GT Bowl Projections

mj claz

Jolly Good Fellow
It would be nice to play a ranked team and I think Utah will stay ranked. I'd like that.

I would not want to play Auburn. Not because I'm scared of playing them, but it is kind of a lose-lose scenario for us (or whoever they play). They had a horrible end to the season because their backfield has been injured. Assuming they get healthy for the bowl game, they could go back to being the legit top 15 team they were mid season, but their ranking will not suggest that and we wouldn't get the credit we deserve.


Helluva Engineer
Looking like our options will be Sun, Pinstripe, or Military with outside shot at Belk. We really need Clemson to win and get in playoff so FSU goes to Orange. I think the players would love a trip to NYC.

Sun Bowl would probably be the biggest "name" bowl we could get, but Pinstripe would be nice because I might be able to make that drive for a day trip. Won't the committee consider my needs?


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Not sure what you mean by "we settle." Do they offer either/or bowls?

"Settling" means we accept what we are offered rather than striving for more.

The number of bowls has doubled in the past ten years. We have all sorts of lower tier bowls now ... The Pinstripe Bowl, the Russell Athletic Bowl, the Go Daddy Bowl, etc.
There are ten bowls that really matter and I'd like to strive to be in one of those. Just saying "We've been in a bowl each year for the last 10 years" is not as much an accomplishment as it used to be because almost anyone with a winning record is going to one.

Just saying.


Helluva Engineer
These are just my thoughts based on the selection criteria. It is assuming a Clemp win over VT, but not a blow out that would cause VT to tumble. FSU will be the highest ranked team next to Clemp so they should go to the Orange. UNC is a lock on the Belk. The Sun takes a southern team....UM. If the Citrus takes VT. the other two Tier one games are the Pinstripe and Music / Taxslayer. Pitt will be the next "choice" guess is the go to NYC based on location. The only question is how far Louisville tumbles after their Kentucky loss. If we are viewed better than Louisville, we might slide in ahead of them, especially if it is the Taxslayer....if it goes Music, then Louisville is a logical choice. In that case we are the best team left for the Tier II bowls, and Military gets first choice which would put us in Annapolis.....I don't think we go any lower than that.
Why do you say UNC is a lock for the belk? They are 1-2 in their last three games with losses to duke and North Carolina state.


Ramblin' Wreck
I think GT will be a good fit in the Belk after beating UGA as we traveled well to both of the ACC Championship Games in Charlotte. This is where I want to go and believe the Yellow Jackets will show up and Swarm the stadium.


Helluva Engineer
I think GT will be a good fit in the Belk after beating UGA as we traveled well to both of the ACC Championship Games in Charlotte. This is where I want to go and believe the Yellow Jackets will show up and Swarm the stadium.
This would be the best case scenario for GT imo.

Does anyone know when bowl games are decided? I'm assuming the week after division championship games.


Helluva Engineer
"Settling" means we accept what we are offered rather than striving for more.

The number of bowls has doubled in the past ten years. We have all sorts of lower tier bowls now ... The Pinstripe Bowl, the Russell Athletic Bowl, the Go Daddy Bowl, etc.
There are ten bowls that really matter and I'd like to strive to be in one of those. Just saying "We've been in a bowl each year for the last 10 years" is not as much an accomplishment as it used to be because almost anyone with a winning record is going to one.

Just saying.
Well, okay. But I still unclear as to your meaning. Are you suggesting we turn down a bowl, or play the season with a bigger bowl in mind? Because I don't think you get the option on the first, and on the second, I am pretty sure they do that now and a couple of Orange Bowls would push that argument.


Belk bowl will always take a Carolina team when they have a chance, unfortunately.
Belk bowl has a history of taking very local teams. UNC, if they don't go to the Gator, is a login choice. If the Gator picks UNC, I can see us in the Belk against Arkansas.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Well, okay. But I still unclear as to your meaning. Are you suggesting we turn down a bowl, or play the season with a bigger bowl in mind? Because I don't think you get the option on the first, and on the second, I am pretty sure they do that now and a couple of Orange Bowls would push that argument.

Have you every played a golf tournament? After 54 holes, you're thinking ... "You know, I can just put it in the fairway and get on the green ... and 4th place is not so bad. I still get a trophy and a mention in the newsletter." And pretty soon, you're playing for fourth.

And then there's the champ. Plays every day. Every day of the year every day. Learns not just how to bisect the fairway, but the high fade, the low draw, the cut. Expert with 5 wedges. A killer. Wins every time.

If GTAA is saying, "You know, we've been to the Pinstripe Bowl (or equivalent) fourteen times, that's pretty good. And damn, those two Orange Bowls are sweet", it's easy to rationalize not putting more behind the effort and "settling" for the Pinstripe Bowl. It's like winning fourth place.

My argument is ... rather than just accept going to any bowl, COMMIT to excellence and make it a goal to be Top 25 team and strive for one of the Top 10 Bowls each year.

If you reach for the stars, you may not get them ... but you don't wind up with a handful of mud either.

It's all in what your vision for the program is ... and that is up to Todd now.