Official Ted Roof Discussion Thread

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Fwiw, I'm not calling for Roof's head. I'm saying that what we've been doing is not good enough, and our players and fans deserve better. Hopefully Roof will get it done.


Ramblin' Wreck
If he doesn't understand scheme that means you do. So please show where he has made statements that are not true? Also can you show what Roof does? And why it's ok to run at GT? And how if we continue to run it we will get better?If you don't believe him that it's scheme, maybe take the work of ibeballin an ex player who's saying it's scheme himself. Do you coach? Seem to make a statement that a guys not a coach you would need to be one to understand why he's not.
His knowledge of offense and defensive play are rudimentary. This is stuff everyone knows. 4 deep coverage for example gives underneath pass plays up. If you man up it just takes one weak link to create a quick score.

Our DL personel can be handled one on one in pass protection so most of the time when we bring pressure they have available protectors to pick it up.

Most of today's offense want you to bring pressure because it's easy for the QB. In other words he knows where he's going right now with the ball instead of having to read underneath coverage.

No one, me included, except for the coaches who are in that defensive film room game planning know the detail of which poison is better to pick.

DCs have to pick their poison when game planning against these offenses and it all comes down to personnel.


Helluva Engineer
Wrong on all counts. Personnel is the problem. Hopefully we see improvement across the board.
He said he had an issue with peloton ALSO which means there is someone else, I'll let you figure that out. He also talked about our SLOW stunts and twist which is SCHEME.


Im a 3*
Wrong on all counts. Personnel is the problem. Hopefully we see improvement across the board.

So, if I'm wrong and I very well could be, then we are giving Roof way too much credit for being the great recruiter he is proclaimed to be.

So Roof recruiting on defense has been equivalent to CPJ recruiting 4* Calvin Bookers at QB?


Im a 3*
Even tho @33jacket goes pretty hard on CTR, he's not dismissing that some of the issue are personnel. With you @PBR549, it's all personnel not the scheme.

Yes coverages are rudimentary, but there intracies that coaches implement within them.

Do our CBs have to line up 6-7yds off the ball?
Do our safeties have to roll to their responsibility during the pre-snap?
Do our blitzing LB have to show he's blitzing?


Ramblin' Wreck
I know I've said it a bunch in this thread, but I don't hate Roof and I don't want him fired. I just don't think he's earned an extension and there's really nothing realistic he can do in 4 months to change my mind. I'm not trying to call you out PBR because this thread is all opinions and everyone is totally entitled to theirs. I also think making stuff on message boards personal is just silly. I am asking these questions just because I am curious how the other side of the issue feels:

1) What size contract do you think he's earned and that you would be ok with Roof signing for this season?

2) Do you think he is the best recruiter we could ever get at GT? I don't follow recruiting super in depth but I thought the general consensus was Giff Smith was the best guy we've had in recent times, but I would like to hear from people who know recruiting more. Why do you think we can't hire guys on that side of the ball who can recruit just as good, if not better?

3) Do you think Roof has improved (honed his craft in your words) since he's been here, outside of recruiting rankings?


Helluva Engineer
Wrong on all counts. Personnel is the problem. Hopefully we see improvement across the board.

And if we don't it will be because of personnel again right? So then. If thats the case. He isnt such a good recruiter

This is getting a little funny.

Come on pbr. Since u are a knowledgeable coach of 35 years. Then you should be able to clearly see our personnel on d. What they do good. We return 8 starters so there is alot of film. You can clearly see the d concepts we run.

So. In 2017. Tell me your opinion. I wat to know preseason what you think this 2017 d should be.

Give me a projection on d efficiency. A general ranking. Where will we fall. Prognosticate. Define for us right now what is a success and a below expectation ranking for you for 2017.

I want to know what you think we can achieve in scoring d similarly. Preseason projections.

You are typing around saying everyone else is wrong, basic and no knowledge yet i have yet to see one piece of player breakdown from you.

Not One prediction. Just that you hope and players are the problem.

Not one "non basic" evaluation only a coach would know as you put it.

