GT hires Chip Long as new OC/QBs Coach


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Second question is, if we obviously have trouble running this style of system, why not go after someone with something such as air raid? I was actually looking forward to CGC being in charge of defense and someone else running air raid.

The main reason for this is that you and many of our fans don't have the patience to endure at least one season of growing pains while we completely retool an offensive system. He knows his job depends on hiring someone that can coach to the talent he has on the team, and we are now built for the RPO, not the air raid. He'd be three kinds of an idiot to drastically change that when his job is on the line.

I do agree with you that I'd be interested in seeing the air raid here, but that will either be down the road with a new coach or after CGC earns enough credit to change something up.


Ramblin' Wreck
supposedly everyone hated him. not a super nice guy and difficult to work with. don’t really care to be honest. this staff seemed too buddy buddy
Based on this, he should be a huge hit with Tech fans. We can be a cantankerous bunch and we love a smart***.


Helluva Engineer
Based on this, he should be a huge hit with Tech fans. We can be a cantankerous bunch and we love a smart***.

I honestly don't care if someone is "disagreeable". As long as that "disagreeable" personality comes from a place of wanting a player to do better, and not from a place of disrespectful authority, I'm OK with it. CPJ and O'Leary, both of whom didn't suffer fools, could be "disagreeable", but both coaches loved their players and didn't chew anyone out just because they were in a position of authority. Well, maybe not

Techwood Relict

Helluva Engineer
I honestly don't care if someone is "disagreeable". As long as that "disagreeable" personality comes from a place of wanting a player to do better, and not from a place of disrespectful authority, I'm OK with it. CPJ and O'Leary, both of whom didn't suffer fools, could be "disagreeable", but both coaches loved their players and didn't chew anyone out just because they were in a position of authority. Well, maybe not
My father has a saying, "Plain talk makes for plain understanding". After years of working the streets, I agree. I can't stand those that change under pressure. If you are a 'disagreeable', so be it. Produce and be trustworthy. We don't have to drink beer after work.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
CPJ and O'Leary, both of whom didn't suffer fools, could be "disagreeable", but both coaches loved their players and didn't chew anyone out just because they were in a position of authority. Well, maybe not

I'd push back on O'Leary. That man was a piece of garbage and ran a player off at Tech for missing a block. No one ever held him accountable then and his "love for players" led to a death of Eric Plancher at UCF that the UCFAA was found negligent for. There's tough love, and then there is O'Leary. I liked him when he was our coach, but when his moral and ethical shortcomings became known, I can't see how anyone can continue to support him. I certainly don't.


Helluva Engineer
look at the poster, then take 1 guess as to who it refers to. dude posts 100 times a day about his disdain for a particular member of our staff.
Sorry that I think GT deserves better than 3 wins. We all will get to the same way of thinking it’s just a matter of how many years, even you.

So, let me get this straight - the guy responsible for wins and losses is now gonna decide to coach? After 3 years? I’ll be there watching at Mercedes Benz and hope he proves me wrong.


Ramblin' Wreck
Sorry that I think GT deserves better than 3 wins. We all will get to the same way of thinking it’s just a matter of how many years, even you.

So, let me get this straight - the guy responsible for wins and losses is now gonna decide to coach? After 3 years? I’ll be there watching at Mercedes Benz and hope he proves me wrong.

I doubt you'll find anyone who's happy with the 3 win plan. Some of us have to say it over and over over, and make fun of docks, way of talking, dress, or whatever, and some of us know that, at some point, the vitriol becomes counterproductive.


Ramblin' Wreck
I made it pretty clear in other threads I didn’t want Chip Long as our OC. Too underwhelming for my taste since he left ND. However, I am willing to put aside my feelings for the time being and give him a chance.
Too underwhelming? He’s only coached a season since leaving.


The head coach is in charge of everything, so they can overrule any practice plan or training drill or anything else a coordinator does. Sometimes, an offensive-minded head coach will be heavily involved in the offense. The reason I bring this up is the OCs job is going to be what Collins lets that job be.

Collins is more of a defensive-minded coach, but he’s one with a particular plan as to how practice should run. He would probably give Long a lot of freedom in running the offense anyway, but he might be under more pressure to do that now, especially with the defense in disarray.

I’ll assume that we’ll see pretty typical OC responsibilities, adapted to fit into Collins’ dynamic practice style.

The OC is in charge of the entire offense. All the offensive coaches should report to him. He should have a plan for the entire offense, design the playbook, and the position coaches should have a training plan to fit in with what the OC wants to accomplish. They should have goals and metrics for the offense and for the practices. They should have a plan for what they want to recruit.

In high school, an OC calls the plays, runs the offensive part of the practice (for when the teams break into different squads), makes the plan for what the offense will practice, and tells the offensive assistants what they want them to do.

In college, they’re just under the head coach as far as saying “give that guy a scholarship—I can use them”. They would come up with an offensive game plan for any given game (“after looking at the game film, here’s how we attack VT”). They might even guide strength coaches and players on development plans for certain players (“keep Jimmy lean and fast, work on his agility”).

