Hello! First I'd like to begin by saying that Freeman said thank you. As Freeman's mother, I wamissnt to say I completely agree with you about "lack of leadership". Especially about Freeman. He failed the younger guys by taking the time to have one on ones with them in his spare time, helping them to see what team responsibility means and how to contribute. He failed all of those sick children in the children's hospitals that he frequently visited and spent time with and encouraged to keep fighting for their lives. Let's not forget how terrible he was to the homeless people by feeding them on holidays instead of being home with family. Oh here goes the big one......how dare he listen and be coachable and not play selfishly on the field! Yep, I think you made a point! Leadership means making the "fan" happy and doing what you want them to do, not doing what he was destined to do-make a difference off the field that could impact those who are playing with him on the field. Before we decide to judge from the outside, maybe we should research and learn what happens outside of the 3.5 hours on a Saturday. By no means am I disgruntled, I just want to educate those who are not aware of what really goes on with these young men who just want to make a difference in other's lives and play some ball. Just like life, football doesn't always end like we would like but the loss does not always reflect the guys in the uniforms. I challenge you as a fan to ask yourself, "Did I do my part as a fan to support these guys?" If you cannot honestly answer "yes", maybe you should check your status as a true fan. What you all do not know is, these guys call you their "fans" but are you a true "fan" if you bash them when they don't get the expected wins. But what do I know as a parent of athletes. I wish the best for the young men who are coming behind these seniors because who knows, next year they may be on the other end of the words of these kinds of posts.