Please share since the personnel is the issue some detail. I mean. Stating we dont win one on ones is like elementary school basic. I think it would be great to get more detail.

It would be helpful to see what you see. I have shared what i see which was put down as obvious and simple which personally i didnt think a s swithing with a cb in trips floods or scissors while in quarters for the x 9 route was obvious. So sorry for being simple. But that is a layer deeper and describes one of our checks ted coaches


Helluva Engineer
I did a post a while back about the NFL talent GT has put out. Our defense, whether it was Wommack or Groh or Roof, has put 3 times more NFL players than our offense. Our defense has also recruited better, in terms of rankings (FWIW), than our offense. The vast majority of the 4 star players we've been able to sign have come from the defensive side of the ball. Yet our offense has consistently outperformed our defense every year from a metrics standpoint.

A poster mentioned that our offense may be a factor, and I tend to agree. This is something I've brought up before. Our defense practices against our scout team which is comprised of 3rd stringers/redshirts/walkons. Given our offense, we don't recruit high level talent on that side of the ball, and our QBs are not the strongest passers. This is not a slam on our offense or players on that side of the ball, as obviously the talent on that side of the ball a MAJOR factor in the success we've had under CPJ. The reality is, our offensive scout team players just can't give our defense the same level of competition in practice that other teams have....our players were recruited to our very unique system, and some of that talent doesn't translate to what the defense sees on Saturday. Example: Duke can trot out a 4 star scout team QB to give their defense a look to resemble Miami/Pittsburgh/UNC/FSU/NC State...pretty much every team in the league. Their personnel in terms of OL/WR/RB/TEs are also very similar to those teams. It's harder to do for us because our personnel just doesn't emulate the same personnel as most of the teams in our League, and the quality of the personel is just different due to the type of offense we run. We don't need TEs, or pro style QBs with howitzers for an arm, or 6'6 offensive tackles. It's the same problem other teams have when they play us. How often do you read about other teams RBs, or WRs having to pretend they're GT's QB because they don't have another QB on the roster who can pretend to be an option QB?

Point is, our defense is where it is, but it's not just one simple thing. I think part of it is coaching, part of it is personnel on the defensive side (but it's up to the coaches to recruit what they goes back to coaching again), and part of it is our offense. We'll never be a top 10 defense because of relationship between our offensive personnel and what's needed in practices, but I think top 30-40 defense is very realistic and should be more normal than the exception.


Helluva Engineer
I am retiring from the roof debate for now.

To be clear:

My expectations 2017
Top 45 in d efficiency
Top 45 in scoring d

We do those then that means we are getting off the field. And probably doing better with sacks.

Top 45 is ultra reasonable too.

If we do this 3 years in a row. Starting now. By end of 2018 i will start turning the corner with ted and reduce the candor. End of 2019 i will simply treat him like any of our coaches. Even stopping the dep hair gel jokes.

Everyone else. Put your expectations out there. If you dont i see no reason to debate. We all should be clear with what we think this year is for us. As then we all know baselines for each others points


Im a 3*
Like said, to be where we believe we can be (Double digit wins, ACC Champs, CFP) we have to be scoring Defense <=24ppg. Anything else don't matter


Helluva Engineer
Like said, to be where we believe we can be (Double digit wins, ACC Champs, CFP) we have to be scoring Defense <=24ppg. Anything else don't matter

I think you are right. I think our offense is probably going to average around 28 to 31 ppg. so if our scoring defense is there. We will do very well.


Ramblin' Wreck
Like said, to be where we believe we can be (Double digit wins, ACC Champs, CFP) we have to be scoring Defense <=24ppg. Anything else don't matter

I think this would be successful by Roof's own standards. Bring that 80+ percent redzone points down significantly and we can drop the ppg. We know we can bend, but that doesn't work when we break as well.


