Preseason Depth Chart


Helluva Engineer
So, Items of interest:
  1. Hansen has slimmed down quite a bit, it appears.
  2. Glanton not on the depth chart at all
  3. I wonder could Martin play end?
  4. There is a LOT of speed/athleticism in the LB depth chart. With the exception of the Mitchell/Jackson position, every other position is stocked with guys who can really move. Lots of former DB's and WR's in the mix.
  5. I wonder if number 4 above means we don't play much nickel.
  6. Will Brad Stewart (a 4 year starter) reach 40 career receptions?
Biggest question I have is where is Glanton? He started last year.


Helluva Engineer
I wonder how the "stinger" position is used in Woody's 3-4. From what I've read, the "stinger" position in other 3-4 is a type of hybrid OLB/safety. It has rushing and pass coverage responsibility. If that's the case with CNW's 3-4....THANK YOU!!!! I've been shouting for years that Jalen Johnson should be moved to LB with his size/speed/athleticism combo.


Helluva Engineer

THAT is some interesting stuff.

I feel like Will Bryan's versatility has cost him a little bit in his career. If he could have just played RG his whole time here, he'd have had an easier career.
I think part of this is because of the injury to Cooper. If he’s healthy I’d say Lee moves back to OT and Bryan back to RG. Just an assumption though.

What’s really weird to me is Jalen Johnson at stinger. He hasn’t played a down in the new system. Can someone let me know how often we have a stinger on the field? Seems like Henderson would be stinger if we use one most of the time, especially after all the good we heard about him. So I’ll go on record and say I don’t put much into this. Also weird with the Bruce thing.
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Helluva Engineer
Another interesting tidbit from the depth chart: Jaytlin Askew and Ajani Kerr played in the same defensive backfield in HS at McEachern. Both are potential starters for us at the P5 level. Pretty cool.
Imo Askew is the most talented of CB’s based strictly on their film coming out of high school. If he had been a little taller I think more teams would have possibly taken notice.

Deleted member 2897

Interesting to me that Adonicas Sanders (r-Fr) is shown on the 2 deep just behind Jalen Camp. And I am going to keep my opinion to myself for why, but I would not be surprised to see Tre Swilling getting lots of playing time as the season goes on. A little confused with the ILB being Curry or Swilling instead of Swilling or Curry...maybe that's splitting hairs. Lots of returning FOUR year starters, but a bunch of new talented new faces emerging. Excited!

Jacket in Dairyland

Helluva Engineer
As far as only numbers go , our OL doesnt't look too bad - going into AUGUST !! Still bothers me that Bryan is shown as the backup at RT.....seriously , that's our best option ? Not that he couldn't do it , just that we would have to. That means a R-FR at Left fast the domino effect might happen as it has in year's past if Cooper and/or Marshall can't make it through the year ......
I hope that is NOT the case BTW.


Helluva Engineer
Interesting to me that Adonicas Sanders (r-Fr) is shown on the 2 deep just behind Jalen Camp. And I am going to keep my opinion to myself for why, but I would not be surprised to see Tre Swilling getting lots of playing time as the season goes on. A little confused with the ILB being Curry or Swilling instead of Swilling or Curry...maybe that's splitting hairs. Lots of returning FOUR year starters, but a bunch of new talented new faces emerging. Excited!
I heard that Curry was outstanding before his injury.


Ramblin' Wreck
After spring game I'm surprised Dawson is not in two deep DL, but that good because he's a beast and if others beat him out that's a good thing.


Helluva Engineer
Has anyone seen the non cropped depth chart. It seems odd that Ken didn't include the specialists.


Helluva Engineer
As far as only numbers go , our OL doesnt't look too bad - going into AUGUST !! Still bothers me that Bryan is shown as the backup at RT.....seriously , that's our best option ? Not that he couldn't do it , just that we would have to.
I think it's more like we are going to put our 5 best OL on the field.


Helluva Engineer
Did Rivera play in the Spring?If he didn't how does he come in at #2 at SS? That is a strange to me?
If Curry had not been hurt so much (losing his speed) he would be ahead of Jalen Johnson at Stg,I believe.
Interesting that Carpenter is ahead of Bonds ,who looked really good on tape in hi school.
Sanders at #2 WR. He's the lightest WR maybe ever there at 185. No depth?