

Helluva Engineer
I really do think constant public shaming might be the answer. 4 billboards, 2 in Athens that recruits pass and Kirby has to see every day, and 2 in Atlanta. In each city have one with the number of days since a dwag's last arrest and total arrests since the accident, maybe even have the most recent mugshot on there, and one with pictures from the crash and one of Kirby's dumb statements on there.

Would hopefully have a 3-fold effect of negatively recruiting and embarassing uga/Kirby, force him to face it every single day until he actually fixes the problem, and as a bonus maybe it distracts him enough to throw off his game planning and they lose a few as well.


Helluva Engineer
Thank you for doing that. That was responsible citizenship.

My fear is that they are so flush with money, fixers and lawyers, as well as having political pull in Athens and in the state, that they don’t worry too much about the repercussions to their program.

But, my god, if uga could negatively recruit against us for years with a calculus book, don’t know why we couldn’t negatively recruit against them by talking to parents about their child’s safety at uga.
They probably look at it as a risk/reward, cost of doing business proposition. Rotten Gaggers.


Helluva Engineer
I really do think constant public shaming might be the answer. 4 billboards, 2 in Athens that recruits pass and Kirby has to see every day, and 2 in Atlanta. In each city have one with the number of days since a dwag's last arrest and total arrests since the accident, maybe even have the most recent mugshot on there, and one with pictures from the crash and one of Kirby's dumb statements on there.

Would hopefully have a 3-fold effect of negatively recruiting and embarassing uga/Kirby, force him to face it every single day until he actually fixes the problem, and as a bonus maybe it distracts him enough to throw off his game planning and they lose a few as well.
If it were me making the rules:
1. First time caught speeding: lose your driving privileges for 6 months and suspended 2 games. This is harsh because you are a representative of the UGA football team and are being held to a higher standard than the average citizen.

2. Caught speeding a 2nd time: Full season suspension and your vehicle is returned to whoever gave it to you.

Write these rules into every NIL contract. No exceptions. If you don't like these rules....the door is over there.