Don't understand how 6 wins is the magic number many are throwing around with respect to win total for CGC staying.
6 is a joke, it's garbage. This will be year 4, a 6 will year is a fire-able offense after 3 years of 3 wins.
TL;DR: 6 wins isn't a perfect goal to judge by, but it's close enough for most purposes.
The question to answer now and especially in 2023 is "can Collins get this program turned towards growth and improvement and being a perennially top-tier team?". The 6 wins goal is a proxy.
At the end of the year, if we win 5 games, but it's apparent to anyone with a pulse that we're going to compete for a title in 2023 and that Collins has the program headed in the right direction, then Collins is staying. If we win 7 games but 2023 doesn't look like it will be a step up from 2022, then 6-win-goal or not it's still time to make a change.
We're discussing locker room culture in this thread. It's almost all speculation. I'm not sure what insight Bryce Koon has. If you're in the AA and you see the players walking in and out on a daily basis, you should be able to tell if they have their heads on straight, if they're go-getters on the field and in the classroom, if they have an entitled attitude, and so forth. You can do some "management by walking around".
Six wins and making a bowl is important, but it'd be foolish to abandon the rest of your judgment.
Is this a podcast that you have to pay for or can I hear it for free? I don't recall if I've heard the reporter ask questions during CGC pre and post game interviews. Maybe he does.
"LockedOn" podcasts are free.