FTRS With a good interview of Brandon Gaudin

bass ackwards

Georgia Tech Fan
There were one or two times during the GT/uga game last year where I stepped away from the tv. Once because I was so pissed I couldn't watch it and just drove around. I still had to turn on the radio. After it was over I was glad I did because I got to hear Brandon's call. He is not a dry reporter. You could feel the tension and the enormity of the momentum changes in his calls. Towards the end you could hear the excitement in his voice and he admitted that he could not sit down due to stress. Ciraldo was before my time, but I really liked Wes, and Brandon is no step down from him.


Helluva Engineer
I'm glad that Brandon told what he did in the interview. That he had that fabulous line just waiting to use-- "For the next 364 days, the state of Georgia belongs to the Yellow Jackets of Georgia Tech!!"

@MrsDrJacket asked him about that line. Did he make it up on the spot? Did he have it already figured out? He said that he wanted to have an appropriate and memorable "call" ready for a victory. Because Tech fans would remember a victory in Athens for a long time. He wanted to be prepared to capture just such a moment.

Every time I hear a replay of that call, I appreciate what Brandon brings to the table.


Helluva Engineer
I'm glad that Brandon told what he did in the interview. That he had that fabulous line just waiting to use-- "For the next 364 days, the state of Georgia belongs to the Yellow Jackets of Georgia Tech!!"

@MrsDrJacket asked him about that line. Did he make it up on the spot? Did he have it already figured out? He said that he wanted to have an appropriate and memorable "call" ready for a victory. Because Tech fans would remember a victory in Athens for a long time. He wanted to be prepared to capture just such a moment.

Every time I hear a replay of that call, I appreciate what Brandon brings to the table.
The key to performance is almost always preparation. Brandon is pretty good off the cuff, too.

Jay Alexander

Jolly Good Fellow
I could be reading it wrongly. But, my strongest view on how well the two of them are getting along on the radio show was when fans asked for a bonus show last year--and Paul agreed to do the extra one even though he didn't have to.

Agreed. While I think it's clear that media in general is not CPJ's favorite thing to do, I'd venture to say the radio show is his favorite media obligation...and I'd dare to say he might even enjoy it?


Helluva Engineer
The radio show is among my favorite things every week. CPJ is a great storyteller and has a quick wit, and Brandon has done an excellent job of showcasing that. It helps a great deal that Brandon is good-natured about those barbs. Really appreciate it being entertaining and informative rather than a vanilla hour of radio.


Helluva Engineer
Man... I am getting sooooo pumped for this season.

Some of Brandon's comments got me pretty hyped up. From DJ and the D to obviously JT. Going to be so fun to watch. And HUGE matchups to boot.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Thanks for the link. Folks it's worth the time to read!

BG has done well in his short time at GT. Hope he becomes the voice we grow to associate with GT, just like we do with Al and Wes.


Helluva Engineer
Agreed. While I think it's clear that media in general is not CPJ's favorite thing to do, I'd venture to say the radio show is his favorite media obligation...and I'd dare to say he might even enjoy it?
At the risk of sounding anti-Johnson, there is this: that's his call-in show with his announcer as part of his contract, right? With money involved? Unlike print or broadcast media, he controls the narrative, and there has never been a successful football coach in the entire history of the universe, from the beginning to the present and for the endless foreseeable future who did not want to control everything concerning his team. Did Moses let a reporter near his Israelite team driving for the goal line in the desert to ask what's this between you and God? It's why a coach with the record and supposed security of Steve Spurrier goes off on a writer down thataway for even daring to suggest USC "might" be in for a rocky year -- a real Ball Coach meltdown tantrum -- other coaches won't speak to certain reporters or announcers, or from the past, one so powerful as Woody Hayes actually banned reporters he considered "unfriendly" -- they asked often impertinent questions, the role of a journalist -- and got away with it. Today's social media would roast Hayes on the spit. As for Johnson, as somebody said I think the boy can coach some football. I just don't think if he hits his golf ball into the middle of Lake Hartwell that he walks out to get it. Probably sends Roof.


Helluva Engineer
At the risk of sounding anti-Johnson, there is this: that's his call-in show with his announcer as part of his contract, right? With money involved? Unlike print or broadcast media, he controls the narrative, and there has never been a successful football coach in the entire history of the universe, from the beginning to the present and for the endless foreseeable future who did not want to control everything concerning his team. Did Moses let a reporter near his Israelite team driving for the goal line in the desert to ask what's this between you and God? It's why a coach with the record and supposed security of Steve Spurrier goes off on a writer down thataway for even daring to suggest USC "might" be in for a rocky year -- a real Ball Coach meltdown tantrum -- other coaches won't speak to certain reporters or announcers, or from the past, one so powerful as Woody Hayes actually banned reporters he considered "unfriendly" -- they asked often impertinent questions, the role of a journalist -- and got away with it. Today's social media would roast Hayes on the spit. As for Johnson, as somebody said I think the boy can coach some football. I just don't think if he hits his golf ball into the middle of Lake Hartwell that he walks out to get it. Probably sends Roof.
I don't quite follow your train of thought on this. Yes, it's his show, and he's compensated for doing it. What I (and others) have observed is that CPJ seems to enjoy the show, which is very entertaining. CPJ could easily have it be full of softball questions and coach-speak. Is Brandon going to go after him 60 Minutes style on any topic? No.

However, Brandon and CPJ have a lot of good back-and-forth, both in jabs and really good, interesting insight into the program. If you listen (or better yet attend), it goes a long way of breaking the narrative in the media about CPJ's persona.

I usually come away from that hour better informed about the previous and upcoming games rather than consuming every printed word in the media in any given week.