QB and OC debate


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
yet, until we know, folks here will continue to trash our players, our staff, potential players, and potential staff. Oh, and they will exalt former coaches on high, and make remarks about future HOF coaches at academies or FCS schools that we should be bringing in.

So, until we know, why not just drop all of that?
Ummm, because it is a fan message board. Of course you are going to hear all of that. Probably all winter and Spring. Seriously if that's what you want you are fighting a HUGE losing battle. Probably best if you step away for 4-6 months until the dust clears.


Helluva Engineer
Ummm, because it is a fan message board. Of course you are going to hear all of that. Probably all winter and Spring. Seriously if that's what you want you are fighting a HUGE losing battle. Probably best if you step away for 4-6 months until the dust clears.

It doesn't have to be that way. And I don't think it's a huge losing battle if the mods want to cut that stuff out. Sure, it might get rid of half of the posters, but if all those posters do is post overplayed "pithy" one liners that add nothing to meaningful discourse then it's akin to taking out the trash and "losing" half of your belongings.


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
It doesn't have to be that way. And I don't think it's a huge losing battle if the mods want to cut that stuff out. Sure, it might get rid of half of the posters, but if all those posters do is post overplayed "pithy" one liners that add nothing to meaningful discourse then it's akin to taking out the trash and "losing" half of your belongings.
Until the current staff gets to where they can be compared equally or better to what CPJ was able to deliver then there is always going to be comparisons and with the demonstrable lack of coaching skill that we have seen the comparisons are going to not look good for a while if ever.
The mods will probably never limit the talk of previous coaching staffs as long as it does not get derogatory.

We would all trade the last 3 years performance for CPJ's first 3 years here.

But from a more realistic perspective the odds of this coaching staff making it past the next 2 years is probably less than 10%. So then you will see the comparisons again to the next staff.


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
It doesn't have to be that way. And I don't think it's a huge losing battle if the mods want to cut that stuff out. Sure, it might get rid of half of the posters, but if all those posters do is post overplayed "pithy" one liners that add nothing to meaningful discourse then it's akin to taking out the trash and "losing" half of your belongings.
To be fair, I have stopped all the negative stuff I did before. But I will discuss facts and how we can move forward and sometimes there will still be comparisons with CPJ. But I am willing to embrace the next set of staff tweaks for one year to see if CGC can Dabo this. I like his recruiting, culture, marketing work he does. Now he MUST translate that to wins.

Bailey looks like he has the potential to help us create a lot more wins with the new staff if he fits the new scheme


Helluva Engineer
You'll really know if there's a marked change in the talk in spring. If we hear about how elite we are, nothing has changed. If we start hearing about having to fight for respect and all other stuff you should hear fr a 3 win team, then maybe the tide will turn.
That’s where I’m at. If Collins says anything this off season other than humble pie then we all know he hasn’t gotten it. Saban made comments about his team after a win this week that I‘ve never heard from our 3 win coach about how everything has to be earned, guys are to big for their britches, etc. I don’t want to hear the words elite or developmental ever again. Just install a system that doesn’t lead to penalties and gives our players a chance to succeed. Wins and losses come and go but consistent good play is a result of the coaching. He’s been given a second chance so we’ll all see.


He was a four star most of his high school recruitment and got a fifth star in the final rivals rankings due to his team going undefeated. Throwing to Arik Gilbert and Ricky White(4 star at Michigan State) also had a a 4 star receiver a class ahead of them that went to Tennessee. We recruited him pretty hard in high school per a rivals article I read at the time, but it was all kept private because he was committed to UT. Would be great to have him come in and compete, but don’t think he’s just coming here and blowing out Sims.
a lot of fans are so sour on sims i think they just assume any qb coming in will be better. they don’t realize even lamar jackson wasn’t that good when he first got started


Ramblin' Wreck
Bonaire GA
a lot of fans are so sour on sims i think they just assume any qb coming in will be better. they don’t realize even lamar jackson wasn’t that good when he first got started
Jackson wasnt terrible. He was the bowl mvp his freshman year. Also won the heisman as a sophomore and is the youngest at the time to win it



Helluva Engineer
Until the current staff gets to where they can be compared equally or better to what CPJ was able to deliver then there is always going to be comparisons and with the demonstrable lack of coaching skill that we have seen the comparisons are going to not look good for a while if ever.
The mods will probably never limit the talk of previous coaching staffs as long as it does not get derogatory.

We would all trade the last 3 years performance for CPJ's first 3 years here.

