New Movies


Helluva Engineer
Caught the new John Wick yesterday afternoon, I had to leave a half hour early I couldn't take it anymore. Not a fan of the series at all but wanted to give it a try since I had some free time. Halle Berry's looks were the only bright spot, but even her character/storyline were ridic. 0 out of 5

It is a little different than 1 & 2 isn’t it? Way to over the top. I really like the way the actor has played the Concierge in this series. Obviously a #4 coming up.

As to your previous point on “Long Shot”. It had its moments, but I am so way past the vulgar, idiotic, sophomoric hijinx of the Seth Rogen types. Every outing it is as if a bunch of 11 years olds just learned some new cuss words in the boys locker room. No creative, original writing or thoughts.


Helluva Engineer
First one was really satisfying. Second one was still pretty tasty action wise, but not on par with the first. Is a third one slated?

Agreed, E2 was entertaining but so much greatness of the first one comes from Marton Csokas who is terribly underrated as an actor, specifically as a villian.


Milwaukee, WI
Headed into the new Tarantino movie in 20 min. Full leather recliner with beverage service and full kitchen menu delivered to your seat anytime you push a button. #Merica

Will report back in a few hours. I heard the Sharon Tate/Manson Family murder scene was INTENSE, Tarantino style.


Milwaukee, WI
Headed into the new Tarantino movie in 20 min. Full leather recliner with beverage service and full kitchen menu delivered to your seat anytime you push a button. #Merica

Will report back in a few hours. I heard the Sharon Tate/Manson Family murder scene was INTENSE, Tarantino style.

Walked out it was so bad. Never even made it to the famous murder scene, 2 hours was enough for me. Extremely boring. I'm so disappointed today, I thought it was going to be epic.


Helluva Engineer
Walked out it was so bad. Never even made it to the famous murder scene, 2 hours was enough for me. Extremely boring. I'm so disappointed today, I thought it was going to be epic.
Never did like any of his work...always thought his whole calling card was simply to sensationalize gore....and much like the comic who feels the need to cuss every third word for the shock effect, I find that sort of stuff lazy and boring.


Helluva Engineer
Walked out it was so bad. Never even made it to the famous murder scene, 2 hours was enough for me. Extremely boring. I'm so disappointed today, I thought it was going to be epic.

GD' it...I really want to watch this movie. Now I'm torn because I trust your taste in stuff...even though your standards are not quite as high as my standards....:)


Staff member
Tarantino movies have been pretty much crap since Pulp Fiction.

I thought Jackie Brown was his best film, and Robert Forster got robbed of an Oscar.

I enjoyed Kill Bill also. If he could have gotten Beatty instead of Carradine, it would have been what he intended

Would love to see a Tarantino Star Trek

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Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Walked out it was so bad. Never even made it to the famous murder scene, 2 hours was enough for me. Extremely boring. I'm so disappointed today, I thought it was going to be epic.

Here's what internet randos are saying...



Why do you feel that way?

Black Widow will be a prequel...meh.
Dr. Strange more multiverse...barf.
Jane Foster Thor...ugh...that was not a very good run in the books. All the character retread power swapping stuff is old. How many more Spider Man renditions do we need? Not a fan of Beta Ray Bill etc either...just leave it as an Easter egg and move along. This stuff makes the original characters and “new” Thor’s / Spider Men stale. I’d rather see some actual character development other than power swapping / sharing to any large extent.

Everything else is just underwhelming in general without some apparent good stories to send these characters on. The ph4 announcement lacked much info on the’s just an announcement of upcoming projects of characters. And so far...the little info about plots so far just isn’t compelling yet.

Baron Zemo villain going forward...that has potential.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Black Widow will be a prequel...meh.
Dr. Strange more multiverse...barf.
Jane Foster Thor...ugh...that was not a very good run in the books. All the character retread power swapping stuff is old. How many more Spider Man renditions do we need? Not a fan of Beta Ray Bill etc either...just leave it as an Easter egg and move along. This stuff makes the original characters and “new” Thor’s / Spider Men stale. I’d rather see some actual character development other than power swapping / sharing to any large extent.

Everything else is just underwhelming in general without some apparent good stories to send these characters on. The ph4 announcement lacked much info on the’s just an announcement of upcoming projects of characters. And so far...the little info about plots so far just isn’t compelling yet.

Baron Zemo villain going forward...that has potential.

I think those are some interesting takes. I'm ultimately an X-Men guy, so by the time they get reintroduced, it's likely gonna be a function of the weird stuff I read in this week's House of X series.

While many of these characters are not among my favorites growing up, Marvel has shown a propensity to just flat out put good product on the screen.

I think Eternals will be interesting, but not sure how they fit in to the bigger story.

The TV shows will keep the Avengers warm while they figure out the team's next configuration.

I can kinda see your point on Thor, but after Thor Ragnarok, I gotta jut have some faith.

With the Marvel movies, I focus more on whether they're telling good stories with characters I'm familiar with, more than an accurate retell of the comics. They haven't let me down yet and that's with plenty of characters that may not be top of my list.