CPJ has a right to speak up for himself and is quite capable as you can see/read. This scouts comments, if not true, is a perfect example of what CPJ spoke directly to regarding the media at his "final press conference". He told them, the media then, that he had never had a issue prior to coming to Atlanta with the press like he had experienced with the bias media coverage he had gotten since his arrival at GT.
On a side not if I were Collins I wouldn't have "retweeted" the comments due to the negative comments about CPJ. I would have just reiterated a "open door policy" (as CPJ has said he had "never turned down an interview or backed down/away from questions") towards scouting/media.
On a completely another note it will be interesting to see how/if the high frequency of "tweeting" continues as Spring practice approaches and his ability to focus on tasks at hand/functions of the HC job and what his "social media policy" is for his players. I also wonder what kind of access to the media the coordinators and position coaches will have.