GT - Clemson postgame thread


Ramblin' Wreck
This video was from yesterday after the Clem game? This looks like it was made at 9PM.

Sorry, I just picked a vid that had the band playing The Horse. It happened to be Clempson, but it was the '09 game as AE said.

I just like the tradition of the band playing The Horse.

My kid being a bandie (although not this season - co-oping) has something to do with that.


Ramblin' Wreck
It wasn't really a rush the field thing. It was more like a trickle that never stopped.
Observations from the SWARM:

1. The players at the end of the game motioned to us to get on that field. I mean, who am I to say no to that?

2. The trickle effect was caused mostly by security and police being inconsistent along the line. By the goal posts they were being very serious.

3. From my position, it looked like students were as much joining in the post game prayer for Snoddy's sake as celebrating.

Bruce Wayne

Helluva Engineer
Cole Stoudt was the SR QB starter to begin the year.
Clemson had won 4 games in a row with him at QB since Watson was injured.
As CPJ always says the Defense schemed, practiced, and prepared for the "Clemson Offense" and not simply for "player X at QB."
Watson led CU to a 3 and out, a FG on a short field (only needed 51 yards for TD), then starting again at midfield moved the offense 36 yards and injured himself getting tangled on his own legs.
Watson's so-called backup comes in and Golden from fantastic film study and defensive scheming (and instincts/timing) gets the pick six.

I am not buying it that Watson going down was the deciding factor or even worth considering all that much of a factor. It is too speculative. The fact that Watson could gain ground on QB draws early is no guarantee that he was going to "Logan Thomas" the Tech defense for 4 quarters.

Tech's defense came prepared to handle CU's offense and they simply did so.


Sorry, I just picked a vid that had the band playing The Horse. It happened to be Clempson, but it was the '09 game as AE said.

I just like the tradition of the band playing The Horse.

My kid being a bandie (although not this season - co-oping) has something to do with that.
Understood. :)


Helluva Engineer
Cole Stoudt was the SR QB starter to begin the year.
Clemson had won 4 games in a row with him at QB since Watson was injured.
As CPJ always says the Defense schemed, practiced, and prepared for the "Clemson Offense" and not simply for "player X at QB."
Watson led CU to a 3 and out, a FG on a short field (only needed 51 yards for TD), then starting again at midfield moved the offense 36 yards and injured himself getting tangled on his own legs.
Watson's so-called backup comes in and Golden from fantastic film study and defensive scheming (and instincts/timing) gets the pick six.

I am not buying it that Watson going down was the deciding factor or even worth considering all that much of a factor. It is too speculative. The fact that Watson could gain ground on QB draws early is no guarantee that he was going to "Logan Thomas" the Tech defense for 4 quarters.

Tech's defense came prepared to handle CU's offense and they simply did so.

watson going down is a way too convenient way for the media and clemson fans to write off that performance. The reality is the truth is in the middle. Clemson was moving the ball fine against GT with watson. This is true. The turning point was literally a play after he came out...or 2 plays after. This is true. They were about to at least get 3.

If watson is in the game, the reality is there isn't probably TWO pick 6's. That is just the reality. The reality is also who knows what else happens. The bottom line is if watson stayed in there is no doubt this game comes down to the wire. No doubt. It would have been closer.

By the same token Paul Johnson saw watson go out and called his offense accordingly. He saw the D dominate. So he called a relatively conservative, basic as hell playset. Just to take time, play field position get a score or 2 and the game was over in the 3rd.

If watson stayed in, I guarantee paul shows plays and calls plays no one has seen. To get that offense going. We may even do hurryup. At this point paul would know we are in a dog fight.

But it never came to that.

So its a tail of two sides. One is sure clemson would have been way more competitive. But GT would have called the game different too. Bottom line, is the truth is somewhere in between. We may win, it may be close, but its not all watson. Its a large component, but by god Stoudt started a ton of games and won a bunch, and played well in a bunch and we made him look like a middle schooler....again, way to easy to write it off on watson.


