Big difference in dynamics in pro leagues and college is that pro league owners recognize when they are out-classed $$$-wise and prestige-wise. Most of the teams immediately recognize that they don't have Warriors, Dodgers, Cowboys, Maple Leafs money/fanbases and so they know that they need things like drafts that give preferred treatment to losers, salary caps and/or "tax" structures, and often even shared media revenue arrangements/contracts.
Whereas many programs in CFB think they're just one lucky break or hire away from being the new Alabama. So they jockey for conference position and then the conferences just fight among themselves instead of the bulk of the teams working together to increase parity.
But is Miss St really going to become a dynasty, or even just an annual playoff presence, in the current game even if the SEC and Big 10 get more and more $$$? All the programs ahead of them in those leagues benefit from that too. Arkansas? Mizzou? Michigan State? Nebraska? Until they realize they have more in common with UNC or Texas Tech or UCLA or GT than they do with Bama, we're not gonna get any real moves toward parity.