The challenge on giving you an answer is knowing how much an OC delegates to assistants, and how much a HC delegates to the OC.

When Long comes in, the first thing he’ll have to do (aside from recruit) is come up with a development plan for the offense. He’ll have to assess what he has, figure out where he thinks he can get them in less than a year, and sketch out a plan to get them there. He’s like a teacher planning a curriculum, even if he pretty much uses the same learning plan every year. He’ll tailor it to what he needs—if his players can’t catch, that would get extra emphasis in the plan, or we’d get a run-heavy offense. Part of the plan might be “we’re gonna do a lot of mat drills”. Some OC’s might be winging it on a daily basis, but that should be pretty rare at the P5 level.

He won’t be coming up with a plan from scratch, or a playbook from scratch (although that’s happened—that’s how we get new offensive schemes). He’ll be tweaking what he already has.

He doesn’t have to do everything himself, but he needs to have his QBs read the defense the way he wants, have his backs and receivers learn the offense and the reads too, his linemen read and block correctly, etc. So he writes his plan and all the assistants write their plans to support his plan.

He’ll have to tailor his plans to his players, and his players to his plans too.

One weird thing we had is that Key was the run game coordinator. Last year, Patenaude was in charge of the passing game and the overall offense, but Key managed the run game. When you have a split like that—if we really had a split like that—your assistant head coach and run game coordinator and or OC have to mesh well and their plans have to mesh well, or you get a disjointed offense.

Key is our one OL coach and he’s also our run game coordinator. Even though we’re talking about Long, GT might need Key to focus entirely on getting the line playing well, or we might need extra help there.

What an OC does vs what he delegates also depends on his strengths. A good OC knows their weaknesses, and finds an assistant who is good at those things to take that over. If an OC is great with the offensive line, but not a QB whisperer, he’ll get a QB coach. If he’s an ex-QB, he’ll delegate another part of the offense to someone else.

Long is still going to have to fit his practice and development plans into what Collins sketches out.

It’s worth noting that Saban and Urban Meyer are detail-obsessed, with exacting practices and plans. Ed Ogeron and Dabo Swinney probably aren’t as detailed in their plans, but having the right goals and consistently working towards them is a key feature of successful head coaches and coordinators.
Wow great insight and thanks

I think this was my point with last OC - sure the playing calling was average but whatever.. but my thought was that he just sucked at teaching, discipline, etc. at least to me that’s what it looked like

So I’m actually pretty excited to hear that this new OC is kind of a hard ***.


Wow great insight and thanks

I think this was my point with last OC - sure the playing calling was average but whatever.. but my thought was that he just sucked at teaching, discipline, etc. at least to me that’s what it looked like

So I’m actually pretty excited to hear that this new OC is kind of a hard ***.
It’s something to hope for. Maybe we’ll be disciplined and not be soft.


The main reason for this is that you and many of our fans don't have the patience to endure at least one season of growing pains while we completely retool an offensive system. He knows his job depends on hiring someone that can coach to the talent he has on the team, and we are now built for the RPO, not the air raid. He'd be three kinds of an idiot to drastically change that when his job is on the line.

I do agree with you that I'd be interested in seeing the air raid here, but that will either be down the road with a new coach or after CGC earns enough credit to change something up.
i think we just have a bunch of fans that frankly don’t know what they’re talking about with anything. they just assume a change is automatically better. it’s like how every bad college football team just pretends the backup QB is better and demands the change or just assumes completely rehauling our offense for players we just don’t have will work lol

our issue this year wasn’t entirely systematic. we called 💩plays in crucial downs, and our o line was atrocious. that’s what truly needs to change


Jolly Good Fellow
Really bad hire..... You should have thrown the kitchen sink at the western Kentucky coordinator, and instead you go for a guy fired at Notre Dame who led a crap Tulane offense.

This guy needs this job a lot more than the program needs him.

I don't get this ....... At all.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I know nothing about coaches and coordinators at other programs, so I rely on all of you to comment. Mostly I hear "hot" and "cold" comments, not a lot of warm. Either people are stoked or unimpressed. God, I hope they got this right. What we need is someone who can teach and call a good game. Then we need to figure out how to block upfront and play defense. Not asking for too much, I hope.


Helluva Engineer
I want to be optimistic about this hire but nothing jumps off the page. Guess with Collins having to save his job, they need someone who won’t change the offense too much. Once again, it all goes back to Collins. Hope this second experiment with Collins works, but think this time next year, we will have wished we just fired him and started over.


Jolly Good Fellow
Really bad hire..... You should have thrown the kitchen sink at the western Kentucky coordinator, and instead you go for a guy fired at Notre Dame who led a crap Tulane offense.

This guy needs this job a lot more than the program needs him.

I don't get this ....... At all.
Kittley was definitely an exciting option but I’d be interested to know if we had any shot at him.