Postgame BC


Helluva Engineer
Why don't we play Simmons on Rods side of the ball so we can have KeShun and Simmons In at the same time. Yesterday those two were our best pass rushers why not start them both?
Rod is better at stopping the run with his size. you could throw Simmons and keShun on passing downs, but they aren't really great run stoppers, although Simmons played really well against the run but I'm not sure that will be an every week thing. I do hope he keeps it up though, he imo was the best on the D (Simmons)


Jolly Good Fellow
The last TD was performed at a good level not great. Green knocked his defender back and occupied him for just long enough. You aren't making a tackle with someone running full steam at you and you moving laterally down the goal line. Having watched it several dozen times it looks like Mills got a little head start. Great win for the team. We looked tired from the flight. I was at the Boston college Clemson game last year. That defense played Clemson really tough. The BC offense was so bad that their defense got worn down by the third quarter from clemsons tempo.

Mills did not get a head start. Watch closely - he's moving laterally/slightly backward. That's perfectly legal as long as he is the only one moving. We drew that play up nicely.


Helluva Engineer
Glad we won...isn't the option supposed to give us a numbers advantage? I'm trying to figure out why we were out numbered basically every option? Bad blocking? Missed assignments?
On the option, every defender is accounted for provided the qb counts correctly at the LOS. We still have to block the guys we're supposed to and we're not.


on Pastner Polo watch
What I learned from this weekend:
1) Mills will win the Heisman
2) Shamire is a 1st round pick
3) I got Julio, Bay Bay, and Rodgers in a 14 team PPR League
4) I'm going to my grandma's house to get some home cooking and to celebrate the DUB !!


Jolly Good Fellow
Our yds/play was pretty average compared to what last year's BC Def gave up.
However, our pts/drive weren't bad. Here's last year's BC Def pts/drive:
View attachment 1821

We got our 17 pts in 9 drives, 1.89 pts/drive. Which isn't bad against this context.

Just some more data around this:

Comparable opponents

BC Defense. GT Defense
Clemson. 532 yds. 537 yards
ND. 447yds 413 yds
FSU. 217 yds. 280 yds
VT. 275 yds. 218 yds

If we started the season with this type of performance in 2013 with VL as the qb, everyone would say we played poorly but won and would be worried about the upcoming season.

CPJ is a good coach and I expect our offense under him to be better than this against good defenses. We have ran up yards on every D in the ACC in the past. Some were top ranked. It did not matter. Why are expectations so low around our performance?

We looked very much like we did in the spring game which concerned me then. I just don't see a dramatic improvement from 2015 which is concerning.

I look forward to Longestdays's breakdown. I think it will be revealing,

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danny daniel

Helluva Engineer
Just some more data around this:

Comparable opponents

BC Defense. GT Defense
Clemson. 532 yds. 537 yards
ND. 447yds 413 yds
FSU. 217 yds. 280 yds
VT. 275 yds. 218 yds

If we started the season with this type of performance in 2013 with VL as the qb, everyone would say we played poorly but won and would be worried about the upcoming season.

CPJ is a good coach and I expect our offense under him to be better than this against good defenses. We have ran up yards on every D in the ACC in the past. Some were top ranked. It did not matter. Why are expectations so low around our performance?

We looked very much like we did in the spring game which concerned me then. I just don't see a dramatic improvement from 2015 which is concerning.

I look forward to Longestdays's breakdown. I think it will be revealing,

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This O looked an awful lot like the ones against LSU (bowl), BYU (twice), and several games in 2015. Is it blown assignments, out-schemed, or just plain whipped by superior athletes? CPJ seemed upset about the blown assignments. I doubt it is scheme. We seem to not be able to handle the really good interior DLs which shut down our BB dives which then affects our other plays. If we clean up our own mistakes it will lead to enough wins for a bowl, but unless we get to the point of handling the very good DLs IMO we are not likely to see a championship.

Good news was JT looked good when it counted, passing much improved, and the team fought hard and did not quit. Very proud of this win, even as underperforming as our ground game was.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
I'm a UVa fan, guys. Bear that in mind when you voice your concerns :)

Ouch. I have a lot of friends who are UVa fans. As they say, they can't give away their tickets for free. Yesterday did not help at all. Richmond may be a good FCS team but UVa must really suck this year. (Sorry for stating the obvious but it's best not to pretend.)


Helluva Engineer
BFE , south carolina
Combination of the 2. We got completely dominated/whipped, but we also missed a TON of blocks.
What's worse was watching their offensive line pushing our front 7 five yards down field. Not sure if that or our lack of passing game is the biggest problem we have.

That was an *** whooping all around but we clawed and got the W.

sorry but in my world you cant say you got your *** whupped when you win. an *** whupping is what tosu did to bowling green. this was not even close to an aw in my opinion.


