Game Thread - Syracuse, 12/7


Ramblin' Wreck
I think Moses is a pretty good choice for the high post if he was actually taught how to play there. The high post guy should only dribble the ball if he has a path to the hoop or a quick bounce to the 12 foot shot. It doesn't appear the coaching part has happened.

He is much better suited to playing there than outside in the 4 out look.

Fair point. He didn't look coached up for the job at hand.


Ramblin' Wreck
I would try Moses there without a doubt. In reality the best option we had and he just wasn't up to it. Had open shots he turned down and drove into the D routinely. Never looked at the backside which is where the zone should be open. The other option that should have worked was Moore but his head was to put it politely not in the game. So we tried our only real 3 point threat in the post as a hail mary.

Our issue wasn't the scheme we attacked the zone with. We couldn't get our head out of a certain part of our anatomy to see if the scheme could work.

Moore seemed like the better option to me for ball security reasons, but as you say, he didn't appear to be up to it today either.

Maybe we'll make the most of our next opportunity up at the Carrier Dome.


Ramblin' Wreck
Is there a reason you just refuse to refer to Moses by his actual name? Considering he was our far and away best player today spending the entire post trashing him and refusing to refer to him by name has one wondering.
I think Moses is a pretty good choice for the high post if he was actually taught how to play there. The high post guy should only dribble the ball if he has a path to the hoop or a quick bounce to the 12 foot shot. It doesn't appear the coaching part has happened.

He is much better suited to playing there than outside in the 4 out look.

What’s actually pretty funny is that folks up here saying Moses was not a good choice in the high post of the 2-3 zone obviously didn’t watch him destroy the 2-3 zone against Notre dame in the acc tournament last year....


Helluva Engineer
Moses regressed a bit from that. He didn't have the "feel" CJP talked about.

I am still getting over Moses being told they needed 25 and 15 from him. Wonder what they told Banks they needed from him.

Oh and From sucks today :p


Helluva Engineer
LOL - it is the brown liquor. BTW trying to catch up and do my part.

FWIW I wasn't real thrilled with the "they were just more aggressive than us" line. The grin fed into that.

Listening to him we were a few missed inside points and plays away. We got our *** handed to us. Really interesting he told Moses he needed to have 25 and 15. That would be player of the week level for the ACC.


Helluva Engineer
My only comment is that tons of comments are arguing about the best way to beat the Syracuse a game where we just gave up 90ish points.

Defense is almost always about effort. We lost because of horrible defense. Connect the dots.

(To be fair, many have already said our effort sucked...they had it pegged).


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
Don't know about that but I think I'm gonna start answering posts in person like the guy on that creepy car commercial.

Starting with you, of course.

*ding dong* saying you are going to be creepy is actually a whole lot less creepy than you saying you are going to be humble.


Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
I think Moses is a pretty good choice for the high post if he was actually taught how to play there. The high post guy should only dribble the ball if he has a path to the hoop or a quick bounce to the 12 foot shot. It doesn't appear the coaching part has happened.

He is much better suited to playing there than outside in the 4 out look.

It was a team failure. There were many times he was in the paint by himself with four guys standing around on the 3 point line. I don't think it's totally on Moses.



Helluva Engineer
Felt Phillips looked good today and should get more playing time. Parham has been a disappointment.


Ramblin' Wreck
Felt Phillips looked good today and should get more playing time. Parham has been a disappointment.

Agree. Shembari looked as good as anyone else today, and better than he has in all but a handful of minutes since he's been here. I was glad to see anyone come in for a change of pace today. I'm not always a fan of Pastner's short bench, especially when the starters are playing as poorly as they did today.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
My only comment is that tons of comments are arguing about the best way to beat the Syracuse a game where we just gave up 90ish points.

Defense is almost always about effort. We lost because of horrible defense. Connect the dots.

(To be fair, many have already said our effort sucked...they had it pegged).

Looks like I'm the big winner then, because I cited the **** effort first, followed by questioning our inability to do things we've done before.


Helluva Engineer
Looks like I'm the big winner then, because I cited the **** effort first, followed by questioning our inability to do things we've done before.

You don't know gradu. Until ESPN said it - it wasn't real. I would say Peac but he is under the influence of brown liquor. Can't trust anything he says right now.


Helluva Engineer
You don't know gradu. Until ESPN said it - it wasn't real. I would say Peac but he is under the influence of brown liquor. Can't trust anything he says right now.

it’s true, I am. In fact, I’m currently watching Fear and Loathing with an American flag bandana and a Budweiser.