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Do our CBs have to line up 6-7yds off the ball? No they can line up 9-10 yards off the ball if they other team needs only 7 yards for a first down. :)
Do our safeties have to roll to their responsibility during the pre-snap? Yes this lets us know they will check out of the played called :)
Do our blitzing LB have to show he's blitzing? Yes this way he will know who is picking up the blitzing LB :)


Ramblin' Wreck
Slow is right.
I really don't want to put down players but the DL knows we have trouble getting to the passer by defeating one on one blocks. By the same token we have trouble pass protecting one on one on offense. Offensively we employ a much different scheme than others that makes up for the difference. On D it's not that way. If you can't defeat one on one on D you have to blitz to hopefully get pressure. We haven't been able to do either well. When our Lbers blitz we have trouble defeating blockers. The answer then is bringing one more than they can block which most of the time requires 0 man or man free at the least. That's a tough way to make a living even if you have 4 five star fifth year seniors back there.

Bottom line is all of these coaches who all played and together have over 100 years experience between them coaching spend everyday watching film of technique and scheme player abilities, use the latest teaching techniques developed in conjunction with colleagues who have thousands of years of football coaching experience between them.

Even though I have coached at a high level over many years there is no way I can even begin to understand why Ted uses whatever scheme in whatever situation because I'm not there in the film room. Neither can anyone else even if they played or were in the GTAA or coached receivers one year in HS.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
I did a post a while back about the NFL talent GT has put out. Our defense, whether it was Wommack or Groh or Roof, has put 3 times more NFL players than our offense. Our defense has also recruited better, in terms of rankings (FWIW), than our offense. The vast majority of the 4 star players we've been able to sign have come from the defensive side of the ball. Yet our offense has consistently outperformed our defense every year from a metrics standpoint.

A poster mentioned that our offense may be a factor, and I tend to agree. This is something I've brought up before. Our defense practices against our scout team which is comprised of 3rd stringers/redshirts/walkons. Given our offense, we don't recruit high level talent on that side of the ball, and our QBs are not the strongest passers. This is not a slam on our offense or players on that side of the ball, as obviously the talent on that side of the ball a MAJOR factor in the success we've had under CPJ. The reality is, our offensive scout team players just can't give our defense the same level of competition in practice that other teams have....our players were recruited to our very unique system, and some of that talent doesn't translate to what the defense sees on Saturday. Example: Duke can trot out a 4 star scout team QB to give their defense a look to resemble Miami/Pittsburgh/UNC/FSU/NC State...pretty much every team in the league. Their personnel in terms of OL/WR/RB/TEs are also very similar to those teams. It's harder to do for us because our personnel just doesn't emulate the same personnel as most of the teams in our League, and the quality of the personel is just different due to the type of offense we run. We don't need TEs, or pro style QBs with howitzers for an arm, or 6'6 offensive tackles. It's the same problem other teams have when they play us. How often do you read about other teams RBs, or WRs having to pretend they're GT's QB because they don't have another QB on the roster who can pretend to be an option QB?

Point is, our defense is where it is, but it's not just one simple thing. I think part of it is coaching, part of it is personnel on the defensive side (but it's up to the coaches to recruit what they goes back to coaching again), and part of it is our offense. We'll never be a top 10 defense because of relationship between our offensive personnel and what's needed in practices, but I think top 30-40 defense is very realistic and should be more normal than the exception.

I think another factor in which our O affects our D is in opposition aggressiveness. I've heard several coaches talk about the pressure to score every drive because of what GTs O does.

I don't suspect that @PBR549 will put numbers for expectations or give us the benefit of his coaching experience in discussing what he sees from our tapes.

He's defending his guy emotionally not rationally. That's cool. I wish he wouldn't attack other fans for their opinions, but I guess it goes with his defense of Ted.

For me, I don't think there's any reason for us to give up more than 46% on 3rd down vs pwr5 opp. I'd like to see that down below 40%, and 35% is reasonable.

The average D playing more than 2 pwr5 teams a year gives up 2 or 2.1 ppd. I think we should be able to do that at least.

The best Ds are holding Pwr5 teams to 4-4.8 yds/play. If we could do better than 5.5-5.7 yds/play allowed on ave from pwr5 opps, I'd be satisfied.