Kiffin on NIL and Portal


Helluva Engineer
Easy for you to ask that question since other players got to play more than he did, you got to see what they could do and GC knew what he had out there on the field was subpar to what Knight could do. 36 games 51 tackles wasn’t enough to give him more time TO CONTRIBUTE in games that we’re already lost before half time? Make it make sense. It’s all good he’s making a name for himself at Charlotte.
I hope he tears it up in Charlotte. He has all the tools to be a force for them.


Georgia Tech Fan
Yeah, it’s a crapshoot and gamble for the player but so is signing with a school out of high school. Look at Demetrius Knight. Dude was a stud and signed with GT and then had a disastrous career at GT, none of his own making, because of the dude who ran the program who played the wrong players. If Knight were an incoming freshman now instead of 4 years ago he could be a top tier player for us. Most of those who transfer will never be heard from again even if they get a little playing time but the option of the portal should have been instituted long ago.

And if we lose players every year then that’s on the coaching staff. Say King comes out slinging it and lights it up. You better believe Key and Faulkner‘s number 1 item would be to re-sign him for next year because the Kiffen’s and Riley’s will be calling. That’s part of the job description for the staff.


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Ramblin' Wreck
What? You want a coach in a market where he is easily replaceable to not use the system like every other coach does? So you don’t think Key should take transfers? Every school takes transfer so I don’t understand why only certain coaches are looked at negatively just because they get a perceived higher level of player. You think Key wouldn’t allow the entire defensive line from UGA to transfer to GT if he could convince them? Come on. We’d all be doing back flips if Key brought in a defensive line of 4 and 5 stars. All the whining about other schools from our fanbase is just odd.
It's not whining. Yes, IF Key could do that, he would. The whining you reference, is pointing that CKS can and CBK can't, from a resource standpoint. It's not a level playing field, and in sports, complaining about such is justified. That's why boxing has weight divisions, amateur tennis has levels and age grouping, golf has handicaps, and a LOT of people think the trans issue doesn't have a role in sports(common sense--not political).


Helluva Engineer
He's a tool. He's not wrong. But he's a tool. And if you're using the system that you think is causing it to be a disaster then you are contributing to the problem and should shut your pie hole. If he really was sincere in wanting to make things better, which I am sure he's not, then start by looking in the mirror rather than pointing the finger elsewhere. The one thing he did that I somewhat respect is, as you said, admit that he benefits from it. So at least he's not being dishonest.
He’s just being honest, and he’s right. I’m glad he admitted that he’s benefited from it, but it is open free agency right now. What if any player on any pro team could just walk away any year to the highest bidder. It would be a mess, yet that’s what CFB is today.
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Helluva Engineer
He’s just being honest, and he’s right. I’m glad he admitted that he’s benefited from it, but it is open free agency right now. What if any player on any pro team could just walk away any year to the highest bidder. It would be a mess, yet that’s what CFB is today.
He’s not just being honest. Yes he is also being honest and I gave him credit for that. And he’s also being hypocritical. That’s a quality I despise.


Easy for you to ask that question since other players got to play more than he did, you got to see what they could do and GC knew what he had out there on the field was subpar to what Knight could do. 36 games 51 tackles wasn’t enough to give him more time TO CONTRIBUTE in games that we’re already lost before half time? Make it make sense. It’s all good he’s making a name for himself at Charlotte.
I'm sorry he left. It's too bad he didn't wait to prove himself in the spring and summer of this year. He surely could have shown out this year.


Helluva Engineer
He’s not just being honest. Yes he is also being honest and I gave him credit for that. And he’s also being hypocritical. That’s a quality I despise.
I don’t see it as hypocritical if he’s stating that he does it but thinks it bad for the game. What he’s strongly implying is that to compete today you have to do this, but it’s bad for the game.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
I don’t see it as hypocritical if he’s stating that he does it but thinks it bad for the game. What he’s strongly implying is that to compete today you have to do this, but it’s bad for the game.
Kiffin is a narcissistic dbag and a tool. Has probably been his whole life. If he is saying something that is true it is to his own benefit and not to point out an injustice. Lamenting a world where you have to rape and pillage to survive while you are raping and pillaging is not altruism. But it is hypocritical to complain about a system in which he is manipulating to his advantage while he rakes in millions of dollars. Poor little Kiffin.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t see it as hypocritical if he’s stating that he does it but thinks it bad for the game. What he’s strongly implying is that to compete today you have to do this, but it’s bad for the game.
Agreed. And he also knows that the portal giveth and the portal taketh away. He’ll use it while it exists to try to keep up with other teams who use it, but I’m sure he rather not have to lose sleep worrying about having good players transfer out.


Helluva Engineer
I don’t see it as hypocritical if he’s stating that he does it but thinks it bad for the game. What he’s strongly implying is that to compete today you have to do this, but it’s bad for the game.
I think you’ve nearly exactly described what being hypocritical is. And it’s OK for us to respectfully disagree and I do respect your thoughts on it and I think you’ve been respectful towards mine and I thank you.