Official GT announcement, OC and DC


Helluva Engineer
The upside is that hopefully these guys are cheap. Collins is going to run the defense so the DC hire shouldn't be a concern. If the offense faceplants then hopefully Patenaude gets replaced in a few years and the job will be much more attractive if we recruit the way Collins is hoping.
Posted that as well. but the other side is these guys have a lot to gain.


Helluva Engineer
Woody’s defense was very successful at App State and fun to watch. It was easy to get excited about. I’m looking for reason to be similarly excited about these new coordinators.

I’m very excited by the defensive staff, and cautiously optimistic on the offensive side. Geoff Collins has pretty much had good to great defenses at every stop, and the Temple D under Thacker put up some good numbers. I am on the optimistic side in how I see our players, and think we have some good athletes on our roster that the new coaches can look at with unbiased eyes and figure out the best ways to use their talents.


Helluva Engineer
CGC has a right to hire his own staff. It's on him, so I say we sit back and see how this plays out. Gonna have trouble getting used to this forward pass thing, though. What'll they think of next?
"The Tech Wildcat" - Oliver and student body around right end

At the 10 yrd line Tech shifts in to the under center spread option and runs the qb follow (midline).