But from a more realistic perspective the odds of this coaching staff making it past the next 2 years is probably less than 10%. So then you will see the comparisons again to the next staff.
I'd like to trade the talent Johnson had in his first three years that Gailey and Collins recruited for the talent we've had the last 3 years that Johnson recruited


Helluva Engineer
Giff Smith says hello.
Giff Smith was a good recruiter but it is undeniable that Collins was the GM responsible for the outstanding and best ever 2007 class. His novel use (at the time) of social media brought that class together. Also, Gailey was a closer. His NFL background resonated with kids. Instead of seeing the real problem at the time, which was Pat Nix quality OCs, we threw the baby out with the bath water. We are on the cusp of doing that again, except that Stansbury is a better AD than we had back then. We'll see whether or not he can overcome the know nothings on the athletic board long enough to right the ship. I'm not hopeful.

My point remains the same: I'd like to trade the talent Johnson had in his first three years that Gailey and Collins recruited for the talent we've had the last 3 years that Johnson recruited. Johnson had the best talent ever assembled at Tech his first 2 years--talent that he didn't recruit. He then had 9 years of overall mediocre results, leaving behind a level of talent that he didn't want to stake his reputation on, and not many coaching candidates would have staked their career on. If people can't see how poor we have been at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, they don't know what they are watching. As O'Leary said, the further you are from the ball, the sooner you can play. We've only have 2 years of recruiting to rebuild the line of scrimmage. However, there is no excuse for the defense being as bad as it was this year. Hopefully that will be fixed.


Helluva Engineer
Giff Smith was a good recruiter but it is undeniable that Collins was the GM responsible for the outstanding and best ever 2007 class. His novel use (at the time) of social media brought that class together. Also, Gailey was a closer. His NFL background resonated with kids. Instead of seeing the real problem at the time, which was Pat Nix quality OCs, we threw the baby out with the bath water. We are on the cusp of doing that again, except that Stansbury is a better AD than we had back then. We'll see whether or not he can overcome the know nothings on the athletic board long enough to right the ship. I'm not hopeful.

My point remains the same: I'd like to trade the talent Johnson had in his first three years that Gailey and Collins recruited for the talent we've had the last 3 years that Johnson recruited. Johnson had the best talent ever assembled at Tech his first 2 years--talent that he didn't recruit. He then had 9 years of overall mediocre results, leaving behind a level of talent that he didn't want to stake his reputation on, and not many coaching candidates would have staked their career on. If people can't see how poor we have been at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, they don't know what they are watching. As O'Leary said, the further you are from the ball, the sooner you can play. We've only have 2 years of recruiting to rebuild the line of scrimmage. However, there is no excuse for the defense being as bad as it was this year. Hopefully that will be fixed.


Ramblin' Wreck
Giff Smith was a good recruiter but it is undeniable that Collins was the GM responsible for the outstanding and best ever 2007 class. His novel use (at the time) of social media brought that class together. Also, Gailey was a closer. His NFL background resonated with kids. Instead of seeing the real problem at the time, which was Pat Nix quality OCs, we threw the baby out with the bath water. We are on the cusp of doing that again, except that Stansbury is a better AD than we had back then. We'll see whether or not he can overcome the know nothings on the athletic board long enough to right the ship. I'm not hopeful.

My point remains the same: I'd like to trade the talent Johnson had in his first three years that Gailey and Collins recruited for the talent we've had the last 3 years that Johnson recruited. Johnson had the best talent ever assembled at Tech his first 2 years--talent that he didn't recruit. He then had 9 years of overall mediocre results, leaving behind a level of talent that he didn't want to stake his reputation on, and not many coaching candidates would have staked their career on. If people can't see how poor we have been at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, they don't know what they are watching. As O'Leary said, the further you are from the ball, the sooner you can play. We've only have 2 years of recruiting to rebuild the line of scrimmage. However, there is no excuse for the defense being as bad as it was this year. Hopefully that will be fixed.
Enjoy your posts jacketup, but on this one, imo, you are missing a few things, such as : Giff was more than a "good" recruiter, but yes Collins had a considerable hand in that class--Johnson did not have the best talent ever assembled at Tech his first two years-- you give your CPJ prejudice away by not mentioning 2014-- actually the 2007 class was at a time of an extraordinary level of talent available in Georgia, and actually the recruits moms joined forces to have a considerable impact on them coming here in the numbers they did. CGC's first two classes will be Juniors and Sophomores next year, not exactly babies, huh? The seccg you probably watched last night, had numerous Jrs and Sos on both team's starting line-ups and many more on their two-deeps. Bama's QB who is a legit Heisman candidate, is a Freshman. Who said the following: We will recruit at an elite level, and later before this past season started: The time to win is now.

I respect your past posts, so I'd really be interested in what specific traits you have witnessed in the last three seasons as to CGC's HC credentials. For me, the only path for CGC to remain longterm is one surrounding him with excellent Coordinators and retain his recruiting strengths (although recruiting strengths are not unique to Geoff).

Look, I and most here knew good and well the transition would be tough, but that in and of itself does not preclude judging good solid fundamental coaching, during said transition. When the OL and secondary are consistently confused about who to block, and who should cover which receiver or area, it's not a good look on coaching.