FTRS With a good interview of Brandon Gaudin


Helluva Engineer
I don't quite follow your train of thought on this. Yes, it's his show, and he's compensated for doing it. What I (and others) have observed is that CPJ seems to enjoy the show, which is very entertaining. CPJ could easily have it be full of softball questions and coach-speak. Is Brandon going to go after him 60 Minutes style on any topic? No.

However, Brandon and CPJ have a lot of good back-and-forth, both in jabs and really good, interesting insight into the program. If you listen (or better yet attend), it goes a long way of breaking the narrative in the media about CPJ's persona.

I usually come away from that hour better informed about the previous and upcoming games rather than consuming every printed word in the media in any given week.
The train of thought is that he should enjoy it. It is his show, and he controls content. That's it.


Helluva Engineer
The train of thought is that he should enjoy it. It is his show, and he controls content. That's it.
I think he has a tacit control over the show at best. I have no doubt there are some basic parameters that are set in place. And, there is at least a meager effort to screen callers. Wes Durham was formative for Brandon as he passed the torch not only on game broadcasts but on working with Paul in general. So there is a culture that is set in place, and Paul is a part of shaping that culture.

I believe to Skeptic's general point--there's not a coach's show in America (probably) where the basic idea isn't to make it as favorable and fan-friendly as possible. Above all, the school and team are supposed to come out (on balance) looking good. Of course. What idiots wouldn't see to it that this was the case? No major D-1 football call-in show is set up to be a wide open media scrum, nor a place where "enemies" (you like what I did there?) get free shots with their agenda.

However, if you listen on a regular basis and particularly if you are in the room on a regular basis-- you know that it's not all softballs teed up for CPJ to swing at. Troll calls slip through, a few honest/real questions get asked every week. Things that challenge him to respond to will be there every week. And, especially in Brandon's first season his learning-curve on GT football caused him to bring some questions that Paul didn't always care for. You'll see the tension in the room when he gets a question that he doesn't care for. Then, it's up to him as to how he responds. Some of them he responds to with more vulnerability, some with less patience. Sometimes he comes off a winner on those, sometimes he can make himself look a little less good.

But, it's not an hour that is as carefully controlled as some might think.

Jay Alexander

Jolly Good Fellow
I don't disagree. What's interesting is that I think we as fans get a much better sense of who CPJ
Lol. Hit post before I meant to.

To complete the thought, I think we get a better idea of who CPJ actually is because Brandon and CPJ have built a great rapport, and as a result CPJ "does" enjoy the show instead of "should" enjoy the show.


Helluva Engineer
Lol. Hit post before I meant to.

To complete the thought, I think we get a better idea of who CPJ actually is because Brandon and CPJ have built a great rapport, and as a result CPJ "does" enjoy the show instead of "should" enjoy the show.
Johnson better watch out, or he will be like some now-forgotten NC politician I read about, who served as a lawyer on the Senate Watergate Committee. So anxious was he to appear that it was said "The most dangerous place in America is between (this forgotten guy) and a microphone." A good observation, though.


Helluva Engineer
I forgot to tell you all-- we got to see Brandon Gaudin out at practice recently. @MrsDrJacket looked over, saw him, and made a bee-line. ;) They have a connection, and he seemed glad to see her. As usual, I was just along as company.

The great thing was that Brandon says he tries to get out to practice as often as he can. He said that pre-season for him is getting out and reacquainting himself with the offense especially. And, of course, also with player names and jersey numbers. He was taking notes and really working at his craft. We liked him even more after seeing him do that.

Just a reminder-- the radio show resumes on August 31. 7pm Mondays at Hudson Grille Midtown on Peachtree!


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta GA
Just a reminder-- the radio show resumes on August 31. 7pm Mondays at Hudson Grille Midtown on Peachtree!

...and @YJAlleyCat and I will definitely be there (as usual). It's always good to talk with Brandon (who makes a point to stop at our table to say hello, when he has the time), and I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other regulars again (DrJacket: perhaps we've already met you and @MrsDrJacket without realizing your secret identities?). It would also be nice to meet some other GTSwarm members who might come to the show. We met @Boomergump late last year, but it was during a chaotic and crowded show, and we didn't have time to do much more than say hello.

Of course, it will also be good to pay our respects to Coach--we couldn't make it to Fan Day because of vacation conflicts, so it will be our first chance to (maybe) talk to him since last December.

My advice to anyone planning to attend the show: show up early...but woe be unto him who nabs our regular table; if the team loses because we didn't sit in our usual spot for the show...



Helluva Engineer
Ciraldo was before my time, but I really liked Wes, and Brandon is no step down from him.

If Ciraldo had called that game, you may not have known what actually happened until the next day. My all time favorite was Big Al, but he could confuse you. "1st and ten, Lavette with the ball, running right, he's got yardage still on his feet, finally brought down.......2nd and 9!" Interceptedddddddd................dropped!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I forgot to tell you all-- we got to see Brandon Gaudin out at practice recently. @MrsDrJacket looked over, saw him, and made a bee-line. ;) They have a connection, and he seemed glad to see her. As usual, I was just along as company.

The great thing was that Brandon says he tries to get out to practice as often as he can. He said that pre-season for him is getting out and reacquainting himself with the offense especially. And, of course, also with player names and jersey numbers. He was taking notes and really working at his craft. We liked him even more after seeing him do that.

Just a reminder-- the radio show resumes on August 31. 7pm Mondays at Hudson Grille Midtown on Peachtree!
A connection? UH-OH. Having met the charming lady myself AND knowing (thru CPJ himself) about BG's trouble securing some dates, you may want to step up your game a little.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
...and @YJAlleyCat and I will definitely be there (as usual). It's always good to talk with Brandon (who makes a point to stop at our table to say hello, when he has the time), and I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other regulars again (DrJacket: perhaps we've already met you and @MrsDrJacket without realizing your secret identities?). It would also be nice to meet some other GTSwarm members who might come to the show. We met @Boomergump late last year, but it was during a chaotic and crowded show, and we didn't have time to do much more than say hello.

Of course, it will also be good to pay our respects to Coach--we couldn't make it to Fan Day because of vacation conflicts, so it will be our first chance to (maybe) talk to him since last December.

My advice to anyone planning to attend the show: show up early...but woe be unto him who nabs our regular table; if the team loses because we didn't sit in our usual spot for the show...

I suggest we make a pact to sit together on 8/31. All six of us.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
:eek: Six of us won't fit at our (as in, YJAlleyCat's and my) regular "good-luck" table--are you trying to bring bad ju-ju to the team, or something? Don't mess with the streak, Bro...
Got it. Next table over for 'Gump and the spousal unit.


My work schedule prevented me from going to all but one show. The one I attended was great. The interactions between CPJ and BG during intermissions was just as good as the rest of the show. I plan to make several this year.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
^GTpdm......obviously not taking karma seriously enough.....don't screw things up for us ;)

+1 on this post. However y'all sat during the show before the Uga game and the Orange Bowl, that is how it must be going forward. Why make CPJ's job any harder than it already is? Let him break in the new skill position players, you clowns who are lucky enough to get to attend these things need to deal with maintaining the karma.