Where did you get "we finished 15th in the country in points per a drive, while they finished 16th"
According to
https://public.tableau.com/shared/PPKNK9XG7?:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no what you claim is not the case. They were 55th at 2.5 points per drive. We were rank 9 and 3.3 points per drive.
FEI for GT was 17 while Temple was 57.
As for total offense, they ran 13.5 drives a game compared to our 10.9. Having similar scoring offense to a team when you have 24% more drives than the other team isn't great, especially against a weaker schedule.
After reading up on the offensive coordinator Temple currently uses, I think he runs a scheme we will be able to compete with. I do think we execute better than they do, but I also think they brought in a the OC in 2017 and they might not have had the personnel to run what he does well. There was certainly an improvement in Temple's offense from 2017-2018 which is always a good thing, but we should strive for better than the 50-60 range in OFEI.