Helluva Engineer
Cole Stoudt was the SR QB starter to begin the year.
Clemson had won 4 games in a row with him at QB since Watson was injured.
As CPJ always says the Defense schemed, practiced, and prepared for the "Clemson Offense" and not simply for "player X at QB."
Watson led CU to a 3 and out, a FG on a short field (only needed 51 yards for TD), then starting again at midfield moved the offense 36 yards and injured himself getting tangled on his own legs.
Watson's so-called backup comes in and Golden from fantastic film study and defensive scheming (and instincts/timing) gets the pick six.

I am not buying it that Watson going down was the deciding factor or even worth considering all that much of a factor. It is too speculative. The fact that Watson could gain ground on QB draws early is no guarantee that he was going to "Logan Thomas" the Tech defense for 4 quarters.

Tech's defense came prepared to handle CU's offense and they simply did so.
I loved our defensive play Saturday but to dismiss the loss of Watson as not a big factor in how the game played out is a bit much. Even the players said so in the post game presser. Go listen:

The thing that impressed me the most about our D, and this was even before Watson went out, was how fast and hard hitting they were playing.


Jolly Good Fellow
I agree with you. A side benefit of CPJ conservative play-calling is those "new plays" are now transferable to the UGA game intact.


Ramblin' Wreck
Featured Member
I haven't watched UGA at all this year and didn't know they were still in a 3-4/50 front.
CPJ generally likes to run a lot of Rocket against a 50. He'll also run a 'tight triple' if the Ends are playing head-up that almost resembles midline triple.

How are their DBs?

Madison Grant

Helluva Engineer
We beat the same Clemson team that UGAg beat. Watson got about the same amount of PT against UGAg. That game they played mostly Stoudt. I'm not convinced either that Watson would have been this big difference maker. We 3 and outed him easy the first drive, and he overthrew a receiver who was open. Watching Watson in other games, he throws a pretty bomb and a good screen pass, but he has a tendency to sail them over the middle. No guarantees we don't bait him into some picks too. Remember HE is the true freshman. Physical abilities aside, the mistakes Stoudt made were mental. I'm thinking Watson would've been prone to those too. Miami's frosh Kaaya threw a couple of picks against us to settle that game.
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Helluva Engineer
I haven't watched UGA at all this year and didn't know they were still in a 3-4/50 front.
CPJ generally likes to run a lot of Rocket against a 50. He'll also run a 'tight triple' if the Ends are playing head-up that almost resembles midline triple.

How are their DBs?

UGA will line up like most 3-4 with a stacked 50 and two 70techs at OLB. Quick toss is ok here, but this scheme is ripe for an inside veer. Which will hit the bgaps....vs over the center's butt in a midline triple. I expect to see inside veer and counter a ton.

their backend is nothing to be scared of...not as good as clemsons IMO.


Helluva Engineer
Watson was paying a toll for those runs he made, in the short time he was in the game i saw at least 3 really brutal hits on him, imo he wouldn't have finished the game anyway. It was pretty obvious that part of our gameplan was to knock the everliving beejezus out of him at every opportunity


Helluva Engineer
Watson was paying a toll for those runs he made, in the short time he was in the game i saw at least 3 really brutal hits on him, imo he wouldn't have finished the game anyway. It was pretty obvious that part of our gameplan was to knock the everliving beejezus out of him at every opportunity

yeah man it totally was. IJ was head hunting alot...he would eventually have been flagged too. But the gameplan from snap one was to punish his runs and try to knock him out.

I FREAKING LOVE IT. I said that to myself during the game. You could tell both S were trying to kill him.


Helluva Engineer
JT will need to heal up as best he can, he will be the key against UGA.
Jawja will key the dive and pitches it will be the qb keeps that we have to take advantage of.
He's gonna have to throw as well., probably more than we are accustomed to to win, but it will have to happen.
Auburn plays a similar version of offense as GT and UGA was able to bottle them up pretty well.