

danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Really good show tonight. CPJ was loose and offered some good perspectives. He did get a little "testy" on a question about a short passing game. He claimed we had one. On this answer I give him a "F". Our short passing game is still characterized by deep drops, slow developing routes, and too much time from the snap to the throw. I think what the caller was asking for was a pass released much quicker after the snap because of our lack of blocking. The only passes of this nature I have seen are the completed to Stewart and two thrown in the grass low and behind the receiver. I do not think we have a short passing game with a quick throw after the snap.....not part of our DNA and CPJ does not seem to be interested in this dialog.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Really good show tonight. CPJ was loose and offered some good perspectives. He did get a little "testy" on a question about a short passing game. He claimed we had one. On this answer I give him a "F". Our short passing game is still characterized by deep drops, slow developing routes, and too much time from the snap to the throw. I think what the caller was asking for was a pass released much quicker after the snap because of our lack of blocking. The only passes of this nature I have seen are the completed to Stewart and two thrown in the grass low and behind the receiver. I do not think we have a short passing game with a quick throw after the snap.....not part of our DNA and CPJ does not seem to be interested in this dialog.

I could be wrong, but I suspect they have a call screener and were expecting only the question about DMo.

Second, asking a coach if he doesn't do something that will help the team because he's just stubborn is ignorant.

I give your response a C- while we're giving out grades.


Helluva Engineer
It is a bit tougher to put in some of the quick throws due to how close the D is to the line of scrimmage and press coverage. If you catch the D in a zone blitz the short passes can be a home run. The option forces the defense's hand to an extent. You have to play man on downs where it is not an obvious pass or the option will kill you. If we are in an obvious passing down a short pass won't do much for us. Slants and screens are about the only thing we try, but as we saw against FSU, those can be risky.

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
I could be wrong, but I suspect they have a call screener and were expecting only the question about DMo.

Second, asking a coach if he doesn't do something that will help the team because he's just stubborn is ignorant.

I give your response a C- while we're giving out grades.
Hey, at least ya gave him a passing mark.


Helluva Engineer
The two TDs against the Trojans in the Sun Bowl, the TD pass to Perk against Pitt last year, Skov's two TD catches against ND this year - all short routes. So it's there. It may be getting covered in dust in the playbook, but it's there.
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Helluva Engineer
At his presser this morning, PJ talked about recruiting. The speaker at the Savannah Quarterback Club tonight was some guy from one of the recruiting services and he talked about the recruiting ratings and coaches. He said there is one coach who pays absolutely no attention to the recruiting rankings whatsoever.

Wanna take a guess?

Nook Su Kow

Ramblin' Wreck
At his presser this morning, PJ talked about recruiting. The speaker at the Savannah Quarterback Club tonight was some guy from one of the recruiting services and he talked about the recruiting ratings and coaches. He said there is one coach who pays absolutely no attention to the recruiting rankings whatsoever.

Wanna take a guess?
That's better than having to endure Babs Dooley at the Macon Touchdown Club yesterday. I did not attend.


Ramblin' Wreck
Johnson once again belittles a Tech fan on his call in show. Someone called in from St Mary's and very nicely asked Johnson if might consider putting in a short over the middle pass to slow down some of the opponents rush. In typical fashion Johnson says "why don't you draw that play up and mail it to me." Well that answer drew some knee slapping laughs from the audience, andI can only assume that Johnson put on that smirky briar eating grin like he had really said something funny. Some fans think that those reactions and statements might be hilarious, but I think they turn off most Tech fans, as well as sidewalk fans. In my opinion I believe he hurts his own cause and embarrass the football program. Believe me, the program needs all the fans it can get as well as good publicity. JMO folks.


Helluva Engineer
Johnson once again belittles a Tech fan on his call in show. Someone called in from St Mary's and very nicely asked Johnson if might consider putting in a short over the middle pass to slow down some of the opponents rush. In typical fashion Johnson says "why don't you draw that play up and mail it to me." Well that answer drew some knee slapping laughs from the audience, andI can only assume that Johnson put on that smirky briar eating grin like he had really said something funny. Some fans think that those reactions and statements might be hilarious, but I think they turn off most Tech fans, as well as sidewalk fans. In my opinion I believe he hurts his own cause and embarrass the football program. Believe me, the program needs all the fans it can get as well as good publicity. JMO folks.

Would you rather he conduct interviews like Greg Popovich? Maybe Bill Belichick? How about Nick Saban?


Helluva Engineer
He's probably heard that question 40 billion times, yeah, but I agree with you, I don't like his reaction. He doesn't want to say "Our qb is too short, our OL can't pass protect, our runningbacks absolutely suck at pass pro, our receivers can't get open in one-on-one on the outside, whadaya expect over the middle, etc, etc, etc...."

Our best bet, imo, is the outlet pass to the Bback like the ones to Skov at ND. We also have the smoke route but for some reason have went away from it this year. Our last few attempts at screen passes have been horrendous.

We used to do a delayed drag across the middle with the Aback, remember the game winner vs Ga Southern? Maybe that play just takes too long with the guys we have now.


Helluva Engineer
Every fan has questioned their team's HC and his/her coaching philosophy at some point. Its human nature. I'm sure CPJ doesn't mean to be rude in the manner of his response but you kinda have to look at it from his stand point. He has been coaching for almost 4 decades.

Don't you think he knows what he is doing by now? So when a fan calls in and suggests hey why not try "this" it can inadvertently come across as an insult of CPJ's football knowledge.

Not to mention he had the same exact question posed 2 call in shows prior to this one. We have ran and completed slant/crossing routes. We do it. We may not do it enough??? But we do it.


Helluva Engineer
Pauls response was totally fine Imo. And if you need help diagramming a short hot play i can help. Playside line cuts. Ab slants inside clear lb. Outside playside wr steps out and back in on inside tech and slants hard in on outside tech. If zone wr curls and stops in cblb void. Very easy. 2.5 step drop


Staff member
I've probably been to 10 of these shows in person and listen live/via replay to likely another 90% of them and won't argue that I can't see the attitude you're talking about. I think it is similar to the camp of folks that think he is too hard on his players. It's an opinion question not a fact based one so two rational people will likely agree to disagree. Having said that I think, in general, he saves the sarcasm for when he gets a question that feels like an intentional troll or someone clearly out of their depth and trying to look down their nose at his and the team's decisions.

For example, when people kept calling about hitting the open ineligible receiver he swatted a few people about the fact that this is big boy football and the players and staff have to follow the rules.

I get the sense that he is more like a big brother to the program. I still take hell from my older brother as a 30 year old man, and dish out plenty down to my younger brother (at 26) but heaven help someone outside of the family if they give grief to any of us three boys.

I find it a touch protective and frankly think in a full contact sport it's ok to have fire and vinegar in the blood. Growing up, those were the coaches we all wanted to play for. They had the expectation of excellence and held you to a higher standard than you sometimes believed reasonable or sometimes possible but they got the BEST out of the team.

My humble opinion? I'm cool with it. I can respect you not liking it though.


Helluva Engineer
He usually makes a wise crack then goes on to answer the question... most of the time. I still wish he wouldn't do it as it discourages average joe fans from calling in. Rather, I wish he'd explain what exactly it is we try to do or why it's difficult to pass over the middle with our current players or even with his scheme.
Or he could just say its not something we're good at so we stay away from it.