What play was it down the stretch that Searcy de-cleated the guy? I'm brainfarting here.

I remember the hit but can't recall what play it was. Pretty sure that defender can't recall the play either. :sleep:
Believe it was the drive right after BC scored, the one Mills fumbled on a couple of plays later. We had the perfect angle on that. It was that point I thought our Team was going to start beating them as it fired everyone up, but sadly we seemed to go soft again after the fumble. When our WRs hit like that our offense runs, at least that's what I think.

Second comment I'll make is I'm not sure what the problem was but on several of the quick throws JT seemed to half arm it. There was no zip and the passes looked like wounded ducks. I love those plays because it's one man between the WR and the house. They're either 3-5 yd gain or a TD if the ball is thrown well.


Helluva Engineer
Just some more data around this:

Comparable opponents

BC Defense. GT Defense
Clemson. 532 yds. 537 yards
ND. 447yds 413 yds
FSU. 217 yds. 280 yds
VT. 275 yds. 218 yds

If we started the season with this type of performance in 2013 with VL as the qb, everyone would say we played poorly but won and would be worried about the upcoming season.

CPJ is a good coach and I expect our offense under him to be better than this against good defenses. We have ran up yards on every D in the ACC in the past. Some were top ranked. It did not matter. Why are expectations so low around our performance?

We looked very much like we did in the spring game which concerned me then. I just don't see a dramatic improvement from 2015 which is concerning.

I look forward to Longestdays's breakdown. I think it will be revealing,

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BC had one of the best defenses in all of college football last year. Statistically, they were probably the best. They've had all off season and preseason to prepare and I guarantee they used most of that time to do so given they didn't win a single conference game last year.

Our guys made enough plays to win the game and that's all that matters. It seems like for some of our fans, as long as CPJ has been our coach, wins don't count unless our offense is running on all cylinders.

Not every game is a thing of beauty for our team or offense but the win or loss still counts. I'm gonna assume our offense hasn't already peaked for the season.


Helluva Engineer
Ouch. I have a lot of friends who are UVa fans. As they say, they can't give away their tickets for free. Yesterday did not help at all. Richmond may be a good FCS team but UVa must really suck this year. (Sorry for stating the obvious but it's best not to pretend.)

Oh no, no offense taken at all. We suck monkey balls. I have DEEEEEEEEEP concerns about Bronco Mendenhall (admittedly, part of it is just how badly he rubs me the wrong way).

Maybe he's our football Tony Bennett, but I'd bet against it. (he also dicked with our helmet, which is a top 5 helmet in college football...unforgivable)

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
UVA has a losing culture. Bronco is trying to change the culure in order to become winners, not trying to win in hopes to change the culture. Time will tell.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Oh no, no offense taken at all. We suck monkey balls. I have DEEEEEEEEEP concerns about Bronco Mendenhall (admittedly, part of it is just how badly he rubs me the wrong way).

Maybe he's our football Tony Bennett, but I'd bet against it. (he also dicked with our helmet, which is a top 5 helmet in college football...unforgivable)

I really hope UVa beats VT. I pull for UVa in most sports. Since we live in Virginia, my kids looked at both and my daughter would have gone to UVa if not GT. My son ..... well neither was in the cards.


Helluva Engineer
UVA has a losing culture. Bronco is trying to change the culure in order to become winners, not trying to win in hopes to change the culture. Time will tell.
He's also recruiting like doo doo, and doing a bunch of childish rah-rah nonsense that's great if results follow, but loses people if they don't.


Helluva Engineer
I really hope UVa beats VT. I pull for UVa in most sports. Since we live in Virginia, my kids looked at both and my daughter would have gone to UVa if not GT. My son ..... well neither was in the cards.
Haha, neither was in the cards for me, either, I was a lazy lazy lazy kid in H.S. That said I still root for the team I grew up rooting for (UVA) over the team where I actually did my undegrad (Ole Miss)


JT needs to trust his protection which was better and stop running out of the pocket. He threw ok but was late on a couple of throws. Hopefully he'll get more confidence in the protection and get better at getting it out on time.

JT I don't think will ever feel comfortable in a pocket unless it's an extremely well protected one. He's not focused to be a pocket passer due to his height and his confidence in his running/scrambling skills. His comfort level seems to be highest outside the pocket.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I'm a UVa fan, guys. Bear that in mind when you voice your concerns :)

you will survive. I was at a game one time, in a galaxy far, far away and saw GT get beat by Furman. (I have never admitted this to anyone before now but wanted to reach out. I have been in your valley of despair, brother.) I cannot say that I am a better man for it although others say "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger'. In another 30 years or so, you will be able to laugh at yesterday's result.