No offense taken. I guess I am an un-cool old fart (LOL), but I actually relate pretty well, as I have been able to do all my adult life, with kids, mainly through my church. What I have observed is that it is not the color of clothes, unless it's something really (in our terms) outlandish; it's the STYLE of clothes. Oregon succeeded to the extent they did by offering what many would consider outlandish styles of football uniforms, through the mixture of odd color combinations. Blue pants or all blue uniforms are far from outlandish, and at least IMO don't even have a "cool factor". In fact, I personally think they were on the drab side. They're just different from the norm for Tech, and IMO an unnecessary difference. Although I might disagree with them, I can see Oregon players and recruits going wild over some of those uniforms they have had lately, but I just don't see Tech players or recruits going wild over any of the changes we have tried to make, other than perhaps, as I said before, the honeycombs, which were very poorly done. Although I might not personally like them, I can imagine some usage of the honeycombs that would probably be considered "very cool". But just because something is different does not of necessity mean it's "cool".